|queryType|This String should always be "groupBy"; this is the first thing Druid looks at to figure out how to interpret the query|yes|
|dataSource|A String or Object defining the data source to query, very similar to a table in a relational database. See [DataSource](../querying/datasource.html) for more information.|yes|
|dimensions|A JSON list of dimensions to do the groupBy over; or see [DimensionSpec](../querying/dimensionspecs.html) for ways to extract dimensions. |yes|
|intervals|A JSON Object representing ISO-8601 Intervals. This defines the time ranges to run the query over.|yes|
|context|An additional JSON Object which can be used to specify certain flags.|no|
To pull it all together, the above query would return *n\*m* data points, up to a maximum of 5000 points, where n is the cardinality of the `country` dimension, m is the cardinality of the `device` dimension, each day between 2012-01-01 and 2012-01-03, from the `sample_datasource` table. Each data point contains the (long) sum of `total_usage` if the value of the data point is greater than 100, the (double) sum of `data_transfer` and the (double) result of `total_usage` divided by `data_transfer` for the filter set for a particular grouping of `country` and `device`. The output looks like this:
|`druid.query.groupBy.maxIntermediateRows`|Maximum number of intermediate rows for the per-segment grouping engine. This is a tuning parameter that does not impose a hard limit; rather, it potentially shifts merging work from the per-segment engine to the overall merging index. Queries that exceed this limit will not fail.|50000|
|`druid.query.groupBy.maxResults`|Maximum number of results. Queries that exceed this limit will fail.|500000|
|`druid.query.groupBy.singleThreaded`|Merge results using a single thread.|false|
When using the "v2" strategy, the following runtime properties apply:
|`druid.query.groupBy.bufferGrouperInitialBuckets`|Initial number of buckets in the off-heap hash table used for grouping results. Set to 0 to use a reasonable default.|0|
|`druid.query.groupBy.bufferGrouperMaxLoadFactor`|Maximum load factor of the off-heap hash table used for grouping results. When the load factor exceeds this size, the table will be grown or spilled to disk. Set to 0 to use a reasonable default.|0|
|`druid.query.groupBy.maxMergingDictionarySize`|Maximum amount of heap space (approximately) to use for the string dictionary during merging. When the dictionary exceeds this size, a spill to disk will be triggered.|100000000|
|`druid.query.groupBy.maxOnDiskStorage`|Maximum amount of disk space to use, per-query, for spilling result sets to disk when either the merging buffer or the dictionary fills up. Queries that exceed this limit will fail. Set to zero to disable disk spilling.|0 (disabled)|
Additionally, the "v2" strategy uses merging buffers for merging. It is currently the only query implementation that
does so. By default, Druid is configured without any merging buffer pool, so to use the "v2" strategy you must also
set `druid.processing.numMergeBuffers` to some non-zero number.
This may require allocating more direct memory. The amount of direct memory needed by Druid is at least
`druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytes * (druid.processing.numMergeBuffers + druid.processing.numThreads + 1)`. You can
ensure at least this amount of direct memory is available by providing `-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=<VALUE>` at the command
#### Query context
When using the "v1" strategy, the following query context parameters apply:
|`groupByStrategy`|Overrides the value of `druid.query.groupBy.defaultStrategy` for this query.|
|`groupByIsSingleThreaded`|Overrides the value of `druid.query.groupBy.singleThreaded` for this query.|
|`maxIntermediateRows`|Can be used to lower the value of `druid.query.groupBy.maxIntermediateRows` for this query.|
|`maxResults`|Can be used to lower the value of `druid.query.groupBy.maxResults` for this query.|
|`useOffheap`|Set to true to store aggregations off-heap when merging results.|
When using the "v2" strategy, the following query context parameters apply:
|`groupByStrategy`|Overrides the value of `druid.query.groupBy.defaultStrategy` for this query.|
|`bufferGrouperInitialBuckets`|Overrides the value of `druid.query.groupBy.bufferGrouperInitialBuckets` for this query.|