This Apache Druid (incubating) module contains a simple implementation of [SSLContext](
Java's SSL support, please refer to [this]( guide.
|`druid.client.https.protocol`|SSL protocol to use.|`TLSv1.2`|no|
|`druid.client.https.trustStoreType`|The type of the key store where trusted root certificates are stored.|``|no|
|`druid.client.https.trustStorePath`|The file path or URL of the TLS/SSL Key store where trusted root certificates are stored.|none|yes|
|`druid.client.https.trustStoreAlgorithm`|Algorithm to be used by TrustManager to validate certificate chains|``|no|
|`druid.client.https.trustStorePassword`|The [Password Provider](../../operations/ or String password for the Trust Store.|none|yes|
The following table contains optional parameters for supporting client certificate authentication:
|`druid.client.https.keyStorePath`|The file path or URL of the TLS/SSL Key store containing the client certificate that Druid will use when communicating with other Druid services. If this is null, the other properties in this table are ignored.|none|yes|
|`druid.client.https.keyStoreType`|The type of the key store.|none|yes|
|`druid.client.https.certAlias`|Alias of TLS client certificate in the keystore.|none|yes|
|`druid.client.https.keyManagerFactoryAlgorithm`|Algorithm to use for creating KeyManager, more details [here](|``|no|
|`druid.client.https.keyManagerPassword`|The [Password Provider](../../operations/ or String password for the Key Manager.|none|no|
|`druid.client.https.validateHostnames`|Validate the hostname of the server. This should not be disabled unless you are using [custom TLS certificate checks](../../operations/ and know that standard hostname validation is not needed.|true|no|