The Druid SQL API is available at `https://ROUTER:8888/druid/v2/sql`, where `ROUTER` is the IP address of the Druid Router.
## Submit a query
To use the SQL API to make Druid SQL queries, send your query to the Router using the POST method:
POST https://ROUTER:8888/druid/v2/sql/
Submit your query as the value of a "query" field in the JSON object within the request payload. For example:
{"query" : "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM data_source WHERE foo = 'bar'"}
### Request body
|`query`|SQL query string.| none (required)|
|`resultFormat`|Format of query results. See [Responses](#responses) for details.|`"object"`|
|`header`|Whether or not to include a header row for the query result. See [Responses](#responses) for details.|`false`|
|`typesHeader`|Whether or not to include type information in the header. Can only be set when `header` is also `true`. See [Responses](#responses) for details.|`false`|
|`sqlTypesHeader`|Whether or not to include SQL type information in the header. Can only be set when `header` is also `true`. See [Responses](#responses) for details.|`false`|
|`parameters`|List of query parameters for parameterized queries. Each parameter in the list should be a JSON object like `{"type": "VARCHAR", "value": "foo"}`. The type should be a SQL type; see [Data types](../querying/ for a list of supported SQL types.|`[]` (empty)|
|`object`|The default, a JSON array of JSON objects. Each object's field names match the columns returned by the SQL query, and are provided in the same order as the SQL query.|If `header` is true, the first row is an object where the fields are column names. Each field's value is either null (if `typesHeader` and `sqlTypesHeader` are false) or an object that contains the Druid type as `type` (if `typesHeader` is true) and the SQL type as `sqlType` (if `sqlTypesHeader` is true).|application/json|
|`array`|JSON array of JSON arrays. Each inner array has elements matching the columns returned by the SQL query, in order.|If `header` is true, the first row is an array of column names. If `typesHeader` is true, the next row is an array of Druid types. If `sqlTypesHeader` is true, the next row is an array of SQL types.|application/json|
|`objectLines`|Like `object`, but the JSON objects are separated by newlines instead of being wrapped in a JSON array. This can make it easier to parse the entire response set as a stream, if you do not have ready access to a streaming JSON parser. To make it possible to detect a truncated response, this format includes a trailer of one blank line.|Same as `object`.|text/plain|
|`arrayLines`|Like `array`, but the JSON arrays are separated by newlines instead of being wrapped in a JSON array. This can make it easier to parse the entire response set as a stream, if you do not have ready access to a streaming JSON parser. To make it possible to detect a truncated response, this format includes a trailer of one blank line.|Same as `array`, except the rows are separated by newlines.|text/plain|
|`csv`|Comma-separated values, with one row per line. Individual field values may be escaped by being surrounded in double quotes. If double quotes appear in a field value, they will be escaped by replacing them with double-double-quotes like `""this""`. To make it possible to detect a truncated response, this format includes a trailer of one blank line.|Same as `array`, except the lists are in CSV format.|text/csv|
if specified, else Druid will generate a SQL query id for you.
#### Errors
Errors that occur before the response body is sent will be reported in JSON, with an HTTP 500 status code, in the
same format as [native Druid query errors](../querying/ If an error occurs while the response body is
being sent, at that point it is too late to change the HTTP status code or report a JSON error, so the response will
simply end midstream and an error will be logged by the Druid server that was handling your request.
As a caller, it is important that you properly handle response truncation. This is easy for the `object` and `array`
formats, since truncated responses will be invalid JSON. For the line-oriented formats, you should check the
trailer they all include: one blank line at the end of the result set. If you detect a truncated response, either
through a JSON parsing error or through a missing trailing newline, you should assume the response was not fully
delivered due to an error.
## Cancel a query
You can use the HTTP DELETE method to cancel a SQL query on either the Router or the Broker. When you cancel a query, Druid handles the cancellation in a best-effort manner. It marks the query canceled immediately and aborts the query execution as soon as possible. However, your query may run for a short time after your cancellation request.
Druid SQL's HTTP DELETE method uses the following syntax:
The DELETE method requires the `sqlQueryId` path parameter. To predict the query id you must set it in the query context. Druid does not enforce unique `sqlQueryId` in the query context. If you issue a cancel request for a `sqlQueryId` active in more than one query context, Druid cancels all requests that use the query id.
For example if you issue the following query:
curl --request POST 'https://ROUTER:8888/druid/v2/sql' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"query" : "SELECT sleep(CASE WHEN sum_added > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM wikiticker WHERE sum_added > 0 LIMIT 15",
"context" : {"sqlQueryId" : "myQuery01"}}'
You can cancel the query using the query id `myQuery01` as follows: