| ♻️ Reusable Revised ITS | [](https://github.com/apache/druid/actions/workflows/reusable-revised-its.yml) |
| ♻️ Reusable Standard ITS | [](https://github.com/apache/druid/actions/workflows/reusable-standard-its.yml) |
| ♻️ Reusable Unit Tests | [](https://github.com/apache/druid/actions/workflows/reusable-unit-tests.yml) |
| 🔄 Revised ITS | [](https://github.com/apache/druid/actions/workflows/revised-its.yml) |
| 🔧 Standard ITS | [](https://github.com/apache/druid/actions/workflows/standard-its.yml) |
| 🧪 Unit and Integration Tests Unified | [](https://github.com/apache/druid/actions/workflows/unit-and-integration-tests-unified.yml) |
| 🔬 Unit Tests | [](https://github.com/apache/druid/actions/workflows/unit-tests.yml) |
Druid is designed for workflows where fast queries and ingest really matter. Druid excels at powering UIs, running operational (ad-hoc) queries, or handling high concurrency. Consider Druid as an open source alternative to data warehouses for a variety of use cases. The [design documentation](https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/design/architecture.html) explains the key concepts.
You can get started with Druid with our [local](https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/tutorials/quickstart.html) or [Docker](http://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/tutorials/docker.html) quickstart.
Druid provides a rich set of APIs (via HTTP and [JDBC](https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/sql.html#jdbc)) for loading, managing, and querying your data.
Load [streaming](https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/ingestion/index.html#streaming) and [batch](https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/ingestion/index.html#batch) data using a point-and-click wizard to guide you through ingestion setup. Monitor one off tasks and ingestion supervisors.
Manage your cluster with ease. Get a view of your [datasources](https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/design/architecture.html), [segments](https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/design/segments.html), [ingestion tasks](https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/ingestion/tasks.html), and [services](https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/design/processes.html) from one convenient location. All powered by [SQL systems tables](https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/sql.html#metadata-tables), allowing you to see the underlying query for each view.
Use the built-in query workbench to prototype [DruidSQL](https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/sql.html) and [native](https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/querying/querying.html) queries or connect one of the [many tools](https://druid.apache.org/libraries.html) that help you make the most out of Druid.
See the [latest documentation](https://druid.apache.org/docs/latest/) for the documentation for the current official release. If you need information on a previous release, you can browse [previous releases documentation](https://druid.apache.org/docs/).
Make documentation and tutorials updates in [`/docs`](https://github.com/apache/druid/tree/master/docs) using [Markdown](https://www.markdownguide.org/) or extended Markdown [(MDX)](https://mdxjs.com/). Then, open a pull request.
To build the site locally, you need Node 16.14 or higher and to install Docusaurus 2 with `npm|yarn install` in the `website` directory. Then you can run `npm|yarn start` to launch a local build of the docs.
If you're looking to update non-doc pages like Use Cases, those files are in the [`druid-website-src`](https://github.com/apache/druid-website-src/tree/master) repo.
Visit the official project [community](https://druid.apache.org/community/) page to read about getting involved in contributing to Apache Druid, and how we help one another use and operate Druid.
* Druid users can find help in the [`druid-user`](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/druid-user) mailing list on Google Groups, and have more technical conversations in `#troubleshooting` on Slack.
* Druid development discussions take place in the [`druid-dev`](https://lists.apache.org/list.html?dev@druid.apache.org) mailing list ([dev@druid.apache.org](https://lists.apache.org/list.html?dev@druid.apache.org)). Subscribe by emailing [dev-subscribe@druid.apache.org](mailto:dev-subscribe@druid.apache.org). For live conversations, join the `#dev` channel on Slack.
Find articles written by community members and a calendar of upcoming events on the [project site](https://druid.apache.org/) - contribute your own events and articles by submitting a PR in the [`apache/druid-website-src`](https://github.com/apache/druid-website-src/tree/master/_data) repository.