The home view provides a high level overview of the cluster. Each card is clickable and links to the appropriate view. The legacy menu allows you to go to the [legacy coordinator and overlord consoles](./management-uis.html#legacy-consoles) should you need them.
The datasources view shows all the currently enabled datasources. From this view you can see the sizes and availability of the different datasources. You can edit the retention rules and drop data (as well as issue kill tasks).
Like any view that is powered by a DruidSQL query you can click “Go to SQL” to run the underlying SQL query directly.
You can view and edit retention rules to determine the general availability of a datasource.
## Segments
The segment view shows every single segment in the cluster. Each segment can be expanded to provide more information. The Segment ID is also conveniently broken down into Datasource, Start, End, Version, and Partition columns for ease of filtering and sorting.
## Tasks and supervisors
The task view is also the home of supervisors. From this view you can check the status of existing supervisors as well as suspend and resume them. You can also submit new supervisors by entering their JSON spec.
The tasks table allows you see the currently running and recently completed tasks. From this table you can monitor individual tasks and also submit new tasks by entering their JSON spec.
The data servers tab lets you see the current status of the historical nodes and MiddleManager (indexer) processes. Note that currently only historical nodes that are actively serving segments will be shown in this view.
The SQL view can also issue queries in Druid's native query format, which is JSON over HTTP. To send a native Druid query, you must start your query with { and in the format of JSON.