* Druid datasources can be ingested with or without [rollup](./rollup.md). With rollup enabled, Druid partially aggregates your data during ingestion, potentially reducing its row count, decreasing storage footprint, and improving query performance. With rollup disabled, Druid stores one row for each row in your input data, without any pre-aggregation.
* Every row in Druid must have a timestamp. Data is always partitioned by time, and every query has a time filter. Query results can also be broken down by time buckets like minutes, hours, days, and so on.
* All columns in Druid datasources, other than the timestamp column, are either dimensions or metrics. This follows the [standard naming convention](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_analytical_processing#Overview_of_OLAP_systems) of OLAP data.
* Typical production datasources have tens to hundreds of columns.
* [Dimension columns](./schema-model.md#dimensions) are stored as-is, so they can be filtered on, grouped by, or aggregated at query time. They are always single Strings, [arrays of Strings](../querying/multi-value-dimensions.md), single Longs, single Doubles or single Floats.
* [Metric columns](./schema-model.md#metrics) are stored [pre-aggregated](../querying/aggregations.md), so they can only be aggregated at query time (not filtered or grouped by). They are often stored as numbers (integers or floats) but can also be stored as complex objects like [HyperLogLog sketches or approximate quantile sketches](../querying/aggregations.md#approximate-aggregations). Metrics can be configured at ingestion time even when rollup is disabled, but are most useful when rollup is enabled.
* If you have nested data, you can ingest it using the [nested columns](../querying/nested-columns.md) feature or flatten it using a [`flattenSpec`](./ingestion-spec.md#flattenspec).
If the user wishes to ingest a column as a numeric-typed dimension (Long, Double or Float), it is necessary to specify the type of the column in the `dimensions` section of the `dimensionsSpec`. If the type is omitted, Druid will ingest a column as the default String type.
You can ingest and store nested data in a Druid column as a `COMPLEX<json>` data type. See [Nested columns](../querying/nested-columns.md) for more information.
If you want to ingest nested data in a format unsupported by the nested columns feature, you must use the `flattenSpec` object to flatten it. For example, if you have data of the following form:
- [Type-aware schema discovery](#type-aware-schema-discovery) where Druid infers the schema and type for your data. Type-aware schema discovery is available for native batch and streaming ingestion.
- [String-based schema discovery](#string-based-schema-discovery) where all the discovered columns are typed as either native string or multi-value string columns.
#### Type-aware schema discovery
> Note that using type-aware schema discovery can impact downstream BI tools depending on how they handle ARRAY typed columns.
You can have Druid infer the schema and types for your data partially or fully by setting `dimensionsSpec.useSchemaDiscovery` to `true` and defining some or no dimensions in the dimensions list.
When performing type-aware schema discovery, Druid can discover all of the columns of your input data (that aren't in
the exclusion list). Druid automatically chooses the most appropriate native Druid type among `STRING`, `LONG`,
`DOUBLE`, `ARRAY<STRING>`, `ARRAY<LONG>`, `ARRAY<DOUBLE>`, or `COMPLEX<json>` for nested data. For input formats with
native boolean types, Druid ingests these values as strings if `druid.expressions.useStrictBooleans` is set to `false`
(the default), or longs if set to `true` (for more SQL compatible behavior). Array typed columns can be queried using
the [array functions](../querying/sql-array-functions.md) or [UNNEST](../querying/sql-functions.md#unnest). Nested
columns can be queried with the [JSON functions](../querying/sql-json-functions.md).
Mixed type columns are stored in the _least_ restrictive type that can represent all values in the column. For example:
- Mixed numeric columns are `DOUBLE`
- If there are any strings present, then the column is a `STRING`
- If there are arrays, then the column becomes an array with the least restrictive element type
- Any nested data or arrays of nested data become `COMPLEX<json>` nested columns.
If you're already using string-based schema discovery and want to migrate, see [Migrating to type-aware schema discovery](#migrating-to-type-aware-schema-discovery).
#### String-based schema discovery
If you do not set `dimensionsSpec.useSchemaDiscovery` to `true`, Druid can still use the string-based schema discovery for ingestion if any of the following conditions are met:
- The dimension list is empty
- You set `includeAllDimensions` to `true`
Druid coerces primitives and arrays of primitive types into the native Druid string type. Nested data structures and arrays of nested data structures are ignored and not ingested.
- Update any queries that use multi-value dimensions (MVDs) to use UNNEST in conjunction with other functions so that no MVD behavior is being relied upon. Type-aware schema discovery generates ARRAY typed columns instead of MVDs, so queries that use any MVD features will fail.
- Be aware of mixed typed inputs and test how type-aware schema discovery handles them. Druid attempts to cast them as the least restrictive type.
- If you notice issues with numeric types, you may need to explicitly cast them. Generally, Druid handles the coercion for you.
- Update your dimension exclusion list and add any nested columns if you want to continue to exclude them. String-based schema discovery automatically ignores nested columns, but type-aware schema discovery will ingest them.
One workflow with unique IDs is to be able to filter on a particular ID, while still being able to do fast unique counts on the ID column.
If you are not using schema-less dimensions, this use case is supported by setting the `name` of the metric to something different than the dimension.
If you are using schema-less dimensions, the best practice here is to include the same column twice, once as a dimension, and as a `hyperUnique` metric. This may involve