diff --git a/docs/ingestion/tasks.md b/docs/ingestion/tasks.md
index 92f21b92487..9396378bcdb 100644
--- a/docs/ingestion/tasks.md
+++ b/docs/ingestion/tasks.md
@@ -470,6 +470,8 @@ The following parameters apply to all task types.
|`storeEmptyColumns`|Enables the task to store empty columns during ingestion. When `true`, Druid stores every column specified in the [`dimensionsSpec`](ingestion-spec.md#dimensionsspec). When `false`, Druid SQL queries referencing empty columns will fail. If you intend to leave `storeEmptyColumns` disabled, you should either ingest dummy data for empty columns or else not query on empty columns.
When set in the task context, `storeEmptyColumns` overrides the system property [`druid.indexer.task.storeEmptyColumns`](../configuration/index.md#additional-peon-configuration).|`true`|
|`taskLockTimeout`|Task lock timeout in milliseconds. For more details, see [Locking](#locking).
When a task acquires a lock, it sends a request via HTTP and awaits until it receives a response containing the lock acquisition result. As a result, an HTTP timeout error can occur if `taskLockTimeout` is greater than `druid.server.http.maxIdleTime` of Overlords.|300000|
|`useLineageBasedSegmentAllocation`|Enables the new lineage-based segment allocation protocol for the native Parallel task with dynamic partitioning. This option should be off during the replacing rolling upgrade from one of the Druid versions between 0.19 and 0.21 to Druid 0.22 or higher. Once the upgrade is done, it must be set to `true` to ensure data correctness.|`false` in 0.21 or earlier, `true` in 0.22 or later|
+|`lookupLoadingMode`|Controls the lookup loading behavior in tasks. This property supports three values: `ALL` mode loads all the lookups, `NONE` mode does not load any lookups and `ONLY_REQUIRED` mode loads the lookups specified with context key `lookupsToLoad`. This property must not be specified for `MSQ` and `kill` tasks as the task engine enforces `ONLY_REQUIRED` mode for `MSQWorkerTask` and `NONE` mode for `MSQControllerTask` and `kill` tasks.|`ALL`|
+|`lookupsToLoad`|List of lookup names to load in tasks. This property is required only if the `lookupLoadingMode` is set to `ONLY_REQUIRED`. For `MSQWorkerTask` type, the lookup names to load are identified by the controller task by parsing the SQL. |`null`|
## Task logs