Firehoses are used in the [stream-pull](../ingestion/stream-pull.html) ingestion model. They are pluggable and thus the configuration schema can and will vary based on the `type` of the firehose.
| type | String | Specifies the type of firehose. Each value will have its own configuration schema, firehoses packaged with Druid are described below. | yes |
This Firehose can be used to read the data from files on local disk.
It can be used for POCs to ingest data on disk.
A sample local firehose spec is shown below:
"type" : "local",
"filter" : "*.csv",
"baseDir" : "/data/directory"
|type|This should be "local".|yes|
|filter|A wildcard filter for files. See [here]( for more information.|yes|
The below configurations can be optionally used for tuning the firehose performance.
|maxCacheCapacityBytes|Maximum size of the cache space in bytes. 0 means disabling cache. Cached files are not removed until the ingestion task completes.|1073741824|
|maxFetchCapacityBytes|Maximum size of the fetch space in bytes. 0 means disabling prefetch. Prefetched files are removed immediately once they are read.|1073741824|
|prefetchTriggerBytes|Threshold to trigger prefetching http objects.|maxFetchCapacityBytes / 2|
|fetchTimeout|Timeout for fetching a http object.|60000|
|maxFetchRetry|Maximum retry for fetching a http object.|3|
|dataSource|A String defining the data source to fetch rows from, very similar to a table in a relational database|yes|
|interval|A String representing ISO-8601 Interval. This defines the time range to fetch the data over.|yes|
|dimensions|The list of dimensions to select. If left empty, no dimensions are returned. If left null or not defined, all dimensions are returned. |no|
|metrics|The list of metrics to select. If left empty, no metrics are returned. If left null or not defined, all metrics are selected.|no|