diff --git a/docs/multi-stage-query/reference.md b/docs/multi-stage-query/reference.md
index b1a25b80e42..71fc1b43afe 100644
--- a/docs/multi-stage-query/reference.md
+++ b/docs/multi-stage-query/reference.md
@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ The following table describes error codes you may encounter in the `multiStageQu
| `InvalidNullByte` | A string column included a null byte. Null bytes in strings are not permitted. | `column`: The column that included the null byte |
| `QueryNotSupported` | QueryKit could not translate the provided native query to a multi-stage query.
This can happen if the query uses features that aren't supported, like GROUPING SETS. | |
| `RowTooLarge` | The query tried to process a row that was too large to write to a single frame. See the [Limits](#limits) table for specific limits on frame size. Note that the effective maximum row size is smaller than the maximum frame size due to alignment considerations during frame writing. | `maxFrameSize`: The limit on the frame size. |
-| `TaskStartTimeout` | Unable to launch `numTasks` tasks within `timeout` milliseconds.
There may be insufficient available slots to start all the worker tasks simultaneously. Try splitting up your query into smaller chunks using a smaller value of [`maxNumTasks`](#context-parameters). Another option is to increase capacity. | `numTasks`: The number of tasks attempted to launch.
`timeout`: Timeout, in milliseconds, that was exceeded. |
+| `TaskStartTimeout` | Unable to launch all the worker tasks in time.
There might be insufficient available slots to start all the worker tasks simultaneously.
Try splitting up the query into smaller chunks with lesser `maxNumTasks` number. Another option is to increase capacity. | `numTasks`: The number of tasks attempted to launch. |
| `TooManyAttemptsForJob` | Total relaunch attempt count across all workers exceeded max relaunch attempt limit. See the [Limits](#limits) table for the specific limit. | `maxRelaunchCount`: Max number of relaunches across all the workers defined in the [Limits](#limits) section.
`currentRelaunchCount`: current relaunch counter for the job across all workers.
`taskId`: Latest task id which failed
`rootErrorMessage`: Error message of the latest failed task.|
| `TooManyAttemptsForWorker` | Worker exceeded maximum relaunch attempt count as defined in the [Limits](#limits) section. |`maxPerWorkerRelaunchCount`: Max number of relaunches allowed per worker as defined in the [Limits](#limits) section.
`workerNumber`: the worker number for which the task failed
`taskId`: Latest task id which failed
`rootErrorMessage`: Error message of the latest failed task.|
| `TooManyBuckets` | Exceeded the maximum number of partition buckets for a stage (5,000 partition buckets).
< br />Partition buckets are created for each [`PARTITIONED BY`](#partitioned-by) time chunk for INSERT and REPLACE queries. The most common reason for this error is that your `PARTITIONED BY` is too narrow relative to your data. | `maxBuckets`: The limit on partition buckets. |