Within the context of this topic data management refers to Apache Druid's data maintenance capabilities for existing datasources. There are several options to help you keep your data relevant and to help your Druid cluster remain performant. For example updating, reingesting, adding lookups, reindexing, or deleting data.
In addition to the tasks covered on this page, you can also use segment compaction to improve the layout of your existing data. Refer to [Segment optimization](../operations/segment-optimization.md) to see if compaction will help in your environment. For an overview and steps to configure manual compaction tasks, see [Compaction](./compaction.md).
Druid can insert new data to an existing datasource by appending new segments to existing segment sets. It can also add new data by merging an existing set of segments with new data and overwriting the original set.
Druid does not support single-record updates by primary key.
This section assumes you understand how to do batch ingestion without Hadoop using [native batch indexing](../ingestion/native-batch.md). Native batch indexing uses an `inputSource` to know where and how to read the input data. You can use the [`DruidInputSource`](native-batch.md#druid-input-source) to read data from segments inside Druid. You can use Parallel task (`index_parallel`) for all native batch reindexing tasks. Increase the `maxNumConcurrentSubTasks` to accommodate the amount of data your are reindexing. See [Capacity planning](native-batch.md#capacity-planning).
1. The segment must first be marked as "unused". This occurs when a segment is dropped by retention rules, and when a user manually disables a segment through the Coordinator API.
2. After segments have been marked as "unused", a Kill Task will delete any "unused" segments from Druid's metadata store as well as deep storage.
For documentation on retention rules, please see [Data Retention](../operations/rule-configuration.md).
For documentation on disabling segments using the Coordinator API, please see the
The kill task deletes all information about segments and removes them from deep storage. Segments to kill must be unused (used==0) in the Druid segment table.
If `markAsUnused` is true (default is false), the kill task will first mark any segments within the specified interval as unused, before deleting the unused segments within the interval.
**WARNING!** The kill task permanently removes all information about the affected segments from the metadata store and deep storage. These segments cannot be recovered after the kill task runs, this operation cannot be undone.
Druid supports retention rules, which are used to define intervals of time where data should be preserved, and intervals where data should be discarded.
Druid also supports separating Historical processes into tiers, and the retention rules can be configured to assign data for specific intervals to specific tiers.
These features are useful for performance/cost management; a common use case is separating Historical processes into a "hot" tier and a "cold" tier.
For more information, please see [Load rules](../operations/rule-configuration.md).