The indexing service uses several of the global configs in [Configuration](../configuration/index.html) and has the following set of configurations as well:
|``|The host for the current node. This is used to advertise the current processes location as reachable from another node and should generally be specified such that `http://${}/` could actually talk to this process|InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName()|
|`druid.tlsPort`|TLS port for HTTPS connector, if [druid.enableTlsPort](../operations/tls-support.html) is set then this config will be used. If `` contains port then that port will be ignored. This should be a non-negative Integer.|8290|
|`druid.service`|The name of the service. This is used as a dimension when emitting metrics and alerts to differentiate between the various services|druid/overlord|
|``|The host for the current node. This is used to advertise the current processes location as reachable from another node and should generally be specified such that `http://${}/` could actually talk to this process|InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName()|
|`druid.plaintextPort`|This is the port to actually listen on; unless port mapping is used, this will be the same port as is on ``|8091|
|`druid.tlsPort`|TLS port for HTTPS connector, if [druid.enableTlsPort](../operations/tls-support.html) is set then this config will be used. If `` contains port then that port will be ignored. This should be a non-negative Integer.|8291|
|`druid.service`|The name of the service. This is used as a dimension when emitting metrics and alerts to differentiate between the various services|druid/middlemanager|
You can also configure the Overlord to automatically retain the task logs only for last x milliseconds by configuring following additional properties.
Caution: Automatic log file deletion typically works based on log file modification timestamp on the backing store, so large clock skews between druid nodes and backing store nodes might result in un-intended behavior.
|`druid.indexer.logs.kill.enabled`|Boolean value for whether to enable deletion of old task logs. |false|
|`druid.indexer.logs.kill.durationToRetain`| Required if kill is enabled. In milliseconds, task logs to be retained created in last x milliseconds. |None|
|`druid.indexer.logs.kill.initialDelay`| Optional. Number of milliseconds after overlord start when first auto kill is run. |random value less than 300000 (5 mins)|
|`druid.indexer.logs.kill.delay`|Optional. Number of milliseconds of delay between successive executions of auto kill run. |21600000 (6 hours)|
|`druid.indexer.runner.type`|Choices "local" or "remote". Indicates whether tasks should be run locally or in a distributed environment. Experimental task runner "httpRemote" is also available which is same as "remote" but uses HTTP to interact with Middle Manaters instead of Zookeeper.|local|
|``|Choices are "local" or "metadata". Indicates whether incoming tasks should be stored locally (in heap) or in metadata storage. Storing incoming tasks in metadata storage allows for tasks to be resumed if the overlord should fail.|local|
|``|A duration of time to store task results.|PT24H|
|`druid.indexer.queue.maxSize`|Maximum number of active tasks at one time.|Integer.MAX_VALUE|
|`druid.indexer.queue.startDelay`|Sleep this long before starting overlord queue management. This can be useful to give a cluster time to re-orient itself after e.g. a widespread network issue.|PT1M|
|`druid.indexer.queue.restartDelay`|Sleep this long when overlord queue management throws an exception before trying again.|PT30S|
|`druid.indexer.queue.storageSyncRate`|Sync overlord state this often with an underlying task persistence mechanism.|PT1M|
The following configs only apply if the overlord is running in remote mode:
|`druid.indexer.runner.taskAssignmentTimeout`|How long to wait after a task as been assigned to a middle manager before throwing an error.|PT5M|
|`druid.indexer.runner.minWorkerVersion`|The minimum middle manager version to send tasks to. |"0"|
|`druid.indexer.runner.compressZnodes`|Indicates whether or not the overlord should expect middle managers to compress Znodes.|true|
|`druid.indexer.runner.maxZnodeBytes`|The maximum size Znode in bytes that can be created in Zookeeper.|524288|
|`druid.indexer.runner.maxRetriesBeforeBlacklist`|Number of consecutive times the middle manager can fail tasks, before the worker is blacklisted, must be at least 1|5|
|`druid.indexer.runner.workerBlackListBackoffTime`|How long to wait before a task is whitelisted again. This value should be greater that the value set for taskBlackListCleanupPeriod.|PT15M|
|`druid.indexer.runner.workerBlackListCleanupPeriod`|A duration after which the cleanup thread will startup to clean blacklisted workers.|PT5M|
|`druid.indexer.runner.maxPercentageBlacklistWorkers`|The maximum percentage of workers to blacklist, this must be between 0 and 100.|20|
Issuing a GET request at the same URL will return the current worker config spec that is currently in place. The worker config spec list above is just a sample for EC2 and it is possible to extend the code base for other deployment environments. A description of the worker config spec is shown below.
default value of interval can be specified by setting `druid.audit.manager.auditHistoryMillis` (1 week if not configured) in overlord
Allows defining arbitrary logic for selecting workers to run task using a JavaScript function.
The function is passed remoteTaskRunnerConfig, map of workerId to available workers and task to be executed and returns the workerId on which the task should be run or null if the task cannot be run.
It can be used for rapid development of missing features where the worker selection logic is to be changed or tuned often.
If the selection logic is quite complex and cannot be easily tested in javascript environment,
its better to write a druid extension module with extending current worker selection strategies written in java.
JavaScript-based functionality is disabled by default. Please refer to the Druid <ahref="../development/javascript.html">JavaScript programming guide</a> for guidelines about using Druid's JavaScript functionality, including instructions on how to enable it.
Affinity configs can be provided to the _equalDistribution_ and _fillCapacity_ strategies using the "affinityConfig"
field. If not provided, the default is to not use affinity at all.
|`affinity`|JSON object mapping a datasource String name to a list of indexing service middleManager host:port String values. Druid doesn't perform DNS resolution, so the 'host' value must match what is configured on the middleManager and what the middleManager announces itself as (examine the Overlord logs to see what your middleManager announces itself as).|{}|
|`strong`|With weak affinity (the default), tasks for a dataSource may be assigned to other middleManagers if their affinity-mapped middleManagers are not able to run all pending tasks in the queue for that dataSource. With strong affinity, tasks for a dataSource will only ever be assigned to their affinity-mapped middleManagers, and will wait in the pending queue if necessary.|false|
Amazon's EC2 is currently the only supported autoscaler.
|`minNumWorkers`|The minimum number of workers that can be in the cluster at any given time.|0|
|`maxNumWorkers`|The maximum number of workers that can be in the cluster at any given time.|0|
|`availabilityZone`|What availability zone to run in.|none|
|`nodeData`|A JSON object that describes how to launch new nodes.|none; required|
|`userData`|A JSON object that describes how to configure new nodes. If you have set druid.indexer.autoscale.workerVersion, this must have a versionReplacementString. Otherwise, a versionReplacementString is not necessary.|none; optional|
### MiddleManager Configs
Middle managers pass their configurations down to their child peons. The middle manager requires the following configs:
|`druid.indexer.runner.allowedPrefixes`|Whitelist of prefixes for configs that can be passed down to child peons.|"com.metamx", "druid", "io.druid", "user.timezone", "file.encoding", "", "hadoop"|
|`druid.indexer.runner.javaOpts`|*DEPRECATED* A string of -X Java options to pass to the peon's JVM. Quotable parameters or parameters with spaces are encouraged to use javaOptsArray|""|
|`druid.indexer.runner.javaOptsArray`|A json array of strings to be passed in as options to the peon's jvm. This is additive to javaOpts and is recommended for properly handling arguments which contain quotes or spaces like `["-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=kill -9 %p"]`|`[]`|
|`druid.indexer.runner.startPort`|Starting port used for peon processes, should be greater than 1023.|8100|
|`druid.indexer.runner.tlsStartPort`|Starting TLS port for peon processes, should be greater than 1023.|8300|
|`druid.indexer.runner.separateIngestionEndpoint`|*Deprecated.* Use separate server and consequently separate jetty thread pool for ingesting events. Not supported with TLS.|false|
Processing properties set on the Middlemanager will be passed through to Peons.
|`druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytes`|This specifies a buffer size for the storage of intermediate results. The computation engine in both the Historical and Realtime nodes will use a scratch buffer of this size to do all of their intermediate computations off-heap. Larger values allow for more aggregations in a single pass over the data while smaller values can require more passes depending on the query that is being executed.|1073741824 (1GB)|
|`druid.processing.buffer.poolCacheMaxCount`|processing buffer pool caches the buffers for later use, this is the maximum count cache will grow to. note that pool can create more buffers than it can cache if necessary.|Integer.MAX_VALUE|
|`druid.processing.formatString`|Realtime and historical nodes use this format string to name their processing threads.|processing-%s|
|`druid.processing.numMergeBuffers`|The number of direct memory buffers available for merging query results. The buffers are sized by `druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytes`. This property is effectively a concurrency limit for queries that require merging buffers. If you are using any queries that require merge buffers (currently, just groupBy v2) then you should have at least two of these.|`max(2, druid.processing.numThreads / 4)`|
|`druid.processing.numThreads`|The number of processing threads to have available for parallel processing of segments. Our rule of thumb is `num_cores - 1`, which means that even under heavy load there will still be one core available to do background tasks like talking with ZooKeeper and pulling down segments. If only one core is available, this property defaults to the value `1`.|Number of cores - 1 (or 1)|
|`druid.processing.columnCache.sizeBytes`|Maximum size in bytes for the dimension value lookup cache. Any value greater than `0` enables the cache. It is currently disabled by default. Enabling the lookup cache can significantly improve the performance of aggregators operating on dimension values, such as the JavaScript aggregator, or cardinality aggregator, but can slow things down if the cache hit rate is low (i.e. dimensions with few repeating values). Enabling it may also require additional garbage collection tuning to avoid long GC pauses.|`0` (disabled)|
|`druid.processing.fifo`|If the processing queue should treat tasks of equal priority in a FIFO manner|`false`|
|`druid.processing.tmpDir`|Path where temporary files created while processing a query should be stored. If specified, this configuration takes priority over the default `` path.|path represented by ``|
The amount of direct memory needed by Druid is at least
`druid.processing.buffer.sizeBytes * (druid.processing.numMergeBuffers + druid.processing.numThreads + 1)`. You can
ensure at least this amount of direct memory is available by providing `-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=<VALUE>` in
`druid.indexer.runner.javaOptsArray` as documented above.
Although peons inherit the configurations of their parent middle managers, explicit child peon configs in middle manager can be set by prefixing them with:
|`druid.peon.mode`|Choices are "local" and "remote". Setting this to local means you intend to run the peon as a standalone node (Not recommended).|remote|
|`druid.indexer.task.defaultHadoopCoordinates`|Hadoop version to use with HadoopIndexTasks that do not request a particular version.|org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-client:2.3.0|
|`druid.indexer.task.gracefulShutdownTimeout`|Wait this long on middleManager restart for restorable tasks to gracefully exit.|PT5M|
|`druid.indexer.task.hadoopWorkingPath`|Temporary working directory for Hadoop tasks.|`/tmp/druid-indexing`|
|`druid.indexer.task.restoreTasksOnRestart`|If true, middleManagers will attempt to stop tasks gracefully on shutdown and restore them on restart.|false|
|`druid.indexer.server.maxChatRequests`|Maximum number of concurrent requests served by a task's chat handler. Set to 0 to disable limiting.|0|
|`druid.indexer.server.chathandler.http.numThreads`|*Deprecated.* Number of threads for HTTP requests.|Math.max(10, (Number of available processors * 17) / 16 + 2) + 30|
|`druid.indexer.server.chathandler.http.maxIdleTime`|*Deprecated.* The Jetty max idle time for a connection.|PT5m|