2019-07-08 15:24:51 -04:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import yaml
import json
import os
import sys
from html.parser import HTMLParser
2019-07-09 22:35:29 -04:00
import argparse
2019-07-08 15:24:51 -04:00
class DependencyReportParser(HTMLParser):
# This class parses the given html file to find all dependency reports under "Project dependencies"
# and "Projection transparent dependencies" sections.
# The parser works based on the state machine and its state is updated whenever it reads a new tag.
# The state changes as below:
# none -> h2_start -> project_dependencies_start -> h3_start -> compile_start -> table_start -> row_start -> th_start / td_start -> th_end / td_end -> row_end -> table_end -> compile_end -> h3_end -> project_dependencies_end -> h2_end -> none
attr_index = 0
group_id = None
artifact_id = None
version = None
classifier = None
dep_type = None
license = None
state = "none"
dep_to_license = None
compatible_license_names = None
include_classifier = False
druid_module_name = None
def __init__(self, druid_module_name, compatible_license_names):
self.state = "none"
self.druid_module_name = druid_module_name
self.compatible_license_names = compatible_license_names
def parse(self, f):
self.dep_to_license = {}
return self.dep_to_license
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
# print("current: {}, start tag: {}, attrs:{} ".format(self.state, tag, attrs))
if self.state == "none":
if tag == "h2":
self.state = "h2_start"
if self.state == "h2_start":
if tag == "a":
for attr in attrs:
if attr[0] == "name" and (attr[1] == "Project_Dependencies" or attr[1] == "Project_Transitive_Dependencies"):
self.state = "project_dependencies_start"
self.include_classifier = False
if self.state == "h2_end":
if tag == "h3":
self.state = "h3_start"
if self.state == "h3_start":
if tag == "a":
for attr in attrs:
if attr[0] == "name" and attr[1] == "compile":
self.state = "compile_start"
if self.state == "h3_end":
if tag == "table":
self.state = "table_start"
if self.state == "table_start":
if tag == "tr":
self.state = "row_start"
if self.state == "row_end":
if tag == "tr":
self.state = "row_start"
if self.state == "row_start":
if tag == "td":
self.state = "td_start"
elif tag == "th":
self.state = "th_start"
if self.state == "th_end":
if tag == "th":
self.state = "th_start"
if self.state == "td_end":
if tag == "td":
self.state = "td_start"
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
# print("current: {}, end tag: {}".format(self.state, tag))
if self.state == "project_dependencies_start":
if tag == "a":
self.state = "project_dependencies_end"
if self.state == "h2_start":
if tag == "h2":
self.state = "h2_end"
if self.state == "project_dependencies_end":
if tag == "h2":
self.state = "h2_end"
if self.state == "compile_start":
if tag == "a":
self.state = "compile_end"
if self.state == "compile_end":
if tag == "h3":
self.state = "h3_end"
if self.state == "table_start":
if tag == "table":
self.state = "none"
if self.state == "td_start":
if tag == "td":
self.state = "td_end"
self.attr_index = self.attr_index + 1
if self.state == "th_start":
if tag == "th":
self.state = "th_end"
if self.state == "row_start":
if tag == "tr":
self.state = "row_end"
if self.state == "th_end":
if tag == "tr":
self.state = "row_end"
if self.state == "td_end":
if tag == "tr":
self.state = "row_end"
# print(json.dumps({"groupId": self.group_id, "artifactId": self.artifact_id, "version": self.version, "classifier": self.classifier, "type": self.dep_type, "license": self.license}))
if self.group_id.find("org.apache.druid") < 0:
self.dep_to_license[get_dep_key(self.group_id, self.artifact_id, self.version)] = (self.license, self.druid_module_name)
if self.state == "row_end":
if tag == "table":
self.state = "none"
def handle_data(self, data):
if self.state == "td_start":
elif self.state == "th_start":
if data.lower() == "classifier":
self.include_classifier = True
def clear_attr(self):
self.group_id = None
self.artifact_id = None
self.version = None
self.classifier = None
self.dep_type = None
self.license = None
self.attr_index = 0
def set_attr(self, data):
#print("set data: {}".format(data))
if self.attr_index == 0:
self.group_id = data
elif self.attr_index == 1:
self.artifact_id = data
elif self.attr_index == 2:
self.version = get_version_string(data)
elif self.attr_index == 3:
if self.include_classifier:
self.classifier = data
self.dep_type = data
elif self.attr_index == 4:
if self.include_classifier:
self.dep_type = data
elif self.attr_index == 5:
if self.include_classifier:
raise Exception("Unknown attr_index [{}]".format(self.attr_index))
raise Exception("Unknown attr_index [{}]".format(self.attr_index))
def set_license(self, data):
if data.upper().find("GPL") < 0:
if self.license != 'Apache License version 2.0':
self.license = self.compatible_license_names[data]
outfile = None
def get_dep_key(group_id, artifact_id, version):
return (group_id, artifact_id, version)
def build_compatible_license_names():
compatible_licenses = {}
compatible_licenses['Apache License, Version 2.0'] = 'Apache License version 2.0'
compatible_licenses['The Apache Software License, Version 2.0'] = 'Apache License version 2.0'
compatible_licenses['Apache 2.0'] = 'Apache License version 2.0'
compatible_licenses['Apache 2'] = 'Apache License version 2.0'
compatible_licenses['Apache License 2.0'] = 'Apache License version 2.0'
compatible_licenses['Apache Software License - Version 2.0'] = 'Apache License version 2.0'
compatible_licenses['The Apache License, Version 2.0'] = 'Apache License version 2.0'
compatible_licenses['Apache License version 2.0'] = 'Apache License version 2.0'
compatible_licenses['Apache License Version 2.0'] = 'Apache License version 2.0'
compatible_licenses['Apache License Version 2'] = 'Apache License version 2.0'
compatible_licenses['Apache License v2.0'] = 'Apache License version 2.0'
compatible_licenses['Apache License, version 2.0'] = 'Apache License version 2.0'
compatible_licenses['Public Domain'] = 'Public Domain'
compatible_licenses['BSD-2-Clause License'] = 'BSD-2-Clause License'
compatible_licenses['BSD-3-Clause License'] = 'BSD-3-Clause License'
compatible_licenses['New BSD license'] = 'BSD-3-Clause License'
compatible_licenses['BSD'] = 'BSD-3-Clause License'
compatible_licenses['The BSD License'] = 'BSD-3-Clause License'
compatible_licenses['BSD licence'] = 'BSD-3-Clause License'
compatible_licenses['BSD License'] = 'BSD-3-Clause License'
compatible_licenses['BSD-like'] = 'BSD-3-Clause License'
compatible_licenses['The BSD 3-Clause License'] = 'BSD-3-Clause License'
compatible_licenses['Revised BSD'] = 'BSD-3-Clause License'
compatible_licenses['New BSD License'] = 'BSD-3-Clause License'
compatible_licenses['ICU License'] = 'ICU License'
compatible_licenses['SIL Open Font License 1.1'] = 'SIL Open Font License 1.1'
compatible_licenses['CDDL 1.1'] = 'CDDL 1.1'
compatible_licenses['CDDL/GPLv2+CE'] = 'CDDL 1.1'
compatible_licenses['CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception'] = 'CDDL 1.1'
compatible_licenses['CDDL License'] = 'CDDL 1.1'
compatible_licenses['Eclipse Public License 1.0'] = 'Eclipse Public License 1.0'
compatible_licenses['The Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0'] = 'Eclipse Public License 1.0'
compatible_licenses['Eclipse Public License - Version 1.0'] = 'Eclipse Public License 1.0'
compatible_licenses['Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0'] = 'Eclipse Public License 1.0'
compatible_licenses['Mozilla Public License Version 2.0'] = 'Mozilla Public License Version 2.0'
compatible_licenses['Mozilla Public License, Version 2.0'] = 'Mozilla Public License Version 2.0'
compatible_licenses['Creative Commons Attribution 2.5'] = 'Creative Commons Attribution 2.5'
compatible_licenses['Creative Commons CC0'] = 'Creative Commons CC0'
compatible_licenses['CC0'] = 'Creative Commons CC0'
compatible_licenses['The MIT License'] = 'MIT License'
compatible_licenses['MIT License'] = 'MIT License'
compatible_licenses['-'] = '-'
return compatible_licenses
def module_to_upper(module):
extensions_offset = module.lower().find("extensions")
if extensions_offset < 0:
return module.upper()
elif extensions_offset == 0:
return module[0:len("extensions")].upper() + module[len("extensions"):len(module)]
raise Exception("Expected extensions at 0, but {}".format(extensions_offset))
def print_outfile(string):
print(string, file=outfile)
def print_error(string):
print(string, file=sys.stderr)
def get_version_string(version):
if type(version) == str:
return version
return str(version)
def print_license_phrase(license_phrase):
remaining = license_phrase
while len(remaining) > 0:
# print("remaining: {}".format(remaining))
# print("len: {}".format(len(remaining)))
if len(remaining) > 120:
chars_of_200 = remaining[0:120]
phrase_len = chars_of_200.rfind(" ")
if phrase_len < 0:
raise Exception("Can't find whitespace in {}".format(chars_of_200))
print_outfile(" {}".format(remaining[0:phrase_len]))
remaining = remaining[phrase_len:]
print_outfile(" {}".format(remaining))
remaining = ""
def is_non_empty(dic, key):
if key in dic and dic[key] is not None:
if type(dic[key]) == str:
return len(dic[key]) > 0
return True
return False
def print_license(license):
license_phrase = "This product"
if license['license_category'] == "source":
license_phrase += " contains"
elif license['license_category'] == "binary":
license_phrase += " bundles"
license_phrase += " {}".format(license['name'])
if is_non_empty(license, 'version'):
license_phrase += " version {}".format(license['version'])
if is_non_empty(license, 'copyright'):
license_phrase += ", copyright {}".format(license['copyright'])
if is_non_empty(license, 'additional_copyright_statement'):
license_phrase += ", {}".format(license['additional_copyright_statement'])
if license['license_name'] != 'Apache License version 2.0':
license_phrase += " which is available under {}".format(license['license_name'])
if is_non_empty(license, 'additional_license_statement'):
license_phrase += ", {}".format(license['additional_license_statement'])
if is_non_empty(license, 'license_file_path'):
license_file_list = []
if type(license['license_file_path']) == list:
if len(license_file_list) == 1:
license_phrase += ". For details, see {}".format(license_file_list[0])
license_phrase += ". For details, "
for each_file in license_file_list:
if each_file == license_file_list[-1]:
license_phrase += ", and {}".format(each_file)
elif each_file == license_file_list[0]:
license_phrase += "see {}".format(each_file)
license_phrase += ", {}".format(each_file)
license_phrase += "."
if 'source_paths' in license:
for source_path in license['source_paths']:
if type(source_path) is dict:
for class_name, path in source_path.items():
print_outfile(" {}:".format(class_name))
print_outfile(" * {}".format(path))
print_outfile(" * {}".format(source_path))
if 'libraries' in license:
for library in license['libraries']:
if type(library) is not dict:
raise Exception("Expected dict but got {}[{}]".format(type(library), library))
if len(library) > 1:
raise Exception("Expected 1 groupId and artifactId, but got [{}]".format(library))
for group_id, artifact_id in library.items():
print_outfile(" * {}:{}".format(group_id, artifact_id))
def find_druid_module_name(dirpath):
ext_start = dirpath.find("/ext/")
if ext_start > 0:
# Found an extension
subpath = dirpath[(len("/ext/") + ext_start):]
ext_name_end = subpath.find("/")
if ext_name_end < 0:
raise Exception("Can't determine extension name from [{}]".format(dirpath))
return subpath[0:ext_name_end]
# Druid core
return "core"
def check_licenses(license_yaml, dependency_reports_root):
# Build a dictionary to facilitate comparing reported licenses and registered ones.
# These dictionaries are the mapping of (group_id, artifact_id, version) to license_name.
# Build reported license dictionary.
reported_dep_to_licenses = {}
compatible_license_names = build_compatible_license_names()
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dependency_reports_root):
for filename in filenames:
if filename == "dependencies.html":
full_path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
# Determine if it's druid core or an extension
druid_module_name = find_druid_module_name(dirpath)
print_error("Parsing {}".format(full_path))
with open(full_path) as report_file:
parser = DependencyReportParser(druid_module_name, compatible_license_names)
if len(reported_dep_to_licenses) == 0:
raise Exception("No dependency reports are found")
print_error("Found {} reported licenses\n".format(len(reported_dep_to_licenses)))
# Build registered license dictionary.
registered_dep_to_licenses = {}
skipping_licenses = {}
with open(license_yaml) as registry_file:
licenses_list = list(yaml.load_all(registry_file))
for license in licenses_list:
if 'libraries' in license:
for library in license['libraries']:
if type(library) is not dict:
raise Exception("Expected dict but got {}[{}]".format(type(library), library))
if len(library) > 1:
raise Exception("Expected 1 groupId and artifactId, but got [{}]".format(library))
for group_id, artifact_id in library.items():
if 'version' not in license:
raise Exception("version is missing in {}".format(license))
if 'license_name' not in license:
raise Exception("name is missing in {}".format(license))
if 'skip_dependency_report_check' in license and license['skip_dependency_report_check']:
if 'version' not in license:
version = "-"
version = get_version_string(license['version'])
skipping_licenses[get_dep_key(group_id, artifact_id, version)] = license
registered_dep_to_licenses[get_dep_key(group_id, artifact_id, get_version_string(license['version']))] = compatible_license_names[license['license_name']]
if len(registered_dep_to_licenses) == 0:
raise Exception("No registered licenses are found")
# Compare licenses in registry and those in dependency reports.
mismatched_licenses = []
missing_licenses = []
unchecked_licenses = []
# Iterate through registered licenses and check if its license is same with the reported one.
for key, registered_license in registered_dep_to_licenses.items():
if key in reported_dep_to_licenses: # key is (group_id, artifact_id, version)
reported_license_druid_module = reported_dep_to_licenses[key]
reported_license = reported_license_druid_module[0]
druid_module = reported_license_druid_module[1]
if reported_license is not None and reported_license != "-" and reported_license != registered_license:
group_id = key[0]
artifact_id = key[1]
version = key[2]
mismatched_licenses.append((druid_module, group_id, artifact_id, version, reported_license, registered_license))
# If we find any mismatched license, stop immediately.
if len(mismatched_licenses) > 0:
print_error("Error: found {} mismatches between reported licenses and registered licenses".format(len(mismatched_licenses)))
for mismatched_license in mismatched_licenses:
print_error("druid_module: {}, groupId: {}, artifactId: {}, version: {}, reported_license: {}, registered_license: {}".format(mismatched_license[0], mismatched_license[1], mismatched_license[2], mismatched_license[3], mismatched_license[4], mismatched_license[5]))
# Let's find missing licenses, which are reported but missing in the registry.
for key, reported_license_druid_module in reported_dep_to_licenses.items():
if reported_license_druid_module[0] != "-" and key not in registered_dep_to_licenses and key not in skipping_licenses:
missing_licenses.append((reported_license_druid_module[1], key[0], key[1], key[2], reported_license_druid_module[0]))
if len(missing_licenses) > 0:
print_error("Error: found {} missing licenses. These licenses are reported, but missing in the registry".format(len(missing_licenses)))
for missing_license in missing_licenses:
print_error("druid_module: {}, groupId: {}, artifactId: {}, version: {}, license: {}".format(missing_license[0], missing_license[1], missing_license[2], missing_license[3], missing_license[4]))
# Let's find unchecked licenses, which are registered but missing in the report.
# These licenses should be checked manually.
for key, registered_license in registered_dep_to_licenses.items():
if key not in reported_dep_to_licenses:
unchecked_licenses.append((key[0], key[1], key[2], registered_license))
elif reported_dep_to_licenses[key][0] == "-":
unchecked_licenses.append((key[0], key[1], key[2], registered_license))
if len(unchecked_licenses) > 0:
print_error("Warn: found {} unchecked licenses. These licenses are registered, but not found in dependency reports.".format(len(unchecked_licenses)))
print_error("These licenses must be checked manually.")
for unchecked_license in unchecked_licenses:
print_error("groupId: {}, artifactId: {}, version: {}, reported_license: {}".format(unchecked_license[0], unchecked_license[1], unchecked_license[2], unchecked_license[3]))
if len(mismatched_licenses) > 0 or len(missing_licenses) > 0:
def print_license_name_underbar(license_name):
underbar = ""
for _ in range(len(license_name)):
underbar += "="
def generate_license(apache_license_v2, license_yaml):
# Generate LICENSE.BINARY file
print_error("=== Generating the contents of LICENSE.BINARY file ===\n")
# Print Apache license first.
with open(license_yaml) as registry_file:
licenses_list = list(yaml.load_all(registry_file))
# Group licenses by license_name, license_category, and then module.
licenses_map = {}
for license in licenses_list:
if license['license_name'] not in licenses_map:
licenses_map[license['license_name']] = {}
licenses_of_name = licenses_map[license['license_name']]
if license['license_category'] not in licenses_of_name:
licenses_of_name[license['license_category']] = {}
licenses_of_category = licenses_of_name[license['license_category']]
if license['module'] not in licenses_of_category:
licenses_of_category[license['module']] = []
licenses_of_module = licenses_of_category[license['module']]
for license_name, licenses_of_name in sorted(licenses_map.items()):
for license_category, licenses_of_category in licenses_of_name.items():
for module, licenses in licenses_of_category.items():
print_outfile("{}/{}".format(license_category.upper(), module_to_upper(module)))
for license in licenses:
2019-07-09 22:35:29 -04:00
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check and generate license file.')
parser.add_argument('apache_license', metavar='<path to apache license file>', type=str)
parser.add_argument('license_yaml', metavar='<path to license.yaml>', type=str)
parser.add_argument('out_path', metavar='<path to output file>', type=str)
parser.add_argument('--dependency-reports', dest='dependency_reports_root', type=str, default=None, metavar='<root to maven dependency reports>')
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.apache_license) as apache_license_file:
apache_license_v2 = apache_license_file.read()
license_yaml = args.license_yaml
dependency_reports_root = args.dependency_reports_root
with open(args.out_path, "w") as outfile:
if dependency_reports_root is not None:
check_licenses(license_yaml, dependency_reports_root)
generate_license(apache_license_v2, license_yaml)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('Interrupted, closing.')