2018-12-13 12:47:20 -07:00
2019-08-20 21:48:59 -07:00
id: logging
2018-12-13 12:47:20 -07:00
title: "Logging"
2018-11-13 10:38:37 -07:00
~ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
~ or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
~ distributed with this work for additional information
~ regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
~ to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
~ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
~ with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
~ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
~ software distributed under the License is distributed on an
~ KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
~ specific language governing permissions and limitations
~ under the License.
2015-05-05 16:07:32 -05:00
2020-12-17 13:37:43 -08:00
Apache Druid processes will emit logs that are useful for debugging to the console. Druid processes also emit periodic metrics about their state. For more about metrics, see [Configuration ](../configuration/index.md#enabling-metrics ). Metric logs are printed to the console by default, and can be disabled with `-Ddruid.emitter.logging.logLevel=debug` .
2015-05-05 16:07:32 -05:00
2021-12-03 21:32:01 +08:00
Druid uses [log4j2 ](http://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/ ) for logging. The default configuration file log4j2.xml ships with Druid under conf/druid/{config}/_common/log4j2.xml .
2015-05-05 16:07:32 -05:00
2021-12-03 21:32:01 +08:00
By default, Druid uses `RollingRandomAccessFile` for rollover daily, and keeps log files up to 7 days.
If that's not suitable in your case, you could modify the log4j2.xml to meet your need.
2015-05-05 16:07:32 -05:00
2021-12-03 21:32:01 +08:00
An example log4j2.xml file is shown below:
2015-05-05 16:07:32 -05:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
< Configuration status = "WARN" >
2021-12-03 21:32:01 +08:00
< Console name = "Console" target = "SYSTEM_OUT" >
< PatternLayout pattern = "%d{ISO8601} %p [%t] %c - %m%n" / >
< / Console >
< RollingRandomAccessFile name = "FileAppender"
< PatternLayout pattern = "%d{ISO8601} %p [%t] %c - %m%n" / >
< Policies >
< TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy interval = "1" modulate = "true" / >
< / Policies >
< DefaultRolloverStrategy >
< Delete basePath = "${sys:druid.log.path}/" maxDepth = "1" >
< IfFileName glob = "*.log" / >
< IfLastModified age = "7d" / >
< / Delete >
< / DefaultRolloverStrategy >
< / RollingRandomAccessFile >
2015-05-05 16:07:32 -05:00
< Loggers >
< Root level = "info" >
2021-12-03 21:32:01 +08:00
< AppenderRef ref = "FileAppender" / >
2015-05-05 16:07:32 -05:00
< / Root >
2015-07-25 12:07:29 -05:00
<!-- Uncomment to enable logging of all HTTP requests
2018-08-30 09:56:26 -07:00
< Logger name = "org.apache.druid.jetty.RequestLog" additivity = "false" level = "DEBUG" >
2021-12-03 21:32:01 +08:00
< AppenderRef ref = "FileAppender" / >
2015-07-25 12:07:29 -05:00
< / Logger >
2015-05-05 16:07:32 -05:00
< / Loggers >
< / Configuration >
2015-07-25 12:07:29 -05:00
2019-05-16 11:13:48 -07:00
2021-12-03 21:32:01 +08:00
## How to change log directory
By default, Druid outputs the logs to a directory `log` under the directory where Druid is launched from.
For example, if Druid is started from its `bin` directory, there will be a subdirectory `log` generated under `bin` directory to hold the log files.
If you want to change the log directory, set environment variable `DRUID_LOG_DIR` to the right directory before you start Druid.
2019-05-16 11:13:48 -07:00
## My logs are really chatty, can I set them to asynchronously write?
Yes, using a `log4j2.xml` similar to the following causes some of the more chatty classes to write asynchronously:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
< Configuration status = "WARN" >
< Appenders >
< Console name = "Console" target = "SYSTEM_OUT" >
< PatternLayout pattern = "%d{ISO8601} %p [%t] %c - %m%n" / >
< / Console >
< / Appenders >
2021-12-03 21:32:01 +08:00
< Loggers >
<!-- AsyncLogger instead of Logger -->
2019-05-16 11:13:48 -07:00
< AsyncLogger name = "org.apache.druid.curator.inventory.CuratorInventoryManager" level = "debug" additivity = "false" >
< AppenderRef ref = "Console" / >
< / AsyncLogger >
< AsyncLogger name = "org.apache.druid.client.BatchServerInventoryView" level = "debug" additivity = "false" >
< AppenderRef ref = "Console" / >
< / AsyncLogger >
<!-- Make extra sure nobody adds logs in a bad way that can hurt performance -->
< AsyncLogger name = "org.apache.druid.client.ServerInventoryView" level = "debug" additivity = "false" >
< AppenderRef ref = "Console" / >
< / AsyncLogger >
< AsyncLogger name = "org.apache.druid.java.util.http.client.pool.ChannelResourceFactory" level = "info" additivity = "false" >
< AppenderRef ref = "Console" / >
< / AsyncLogger >
< Root level = "info" >
< AppenderRef ref = "Console" / >
< / Root >
< / Loggers >
< / Configuration >