The Apache Commons Math team is pleased to announce the commons-math3-3.5 release! The Apache Commons Math project is a library of lightweight, self-contained mathematics and statistics components addressing the most common practical problems not immediately available in the Java programming language or commons-lang. Changes in this version include: New features: o Added a way to build polyhedrons sets from a list of vertices and facets specified using vertices indices. o Simplified "FastMath#exp(double)" in order to avoid a potential Java 1.5 JIT bug when calling with negative infinity as argument. Issue: MATH-1198. o Added method "getQuadraticMean()" to "DescriptiveStatistics" and "SummaryStatistics" which calculates the root mean square. Issue: MATH-1199. Fixed Bugs: o Moved FastMathTestPerformance out of the main test tree, as is is a benchmark rather than a test. Issue: MATH-1195. o Fixed ignored method parameters in QRDecomposition protected methods. Issue: MATH-1191. o Fixed wrong selection of line/polyhedron intersection point. Issue: MATH-1211. Thanks to Mike Zimmerman. o Improved fix for corner cases in BSP-tree merging, when cut sub-hyperplanes vanish. Issue: MATH-1162. o Fixed link to algorithm description in "PoissonDistribution#sample()". Issue: MATH-1209. Thanks to Jonathan Ogilvie. o EmpiricalDistribution cumulativeProbability can return NaN when evaluated within a constant bin. Issue: MATH-1208. o EmpiricalDistribution getKernel fails for buckets with only multiple instances of the same value. Issue: MATH-1203. o "UnivariateSolverUtils#bracket(...)" sometimes failed to bracket if a reached the lower bound. Issue: MATH-1204. Changes: o Added Laguerre complex solve methods taking maxEval parameters. Issue: MATH-1213. Have fun! -Apache Commons Math team