* [srikalyc/Sql4D](https://github.com/srikalyc/Sql4D) - A SQL client for Druid. Used in production at Yahoo.
* [facetjs/facet-cli](https://github.com/facetjs/facet-cli) - A command line interface for issuing SQL queries to Druid via [facetjs](https://github.com/facetjs/facetjs)
#### TypeScript
* [facetjs/typescript-druid](https://github.com/facetjs/typescript-druid) - TypeScript declarations for the Druid API
Community Helper Libraries
* [madvertise/druid-dumbo](https://github.com/madvertise/druid-dumbo) - Scripts to help generate batch configs for the ingestion of data into Druid
* [housejester/druid-test-harness](https://github.com/housejester/druid-test-harness) - A set of scripts to simplify standing up some servers and seeing how things work
* [mingfang/docker-druid](https://github.com/mingfang/docker-druid) - A Dockerfile to run the entire Druid cluster
* [Insert Segments](../../operations/insert-segment-to-db.html) - A tool that can insert segments' metadata into Druid metadata storage.
Community Extensions
These are extensions from the community. (If you would like yours listed please speak up!)
* [acesinc/druid-cors-filter-extension](https://github.com/acesinc/druid-cors-filter-extension) - An extension to enable CORS headers in http requests.