diff --git a/integration-tests/README.md b/integration-tests/README.md index 0b64dd30f1a..e80151d92f6 100644 --- a/integration-tests/README.md +++ b/integration-tests/README.md @@ -123,6 +123,27 @@ Druid routers for security group integration test (permissive tls, no client aut mvn verify -P integration-tests -pl integration-tests -Ddocker.build.skip=true -Ddocker.run.skip=true -Dit.test= ``` +### Running tests from IntelliJ + +Before running tests from IntelliJ, ensure you have a Druid cluster running. +Modify the tests run configurations to be the following Vm options: + +``` +-Duser.timezone=UTC +-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 +-Ddruid.test.config.dockerIp=localhost +-Ddruid.zk.service.host=localhost +-Ddruid.client.https.trustStorePath=client_tls/truststore.jks +-Ddruid.client.https.trustStorePassword=druid123 +-Ddruid.client.https.keyStorePath=client_tls/client.jks +-Ddruid.client.https.certAlias=druid +-Ddruid.client.https.keyManagerPassword=druid123 +-Ddruid.client.https.keyStorePassword=druid123 +``` + +Run tests from the test configuration often found in the top right corner of the IntelliJ IDE. +The values shown above are for the default docker compose cluster. For other clusters the values will need to be changed. + ## Docker Compose files - docker-compose.base.yml