# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. This document is meant as a step-by-step recipe to achieve the release of the Commons Math component. Note that more general instructions valid for all components, including [math], are available on the Apache Commons main site: at "http://commons.apache.org/releases/prepare.html" and "http://commons.apache.org/releases/release.html". The files "settings-security.xml" and "settings.xml" are minimal examples of files used by maven to pick up authentication credentials needed to connect to remote servers and to cryptographically sign the artifacts. Since [math] has switched to git as its version control system, release preparation can be done easily on the release manager local host in a branch. As branches deletion is now forbidden at Apache, we will use a specific release branch for every version. The branch will be simply named X.Y-release, with X.Y being the version number. The branch will be used to store the release specific parts (i.e. the pom changes with the version number, the release date in the site and so on). Everything else and in particular code change that will remain in the component after the release must be committed to the master branch (or version branch). The release candidate branch will be created from master or version branch at the start of each new candidate for this particular release. Once the release is done, the branch will be merged back to master, but it will never be deleted so release history will be preserved. The example below show a typical workflow. Just after commit A in the master branch, the X.Y-release branch is created starting from master. This is shown by the 'b' in the second line. Then release specific commits are made on the pom and a few other files, leading to a commit which will be tagged as RC1. This release candidate fails, and a few corrections need to be made on master, corresponding to commits B and C. Then the X.Y-release branch is synchronized by running a 'git merge' command on the branch. This is shown by the 'm' in the second line. A new commit is tagged as RC2. This second release candidate also fails, and a new correction is made on master branch, a new merge is done on the X.Y-release branch, a new commit is tagged and a third release candidate is create, which succeeds. Then a final tag will be added on the final commit of this branch showing the status as released. Then the files are cleaned to prepare for next version (pom getting again a SNAPSHOT suffix, changes.xml getting a new placeholder for changes) and the cleaned branch is merged back to master. Once the X.Y-release branch has been merged, it is kept for history. The release for next version will use another specific branch. ----A-------> B --> C----------> D--------------------------------------m----> <- master branch \ \ \ / b---> RC1 ------m---> RC2 ---m---> RC3/final release --> cleaning --X <- X.Y-release branch This process allows: - to never commit release candidate specific changes to the master branch (so the pom on master always holds a SNAPSHOT version), - to preserve future reference to the release - to allow parallel work on master during the release - if necessary to have multiple release managers or help on the release as the X.Y-release branch is shared (0) Preliminary checks: * All Java files must contain a license header. The "RAT" maven plugin will generate a report indicating for which files the license is missing. * For a "minor" release, the library must be backward-compatible. Check all the errors reported by the "Clirr" and/or "Revapi" plugin. * Clear all "CheckStyle" warnings. * Make sure that the construct reported by "SpotBugs" are intentional. * Mark all fixed issues as such in the bug-tracking system, and add a corresponding entry in "src/changes/changes.xml". (1) As a first optional step, you can test that everything works locally, i.e. that the build process can create all the necessary artifacts. The commands $ mvn -Prelease-notes changes:announcement-generate $ mvn clean site deploy -Prelease -Ptest-deploy should create the artifacts in the "target/deploy" (note that the "JAVA_HOME" environment variable must be defined to point to a valid JDK installation). Note: If running from a remote terminal, you might need to tune the "gpg-agent" configuration file ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf to contain the following statements: ---CUT--- enable-ssh-support pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-tty ---CUT--- and execute $ export GPG_TTY=$(tty) in order to set up the environment for entering the passphrase. (2) At this point, you will work mainly on the X.Y-release branch. If the X.Y-release branch does not exist because it is the first release candidate, create it locally starting from the master branch or the version branch and push it to Apache repository (assuming it is called origin), remembering the binding between the local and remote origin branches: $ git branch X.Y-release $ git push -u origin X.Y-release (3) Switch to the release branch: $ git checkout X.Y-release (4) If there have been changes committed in the master branch or the version branch since the creation of the release branch, there are two cases: (4a) if all these changes must be included in the X.Y-release merge master branch or version branch into X.Y-release branch: $ git merge master or $ git rebase master or, if the version branch is called MATH_3_X $ git merge MATH_3_X (4b) if only part of these changes must be included in the X.Y-release, cherry-pick the required commits into X.Y-release branch: $ git cherry-pick commit-SHA (5) Update the release specific files, checking you are really working on the X.Y-release branch and *not* on the master branch. In particular: * Update and commit the "src/site/site.xml" file to contain the information about the API docs of the new release. * Estimate a release date (taking into account the release vote delay) and insert it in the "src/changes/changes.xml" file. * Update all the "pom.xml" files to contain the final version number and not a SNAPSHOT: Assuming that the release version will be "4.0-beta1", the "" should read: 4.0-beta1 This can be done for all modules with command $ mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=4.0-beta1 -DgenerateBackupPoms=false Note: Perform a "grep" in order to ensure that all occurences have been updated correctly. Modify the section of "" that also refers to version numbers. You should uncomment the "" line and indicate the appropriate numbering of the release candidate: This refers to how many times you will need to repeat this whole release process until it is accepted (by a vote): 4.0-beta1 RC1 (6) The "download" page template is located at "src/site/xdoc/download_math.xml". This file is updated automatically by running the command: $ mvn commons-build:download-page (7) The "release notes" file will be created by gathering all the changes collected during development in the file "src/changes/changes.xml". Create it by running: $ mvn -Prelease-notes changes:announcement-generate Check the file for weird line breaks, and commit the updated file to git: $ git add src/site/site.xml \ src/changes/changes.xml \ pom.xml \ src/site/xdoc/download_math.xml \ RELEASE-NOTES.txt Check you did not forget any file: $ git status Commit the changes: $ git commit -m "Release candidate." (8) Create a GPG signed tag that will contain the whole source of this release candidate. First, make sure once again that the workspace is up-to-date: $ git status Then, assuming the first candidate, the suffix will be "RC1" (this should be the same as in the "" in the "pom.xml"), and the command will be: $ git tag -u "__Your_key_id__" -m "Create Commons Math v4.0-beta1 RC1 tag." commons-math-4.0-beta1-RC1 Check the tag GPG signature: $ git tag -v commons-math-4.0-beta1-RC1 You will get something like: object 1d862ec8cca30a6b797583ef2f837e54830f658d type commit tag commons-math-4.0-beta1-RC1 tagger Gilles Sadowski 1670895878 +0100 Create Commons Math v4.0-beta1 RC1 tag. gpg: Signature made Tue 13 Dec 2022 02:44:38 AM CET gpg: using RSA key B39617E095CD748DFE505816703413011E22D5B8 gpg: issuer "erans@apache.org" gpg: Good signature from "Gilles Sadowski (ASF code signing) " [ultimate] gpg: aka "Gilles Sadowski " [ultimate] Remember the commit ID listed in the object line (here: 1d862ec8cca30a6b797583ef2f837e54830f658d), as it is the most stable reference for traceability. Push everything (including the tag!) on the Apache repository: $ git push --tags (9) Switch to a new directory out of your regular workspace, and retrieve the official tag from the Apache repository: $ cd /tmp $ git clone https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/commons-math.git --branch commons-math-4.0-beta1-RC1 In the command above, the --branch option accepts both branch names and tags names, so we specify directly the tag here. Git will warn that the resulting workspace is in 'detached HEAD' state and 'git status' commands will warn that you are not currently on any branch. This is expected is this situation. Check that the last commit has the id you noted in the previous step: $ git log -1 (10) If this is your first release, you might need to add your GPG encryption key to the KEYS file. [If you have already done so, skip this section.] Retrieve the files from the SVN repository: $ svn co --depth=immediates \ https://__Your_apache_login__@svn.apache.org/repos/asf/commons/trunks-proper and follow the instructions at the top of the "KEYS" file. (11) Create and transfer the artifacts to the Nexus server (a.k.a. "deploy"). Because the artifacts must be cryptographically signed, this step requires that a profile named "release" exists in the maven "settings.xml" configuration file which will contain the identifier of your GPG key (cf. sample "settings.xml" file). You will also have to follow the instructions at https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-encryption.html to set your password in the settings.xml file. You can then run $ mvn -Duser.name="__Your_Apache_id__" clean deploy -Prelease which will transfer the artifacts to the Nexus repository located at https://repository.apache.org/index.html#stagingRepositories This process transfers more files than really needed in the the "staging" (i.e. non official) maven repository. The files expected in the repository are the POM files and the JAR files. However the process also transfers the complete source and binaries distributions files: Those ZIP and TAR.GZ files are not really maven artifacts but rather distribution archives, and they belong elsewhere, so they must also been removed (together with their fingerprint and checksum files) from the Nexus staging repository. As a measure of sanity check, repository must be manually "closed" before other people review the deliverables just created. How to "close" the staging repository is explained at this page: http://books.sonatype.com/nexus-book/reference/staging-repositories.html#staging-sect-closing (12) [Actions described in this section are now performed by the "commons-release-pugin". So this section is now obsolete (and should probably be removed.] Upload the other distribution files to the Apache servers. The archive files have been created during the previous step. They have been put in the .m2 local repository. The RELEASE_NOTES.txt file hase been created earlier and is still in the checkout directory of the release candidate. The README.html file can be copied from the release area of the Apache dist server. All these files can be uploaded to the development area of the Apache dist server using the following commands: $ cd /tmp $ svn cp https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/commons/math/README.html \ https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/commons/math/README.html $ svn checkout https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/commons/math $ cd math edit README.html with released version number $ cp ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/commons/commons-math3/3.4/*-bin.* binaries $ cp ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/commons/commons-math3/3.4/*-src.* source $ cp /RELEASE-NOTES.txt . $ svn add README.html RELEASE-NOTES.txt binaries/* source/* $ svn commit -m "Creating distribution files for 3.4 RC1" (13) As the web site staging area is shared among all commons components and therefore can be published before vote ends, it is not recommended to use the standard staging area for the release candidate. So you will just archive the transfer the site it on your apache personal area for review. Here is how to do this using lftp to initiate the sftp transfer (lftp supports a mirror command for recursive transfers, don't forget the -R flag for uploading instead of downloading the site). If you haven't setup your login on home.apache.org you will need to go to https://id.apache.org/, login and copy the contents of your ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub file to "SSH Key (authorized_keys line)". Then run these commands: $ mvn -Prelease site site:stage $ cd target $ mv staging commons-math-4.0-beta1-site $ lftp sftp://__Your_apache_login__@home.apache.org lftp you@home.apache.org:~> cd public_html lftp you@home.apache.org:~/public_html> mirror -R commons-math-4.0-beta1-site lftp you@home.apache.org:~/public_html> bye (14) Call to vote by sending a message to the "dev" ML with subject "[VOTE][RC1] Release Commons Math 4.0-beta1". You can use the following example as a starting point, replacing the URLs with the appropriate ones: ---------- This is a VOTE for releasing Apache Commons Math v4.0-beta1 (from RC1). Tag name: commons-math-4.0-beta1-RC1 Command for checking out the project corresponding to this tag: $ git clone https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf/commons-math.git --branch commons-math-4.0-beta1-RC1 From within the "commons-math" directory created by the above command, you can 1. check the tag signature with $ git tag -v commons-math-4.0-beta1-RC1 2. build the project with the command $ mvn Tag URL: https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf?p=commons-math.git;a=commit;h=12ad3420a77611557603d1c7893d588610b2463a Commit ID the tag points at: 12ad3420a77611557603d1c7893d588610b2463a Site: http://home.apache.org/~erans/commons-math-4.0-beta1-site/ Distribution files and release notes: https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/commons/math/ To verify the integrity of the distribution files, you can 1. download them with the command $ wget -nH --cut-dirs=8 \ https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/commons/math/4.0-beta1-RC1/binaries/commons-math-4.0-beta1-bin.tar.gz \ https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/commons/math/4.0-beta1-RC1/binaries/commons-math-4.0-beta1-bin.zip \ https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/commons/math/4.0-beta1-RC1/source/commons-math-4.0-beta1-src.tar.gz \ https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/commons/math/4.0-beta1-RC1/source/commons-math-4.0-beta1-src.zip 2. copy/paste the following excerpt (hash of the distribution files) into a text file (say "sha512.txt"): ---CUT--- # 4a535ba815bd74eab4890d2a99ecfbe719927521b547119d68b03d87e6984f6ca41b9ee66cd4bd37bfc77762f0146227b7bd4a2157500aabfa20ce674fc9f8ab commons-math-4.0-beta1-bin.tar.gz 3951e7d287032cb2beb966a5259c5ce6c64830fa9570a4659e4e36b74eecfd941ccc8c729dff1b9db1d695301e6a83e2ec35e49c54520c35d93146bfcafcf024 commons-math-4.0-beta1-bin.zip 668f552c444c7328bfb4e73bfba031e00d56212fc38a5d587ac9809ae63547b1caec7edb46a808dd62054601aaca696c3afa9fc4b6e5daa38d8c0db0f31a2ccd commons-math-4.0-beta1-src.tar.gz 829be0c697a225087442b4b2b5ffdb8cbc337ab4d170b2a815f231528795278b68612bf1cdd6ace2e68880556789d960c07f19c42c6329165ebb2d79426337f8 commons-math-4.0-beta1-src.zip ---CUT--- 3. run the command $ sha512sum -c sha512.txt KEYS file to check signatures: http://www.apache.org/dist/commons/KEYS Maven artefacts: https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachecommons-1613/ [ ] +1 Release it. [ ] +0 Go ahead; I don't care. [ ] -0 There are a few minor glitches: ... [ ] -1 No, do not release it because ... This vote will be open for at least 72 hours. ---------- (15) If some blocking problems have been found in the release deliverables, cancel the vote by sending a "[CANCEL][VOTE]" message to the "dev" ML. After correcting the problems, you'll likely have to start again from step 3, 4 or 5. (16) After at least 72 hours have elapsed, send a "[VOTE][RESULT]" mail to summarize the outcome of the vote. This should tally the votes cast, and state which are binding (PMC members). The tally must have at least three "+1" votes from PMC members to pass. (17) The distribution files must be moved from the development area to the release area of the Apache dist server: $ svnmucc -u "__Your_apache_login__" \ -U https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist \ rm release/commons/math/README.html \ mv dev/commons/math/4.0-beta1-RC1/README.html release/commons/math/README.html \ rm release/commons/math/RELEASE-NOTES.txt \ mv dev/commons/math/4.0-beta1-RC1/RELEASE-NOTES.txt release/commons/math/RELEASE-NOTES.txt \ mv dev/commons/math/4.0-beta1-RC1/binaries/commons-math-4.0-beta1-bin.tar.gz release/commons/math/binaries/commons-math4-4.0-beta1-bin.tar.gz \ mv dev/commons/math/4.0-beta1-RC1/binaries/commons-math-4.0-beta1-bin.tar.gz.asc release/commons/math/binaries/commons-math4-4.0-beta1-bin.tar.gz.asc \ mv dev/commons/math/4.0-beta1-RC1/binaries/commons-math-4.0-beta1-bin.tar.gz.sha512 release/commons/math/binaries/commons-math4-4.0-beta1-bin.tar.gz.sha512 \ mv dev/commons/math/4.0-beta1-RC1/binaries/commons-math-4.0-beta1-bin.zip release/commons/math/binaries/commons-math4-4.0-beta1-bin.zip \ mv dev/commons/math/4.0-beta1-RC1/binaries/commons-math-4.0-beta1-bin.zip.asc release/commons/math/binaries/commons-math4-4.0-beta1-bin.zip.asc \ mv dev/commons/math/4.0-beta1-RC1/binaries/commons-math-4.0-beta1-bin.zip.sha512 release/commons/math/binaries/commons-math4-4.0-beta1-bin.zip.sha512 \ mv dev/commons/math/4.0-beta1-RC1/source/commons-math-4.0-beta1-src.tar.gz release/commons/math/source/commons-math4-4.0-beta1-src.tar.gz \ mv dev/commons/math/4.0-beta1-RC1/source/commons-math-4.0-beta1-src.tar.gz.asc release/commons/math/source/commons-math4-4.0-beta1-src.tar.gz.asc \ mv dev/commons/math/4.0-beta1-RC1/source/commons-math-4.0-beta1-src.tar.gz.sha512 release/commons/math/source/commons-math4-4.0-beta1-src.tar.gz.sha512 \ mv dev/commons/math/4.0-beta1-RC1/source/commons-math-4.0-beta1-src.zip release/commons/math/source/commons-math4-4.0-beta1-src.zip \ mv dev/commons/math/4.0-beta1-RC1/source/commons-math-4.0-beta1-src.zip.asc release/commons/math/source/commons-math4-4.0-beta1-src.zip.asc \ mv dev/commons/math/4.0-beta1-RC1/source/commons-math-4.0-beta1-src.zip.sha512 release/commons/math/source/commons-math4-4.0-beta1-src.zip.sha512 \ -m "Publish Commons Math 4.0-beta1 release" (18) Release the artifacts on the Nexus server, as shown here: http://books.sonatype.com/nexus-book/reference/staging-repositories.html#staging-sect-releasing (19) Publish the web site. This is done by first committing the web site to the staging area, and then by publishing the staging area (that is shared by all commons components). In order to commit the web site to the staging area, look at the subversion workspace that was automatically checked out during the 'mvn site' command in folder site-content. Note that svn commits in the site-content directory are immediately synced with the live site and so your changes should show up in a few minutes once you commit the new site. You can also check out the site directly by yourself elsewhere: svn checkout https://svn.apache.org/repos/infra/websites/production/commons/content/proper/commons-math site-content Remove all files there (except .svn folder) and move all the files from the site. $ cd site-content $ rm -fr * $ cp -pR ../target/commons-math-3.6.1-RC1-site/* . Check for possibly new files: $ svn status and "svn add" them if necessary. Commit the new contents of the web site: $ svn commit -m "Web site update after release of Commons Math (4.0-beta1)." Beware the commit command may be very long (several hours ...). (20) The javadocs for the previous stable version is kept available on the website under the "javadocs" directory. A long-term (server-side) copy of the new release's "apidocs" is done with the following command: $ svn cp -m "Copying 4.0-beta1 apidocs to versioned directory." \ https://svn.apache.org/repos/infra/websites/production/commons/content/proper/commons-math/commons-math-docs/apidocs \ https://svn.apache.org/repos/infra/websites/production/commons/content/proper/commons-math/javadocs/api-4.0-beta1 Wait a few minutes for the live site to fully synchronize, and then check http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-math/ to make sure everything looks correct. (21) In the git repository, put the official final tag to point at the same commit as the _last_ release candidate tag: $ git tag -v commons-math-4.0-beta1-RC1 Check the commit hash then add the release tag. Note: The 'rel/' prefix adds the tag to the release section of the tags. This cannot be deleted once pushed to the main repository due to restrictions on this section of the tag namespace (preventing deletion of official release tags). $ git checkout 4.0-beta1-release $ git tag -u "__Your_key_id__" -s -m "RC1 becomes v4.0-beta1 official release." rel/commons-math-4.0-beta1 [commit hash] $ git tag -v rel/commons-math-4.0-beta1 $ git log -1 $ git push --tags (22) Clean up files and prepare for next version (here we assume it will be 4.0): (22a) Edit "doap_math.rdf" to add the just released version date. (22b) Edit every "pom.xml" file (i.e. for each module) to contain 4.0-SNAPSHOT This can be done using maven: $ mvn release:update-versions -DautoVersionSubmodules=true -Prelease -Pcommons-math-examples You will only be prompted for the desired version number. This may miss the dist-archive/pom.xml for all the dependencies. This should be updated manually. Double-check that the "pom.xml" files *really* have a "-SNAPSHOT" suffix in the "" property: $ git grep '4.0-SNAPSHOT' [new version number] $ git grep '' (22c) Edit "src/changes/changes.xml" to add a new section for the next release, setting the release date to "TBD" and the description to the empty string. (22d) Commit everything. (23) Switch back to master and merge the X.Y-release branch $ git checkout master $ get merge X.Y-release $ git push (24) Allow for the web site mirrors to be updated (possibly several hours); then send (from your apache account) a release announcement to the following ML: announce@apache.org dev@commons.apache.org user@commons.apache.org If you don't have it setup already you can follow these instructions to send email from your apache account : https://reference.apache.org/committer/email#sendingemailfromyourapacheorgemailaddress You can use the following message as a template: ---------- The Apache Commons Team is pleased to announce the availability of: Apache Commons Math 3.6.1 Apache Commons Math is a library of lightweight, self-contained mathematics and statistics components addressing the most common problems not available in the Java programming language or Commons Lang. The release notes can be reviewed at: http://www.apache.org/dist/commons/math/RELEASE-NOTES.txt Distribution packages can be downloaded from: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-math/download_math.cgi When downloading, please verify signatures using the KEYS file available at: http://www.apache.org/dist/commons Maven artifacts are also available in the central Maven repository: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/commons/ The Apache Commons Team ----------