This metric specification sorts TopN results by dimension value, using one of the sorting orders described here: [Sorting Orders](./sorting-orders.html)
|type|String|this indicates a sort a dimension's values|yes, must be 'dimension'|
|ordering|String|Specifies the sorting order. Can be one of the following values: "lexicographic", "alphanumeric", "numeric", "strlen". See [Sorting Orders](./sorting-orders.html) for more details.|no, default: "lexicographic"|
|previousStop|String|the starting point of the sort. For example, if a previousStop value is 'b', all values before 'b' are discarded. This field can be used to paginate through all the dimension values.|no|
Note that in earlier versions of Druid, the functionality provided by the DimensionTopNMetricSpec was handled by two separate spec types, Lexicographic and Alphanumeric (when only two sorting orders were supported). These spec types have been deprecated but are still usable.