|`druid.indexer.storage.type`|Choices are "local" or "metadata". Indicates whether incoming tasks should be stored locally (in heap) or in metadata storage. Storing incoming tasks in metadata storage allows for tasks to be resumed if the overlord should fail.|local|
|`druid.indexer.storage.recentlyFinishedThreshold`|A duration of time to store task results.|PT24H|
|`druid.indexer.queue.maxSize`|Maximum number of active tasks at one time.|Integer.MAX_VALUE|
|`druid.indexer.queue.startDelay`|Sleep this long before starting overlord queue management. This can be useful to give a cluster time to re-orient itself after e.g. a widespread network issue.|PT1M|
|`druid.indexer.queue.restartDelay`|Sleep this long when overlord queue management throws an exception before trying again.|PT30S|
|`druid.indexer.queue.storageSyncRate`|Sync overlord state this often with an underlying task persistence mechanism.|PT1M|
The following configs only apply if the overlord is running in remote mode:
|`druid.indexer.runner.taskAssignmentTimeout`|How long to wait after a task as been assigned to a middle manager before throwing an error.|PT5M|
Overlord dynamic configuration is mainly for autoscaling. The overlord reads a worker setup spec as a JSON object from the Druid [metadata storage](Metadata-storage.html) config table. This object contains information about the version of middle managers to create, the maximum and minimum number of middle managers in the cluster at one time, and additional information required to automatically create middle managers.
Issuing a GET request at the same URL will return the current worker setup spec that is currently in place. The worker setup spec list above is just a sample and it is possible to extend the code base for other deployment environments. A description of the worker setup spec is shown below.
|`minNumWorkers`|The minimum number of workers that can be in the cluster at any given time.|0|
|`maxNumWorkers`|The maximum number of workers that can be in the cluster at any given time.|0|
|`nodeData`|A JSON object that describes how to launch new nodes. Currently, only EC2 is supported.|none; required|
|`userData`|A JSON object that describes how to configure new nodes. Currently, only EC2 is supported. If you have set druid.indexer.autoscale.workerVersion, this must have a versionReplacementString. Otherwise, a versionReplacementString is not necessary.|none; optional|