Identifiers for segments are typically constructed using the segment datasource, interval start time (in ISO 8601 format), interval end time (in ISO 8601 format), and a version. If data is additionally sharded beyond a time range, the segment identifier will also contain a partition number.
4 bytes representing the current segment version as an integer. E.g., for v9 segments, the version is 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x9
A file with metadata (filenames and offsets) about the contents of the other `smoosh` files
There are some number of these files, which are concatenated binary data
The `smoosh` files represent multiple files "smooshed" together in order to minimize the number of file descriptors that must be open to house the data. They are files of up to 2GB in size (to match the limit of a memory mapped ByteBuffer in Java). The `smoosh` files house individual files for each of the columns in the data as well as an `index.drd` file with extra metadata about the segment.
There is also a special column called `__time` that refers to the time column of the segment. This will hopefully become less and less special as the code evolves, but for now it’s as special as my Mommy always told me I am.
In the codebase, segments have an internal format version. The current segment format version is `v9`.
Format of a column
Each column is stored as two parts:
1. A Jackson-serialized ColumnDescriptor
2. The rest of the binary for the column
A ColumnDescriptor is essentially an object that allows us to use jackson’s polymorphic deserialization to add new and interesting methods of serialization with minimal impact to the code. It consists of some metadata about the column (what type is it, is it multi-valued, etc.) and then a list of serde logic that can deserialize the rest of the binary.
Multiple segments may exist for the same interval of time for the same datasource. These segments form a `block` for an interval.
Depending on the type of `shardSpec` that is used to shard the data, Druid queries may only complete if a `block` is complete. That is to say, if a block consists of 3 segments, such as:
The exception to this rule is with using linear shard specs. Linear shard specs do not force 'completeness' and queries can complete even if shards are not loaded in the system.
For example, if your real-time ingestion creates 3 segments that were sharded with linear shard spec, and only two of the segments were loaded in the system, queries would return results only for those 2 segments.