See [SQL multi-value strings](./ and native [Multi-value dimensions]( for more information.
|`MV_LENGTH(arr)`|Returns length of the array expression.|
|`MV_OFFSET(arr, long)`|Returns the array element at the 0-based index supplied, or null for an out of range index.|
|`MV_ORDINAL(arr, long)`|Returns the array element at the 1-based index supplied, or null for an out of range index.|
|`MV_CONTAINS(arr, expr)`|If `expr` is a scalar type, returns 1 if `arr` contains `expr`. If `expr` is an array, returns 1 if `arr` contains all elements of `expr`. Otherwise returns 0.|
|`MV_OVERLAP(arr1, arr2)`|Returns 1 if `arr1` and `arr2` have any elements in common, else 0.|
|`MV_OFFSET_OF(arr, expr)`|Returns the 0-based index of the first occurrence of `expr` in the array. If no matching elements exist in the array, returns `null` or -1 if `druid.generic.useDefaultValueForNull=true` (deprecated legacy mode).|
|`MV_ORDINAL_OF(arr, expr)`|Returns the 1-based index of the first occurrence of `expr` in the array. If no matching elements exist in the array, returns `null` or `-1` if `druid.generic.useDefaultValueForNull=true` (deprecated legacy mode).|
|`MV_CONCAT(arr1, arr2)`|Concatenates `arr2` to `arr1`. The resulting array type is determined by the type of `arr1`.|
|`MV_SLICE(arr, start, end)`|Returns the subarray of `arr` from the 0-based index start(inclusive) to end(exclusive), or `null`, if start is less than 0, greater than length of arr or greater than end.|