|`query/node/ttfb`|Time to first byte. Milliseconds elapsed until broker starts receiving the response from individual historical/realtime nodes.|id, status, server.|<1s|
|`query/intervalChunk/time`|Only emitted if interval chunking is enabled. Milliseconds required to query an interval chunk.|id, status, chunkInterval (if interval chunking is enabled).|<1s|
### Historical
|Metric|Description|Dimensions|Normal Value|
|`query/time`|Milliseconds taken to complete a query.|Common: dataSource, type, interval, hasFilters, duration, context, remoteAddress, id. Aggregation Queries: numMetrics, numComplexMetrics. GroupBy: numDimensions. TopN: threshold, dimension.|<1s|
|`query/segment/time`|Milliseconds taken to query individual segment. Includes time to page in the segment from disk.|id, status, segment.|several hundred milliseconds|
|`query/wait/time`|Milliseconds spent waiting for a segment to be scanned.|id, segment.|<severalhundredmilliseconds|
|`segment/scan/pending`|Number of segments in queue waiting to be scanned.||Close to 0|
|`query/segmentAndCache/time`|Milliseconds taken to query individual segment or hit the cache (if it is enabled on the historical node).|id, segment.|several hundred milliseconds|
|`query/cpu/time`|Microseconds of CPU time taken to complete a query|Common: dataSource, type, interval, hasFilters, duration, context, remoteAddress, id. Aggregation Queries: numMetrics, numComplexMetrics. GroupBy: numDimensions. TopN: threshold, dimension.|Varies|
|`query/cache/memcached/total`|Cache metrics unique to memcached (only if `druid.cache.type=memcached`) as their actual values|Variable|N/A|
|`query/cache/memcached/delta`|Cache metrics unique to memcached (only if `druid.cache.type=memcached`) as their delta from the prior event emission|Variable|N/A|
These metrics are only available if the RealtimeMetricsMonitor is included in the monitors list for the Realtime node. These metrics are deltas for each emission period.
|`ingest/persists/time`|Milliseconds spent doing intermediate persist.|dataSource.|Depends on configuration. Generally a few minutes at most.|
|`ingest/persists/cpu`|Cpu time in Nanoseconds spent on doing intermediate persist.|dataSource.|Depends on configuration. Generally a few minutes at most.|
|`ingest/merge/time`|Milliseconds spent merging intermediate segments|dataSource.|Depends on configuration. Generally a few minutes at most.|
|`ingest/merge/cpu`|Cpu time in Nanoseconds spent on merging intermediate segments.|dataSource.|Depends on configuration. Generally a few minutes at most.|
|`ingest/handoff/count`|Number of handoffs that happened.|dataSource.|Varies. Generally greater than 0 once every segment granular period if cluster operating normally|
|`ingest/events/buffered`|Number of events queued in the EventReceiverFirehose's buffer|serviceName, dataSource, taskId, bufferCapacity.|Equal to current # of events in the buffer queue.|
|`ingest/bytes/received`|Number of bytes received by the EventReceiverFirehose.|serviceName, dataSource, taskId.|Varies.|
These metrics are only available if the SysMonitor module is included.
|Metric|Description|Dimensions|Normal Value|
|`sys/swap/free`|Free swap.||Varies.|
|`sys/swap/max`|Max swap.||Varies.|
|`sys/swap/pageIn`|Paged in swap.||Varies.|
|`sys/swap/pageOut`|Paged out swap.||Varies.|
|`sys/disk/write/count`|Writes to disk.|fsDevName, fsDirName, fsTypeName, fsSysTypeName, fsOptions.|Varies.|
|`sys/disk/read/count`|Reads from disk.|fsDevName, fsDirName, fsTypeName, fsSysTypeName, fsOptions.|Varies.|
|`sys/disk/write/size`|Bytes written to disk. Can we used to determine how much paging is occuring with regards to segments.|fsDevName, fsDirName, fsTypeName, fsSysTypeName, fsOptions.|Varies.|
|`sys/disk/read/size`|Bytes read from disk. Can we used to determine how much paging is occuring with regards to segments.|fsDevName, fsDirName, fsTypeName, fsSysTypeName, fsOptions.|Varies.|
|`sys/net/write/size`|Bytes written to the network.|netName, netAddress, netHwaddr|Varies.|
|`sys/net/read/size`|Bytes read from the network.|netName, netAddress, netHwaddr|Varies.|