Firehoses are used in the [stream-pull](../ingestion/stream-pull.html) ingestion model. They are pluggable and thus the configuration schema can and will vary based on the `type` of the firehose.
| type | String | Specifies the type of firehose. Each value will have its own configuration schema, firehoses packaged with Druid are described below. | yes |
This Firehose can be used to read the data from files on local disk.
It can be used for POCs to ingest data on disk.
A sample local firehose spec is shown below:
"type" : "local",
"filter" : "*.csv",
"baseDir" : "/data/directory"
|type|This should be "local".|yes|
|filter|A wildcard filter for files. See [here]( for more information.|yes|
The below configurations can be optionally used for tuning the firehose performance.
|maxCacheCapacityBytes|Maximum size of the cache space in bytes. 0 means disabling cache. Cached files are not removed until the ingestion task completes.|1073741824|
|maxFetchCapacityBytes|Maximum size of the fetch space in bytes. 0 means disabling prefetch. Prefetched files are removed immediately once they are read.|1073741824|
|prefetchTriggerBytes|Threshold to trigger prefetching http objects.|maxFetchCapacityBytes / 2|
|fetchTimeout|Timeout for fetching a http object.|60000|
|maxFetchRetry|Maximum retry for fetching a http object.|3|
|dataSource|A String defining the data source to fetch rows from, very similar to a table in a relational database|yes|
|interval|A String representing ISO-8601 Interval. This defines the time range to fetch the data over.|yes|
|dimensions|The list of dimensions to select. If left empty, no dimensions are returned. If left null or not defined, all dimensions are returned. |no|
|metrics|The list of metrics to select. If left empty, no metrics are returned. If left null or not defined, all metrics are selected.|no|
SqlFirehoseFactory can be used to ingest events residing in RDBMS. The database connection information is provided as part of the ingestion spec. For each query, the results are fetched locally and indexed. If there are multiple queries from which data needs to be indexed, queries are prefetched in the background upto `maxFetchCapacityBytes` bytes.
An example is shown below:
"type" : "sql",
"database": {
"type": "mysql",
"connectorConfig" : {
"connectURI" : "jdbc:mysql://host:port/schema",
"user" : "user",
"password" : "password"
"sqls" : ["SELECT * FROM table1", "SELECT * FROM table2"]
|type|This should be "sql".||Yes|
|database|Specifies the database connection details.`type` should specify the database type and `connectorConfig` should specify the database connection properties via `connectURI`, `user` and `password`||Yes|
|maxCacheCapacityBytes|Maximum size of the cache space in bytes. 0 means disabling cache. Cached files are not removed until the ingestion task completes.|1073741824|No|
|maxFetchCapacityBytes|Maximum size of the fetch space in bytes. 0 means disabling prefetch. Prefetched files are removed immediately once they are read.|1073741824|No|
|prefetchTriggerBytes|Threshold to trigger prefetching SQL result objects.|maxFetchCapacityBytes / 2|No|
|fetchTimeout|Timeout for fetching the result set.|60000|No|
|foldCase|Toggle case folding of database column names. This may be enabled in cases where the database returns case insensitive column names in query results.|false|No|
|sqls|List of SQL queries where each SQL query would retrieve the data to be indexed.||Yes|