* Every row in Druid must have a timestamp. Data is always partitioned by time, and every query has a time filter. Query results can also be broken down by time buckets like minutes, hours, days, and so on.
* Dimensions are fields that can be filtered on or grouped by. They are always single Strings, arrays of Strings, single Longs, single Doubles or single Floats.
* Metrics are fields that can be aggregated. They are often stored as numbers (integers or floats) but can also be stored as complex objects like HyperLogLog sketches or approximate histogram sketches.
Typical production tables (or datasources as they are known in Druid) have fewer than 100 dimensions and fewer
than 100 metrics, although, based on user testimony, datasources with thousands of dimensions have been created.
Below, we outline some best practices with schema design:
If the user wishes to ingest a column as a numeric-typed dimension (Long, Double or Float), it is necessary to specify the type of the column in the `dimensions` section of the `dimensionsSpec`. If the type is omitted, Druid will ingest a column as the default String type.
sketch as part of aggregations, will greatly improve performance (up to orders of magnitude performance improvement), and significantly reduce storage.
Druid's `hyperUnique` aggregator is based off of Hyperloglog and can be used for unique counts on a high cardinality dimension.
For more information, see [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hpd3f_MLdXo).
## Nested dimensions
At the time of this writing, Druid does not support nested dimensions. Nested dimensions need to be flattened. For example,
if you have data of the following form:
{"foo":{"bar": 3}}
then before indexing it, you should transform it to:
a dimension that has been excluded, or a metric column as a dimension. It should be noted that because of [#658](https://github.com/apache/incubator-druid/issues/658)
## Including the same column as a dimension and a metric
One workflow with unique IDs is to be able to filter on a particular ID, while still being able to do fast unique counts on the ID column.
If you are not using schema-less dimensions, this use case is supported by setting the `name` of the metric to something different than the dimension.
If you are using schema-less dimensions, the best practice here is to include the same column twice, once as a dimension, and as a `hyperUnique` metric. This may involve
some work at ETL time.
As an example, for schema-less dimensions, repeat the same column: