To use this Apache Druid (incubating) extension, make sure to [include](../../development/ `druid-s3-extensions` as an extension.
S3 deep storage needs to be explicitly enabled by setting ``. **Only after setting the storage type to S3 will any of the settings below take effect.**
The AWS SDK requires that the target region be specified. Two ways of doing this are by using the JVM system property `aws.region` or the environment variable `AWS_REGION`.
As an example, to set the region to 'us-east-1' through system properties:
- Add `-Daws.region=us-east-1` to the jvm.config file for all Druid services.
- Add `-Daws.region=us-east-1` to `druid.indexer.runner.javaOpts` in middleManager/ so that the property will be passed to Peon (worker) processes.
|`druid.s3.accessKey`|S3 access key. See [S3 authentication methods](#s3-authentication-methods) for more details|Can be omitted according to authentication methods chosen.|
|`druid.s3.secretKey`|S3 secret key. See [S3 authentication methods](#s3-authentication-methods) for more details|Can be omitted according to authentication methods chosen.|
|`druid.s3.fileSessionCredentials`|Path to properties file containing `sessionToken`, `accessKey` and `secretKey` value. One key/value pair per line (format `key=value`). See [S3 authentication methods](#s3-authentication-methods) for more details |Can be omitted according to authentication methods chosen.|
|`druid.s3.protocol`|Communication protocol type to use when sending requests to AWS. `http` or `https` can be used. This configuration would be ignored if `druid.s3.endpoint.url` is filled with a URL with a different protocol.|`https`|
|`druid.s3.disableChunkedEncoding`|Disables chunked encoding. See [AWS document]( for details.|false|
|`druid.s3.enablePathStyleAccess`|Enables path style access. See [AWS document]( for details.|false|
|`druid.s3.forceGlobalBucketAccessEnabled`|Enables global bucket access. See [AWS document]( for details.|false|
|``|Bucket to store in.|Must be set.|
|``|Base key prefix to use, i.e. what directory.|Must be set.|
|``|S3 bucket name for archiving when running the *archive task*.|none|
|``|S3 object key prefix for archiving.|none|
|``|Boolean flag to disable ACL. If this is set to `false`, the full control would be granted to the bucket owner. This may require to set additional permissions. See [S3 permissions settings](#s3-permissions-settings).|false|
|``|Server-side encryption type. Should be one of `s3`, `kms`, and `custom`. See the below [Server-side encryption section](#server-side-encryption) for more details.|None|
|``|AWS KMS key ID. This is used only when `` is `kms` and can be empty to use the default key ID.|None|
|``|Base64-encoded key. Should be specified if `` is `custom`.|None|
|``|If true, use the "s3a" filesystem when using Hadoop-based ingestion. If false, the "s3n" filesystem will be used. Only affects Hadoop-based ingestion.|false|
|2|Custom properties file| Based on custom properties file where you can supply `sessionToken`, `accessKey` and `secretKey` values. This file is provided to Druid through `druid.s3.fileSessionCredentials` properties|
|6|ECS container credentials|Based on environment variables available on AWS ECS (AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI or AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_FULL_URI) as described in the [EC2ContainerCredentialsProviderWrapper documentation](|
|7|Instance profile information|Based on the instance profile you may have attached to your druid instance|
You can find more information about authentication method [here](<br/>
So if you are trying to use Instance profile information, you **must not** set `druid.s3.accessKey` and `druid.s3.secretKey` in your Druid*
|maxCacheCapacityBytes|Maximum size of the cache space in bytes. 0 means disabling cache. Cached files are not removed until the ingestion task completes.|1073741824|no|
|maxFetchCapacityBytes|Maximum size of the fetch space in bytes. 0 means disabling prefetch. Prefetched files are removed immediately once they are read.|1073741824|no|