Completing [Tutorial: Configuring retention](../tutorials/tutorial-retention.html) first is highly recommended, as we will be using retention rules in this tutorial.
In this tutorial, we will use the Wikipedia edits data, with an indexing spec that creates hourly segments. This spec is located at `quickstart/tutorial/deletion-index.json`, and it creates a datasource called `deletion-tutorial`.
When the load finishes, open http://localhost:8081/#/datasources/deletion-tutorial in a browser.
## How to permanently delete data
Permanent deletion of a Druid segment has two steps:
1. The segment must first be marked as "unused". This occurs when a segment is dropped by retention rules, and when a user manually disables a segment through the Coordinator API. This tutorial will cover both cases.
2. After segments have been marked as "unused", a Kill Task will delete any "unused" segments from Druid's metadata store as well as deep storage.
Let's drop some segments now, first with load rules, then manually.
## Drop some data with load rules
As with the previous retention tutorial, there are currently 24 segments in the `deletion-tutorial` datasource.
Click the `edit rules` button with a pencil icon at the upper left corner of the page.
A rule configuration window will appear. Enter `tutorial` for both the user and changelog comment field.
Now click the `+ Add a rule` button twice.
In the `rule #1` box at the top, click `Load`, `Interval`, enter `2015-09-12T12:00:00.000Z/2015-09-13T00:00:00.000Z` in the interval box, and click `+ _default_tier replicant`.
In the `rule #2` box at the bottom, click `Drop` and `Forever`.
This will cause the first 12 segments of `deletion-tutorial` to be dropped. However, these dropped segments are not removed from deep storage.
You can see that all 24 segments are still present in deep storage by listing the contents of `apache-druid-#{DRUIDVERSION}/var/druid/segments/deletion-tutorial`:
The top of the info box shows the full segment ID, e.g. `deletion-tutorial_2016-06-27T14:00:00.000Z_2016-06-27T15:00:00.000Z_2018-07-27T22:57:00.110Z` for the segment of hour 14.
Let's disable the hour 14 segment by sending the following DELETE request to the coordinator, where {SEGMENT-ID} is the full segment ID shown in the info box: