mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 15:35:56 +00:00
better regex for durations
This commit is contained in:
@ -1678,7 +1678,7 @@ terminal:!0});O.angular.bootstrap?console.log("WARNING: Tried to load angular mo
function mousewheeled() {
var dispatch = event.of(this, arguments);
if (mousewheelTimer) clearTimeout(mousewheelTimer); else d3_selection_interrupt.call(this),
if (mousewheelTimer) clearTimeout(mousewheelTimer); else d3_selection_interrupt.call(this),
mousewheelTimer = setTimeout(function() {
mousewheelTimer = null;
@ -2090,7 +2090,7 @@ terminal:!0});O.angular.bootstrap?console.log("WARNING: Tried to load angular mo
d3.xhr = d3_xhrType(d3_identity);
function d3_xhrType(response) {
return function(url, mimeType, callback) {
if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof mimeType === "function") callback = mimeType,
if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof mimeType === "function") callback = mimeType,
mimeType = null;
return d3_xhr(url, mimeType, response, callback);
@ -2922,7 +2922,7 @@ terminal:!0});O.angular.bootstrap?console.log("WARNING: Tried to load angular mo
return n ? (date.y = d3_time_expandYear(+n[0]), i + n[0].length) : -1;
function d3_time_parseZone(date, string, i) {
return /^[+-]\d{4}$/.test(string = string.substring(i, i + 5)) ? (date.Z = +string,
return /^[+-]\d{4}$/.test(string = string.substring(i, i + 5)) ? (date.Z = +string,
i + 5) : -1;
function d3_time_expandYear(d) {
@ -3115,7 +3115,7 @@ terminal:!0});O.angular.bootstrap?console.log("WARNING: Tried to load angular mo
var λ00, φ00, λ0, cosφ0, sinφ0;
d3_geo_area.point = function(λ, φ) {
d3_geo_area.point = nextPoint;
λ0 = (λ00 = λ) * d3_radians, cosφ0 = Math.cos(φ = (φ00 = φ) * d3_radians / 2 + π / 4),
λ0 = (λ00 = λ) * d3_radians, cosφ0 = Math.cos(φ = (φ00 = φ) * d3_radians / 2 + π / 4),
sinφ0 = Math.sin(φ);
function nextPoint(λ, φ) {
@ -4944,7 +4944,7 @@ terminal:!0});O.angular.bootstrap?console.log("WARNING: Tried to load angular mo
return _ ? center([ -_[1], _[0] ]) : (_ = center(), [ -_[1], _[0] ]);
projection.rotate = function(_) {
return _ ? rotate([ _[0], _[1], _.length > 2 ? _[2] + 90 : 90 ]) : (_ = rotate(),
return _ ? rotate([ _[0], _[1], _.length > 2 ? _[2] + 90 : 90 ]) : (_ = rotate(),
[ _[0], _[1], _[2] - 90 ]);
return projection.rotate([ 0, 0 ]);
@ -5795,7 +5795,7 @@ terminal:!0});O.angular.bootstrap?console.log("WARNING: Tried to load angular mo
quadtree.extent = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) return x1 == null ? null : [ [ x1, y1 ], [ x2, y2 ] ];
if (_ == null) x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = null; else x1 = +_[0][0], y1 = +_[0][1], x2 = +_[1][0],
if (_ == null) x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = null; else x1 = +_[0][0], y1 = +_[0][1], x2 = +_[1][0],
y2 = +_[1][1];
return quadtree;
@ -7472,7 +7472,7 @@ terminal:!0});O.angular.bootstrap?console.log("WARNING: Tried to load angular mo
return d3_layout_treemapPad(node, x);
var type;
pad = (padding = x) == null ? d3_layout_treemapPadNull : (type = typeof x) === "function" ? padFunction : type === "number" ? (x = [ x, x, x, x ],
pad = (padding = x) == null ? d3_layout_treemapPadNull : (type = typeof x) === "function" ? padFunction : type === "number" ? (x = [ x, x, x, x ],
padConstant) : padConstant;
return treemap;
@ -7772,7 +7772,7 @@ terminal:!0});O.angular.bootstrap?console.log("WARNING: Tried to load angular mo
scale.tickFormat = function(n, format) {
if (!arguments.length) return d3_scale_logFormat;
if (arguments.length < 2) format = d3_scale_logFormat; else if (typeof format !== "function") format = d3.format(format);
var k = Math.max(.1, n / scale.ticks().length), f = positive ? (e = 1e-12, Math.ceil) : (e = -1e-12,
var k = Math.max(.1, n / scale.ticks().length), f = positive ? (e = 1e-12, Math.ceil) : (e = -1e-12,
Math.floor), e;
return function(d) {
return d / pow(f(log(d) + e)) <= k ? format(d) : "";
@ -8060,7 +8060,7 @@ terminal:!0});O.angular.bootstrap?console.log("WARNING: Tried to load angular mo
d3.svg.arc = function() {
var innerRadius = d3_svg_arcInnerRadius, outerRadius = d3_svg_arcOuterRadius, startAngle = d3_svg_arcStartAngle, endAngle = d3_svg_arcEndAngle;
function arc() {
var r0 = innerRadius.apply(this, arguments), r1 = outerRadius.apply(this, arguments), a0 = startAngle.apply(this, arguments) + d3_svg_arcOffset, a1 = endAngle.apply(this, arguments) + d3_svg_arcOffset, da = (a1 < a0 && (da = a0,
var r0 = innerRadius.apply(this, arguments), r1 = outerRadius.apply(this, arguments), a0 = startAngle.apply(this, arguments) + d3_svg_arcOffset, a1 = endAngle.apply(this, arguments) + d3_svg_arcOffset, da = (a1 < a0 && (da = a0,
a0 = a1, a1 = da), a1 - a0), df = da < π ? "0" : "1", c0 = Math.cos(a0), s0 = Math.sin(a0), c1 = Math.cos(a1), s1 = Math.sin(a1);
return da >= d3_svg_arcMax ? r0 ? "M0," + r1 + "A" + r1 + "," + r1 + " 0 1,1 0," + -r1 + "A" + r1 + "," + r1 + " 0 1,1 0," + r1 + "M0," + r0 + "A" + r0 + "," + r0 + " 0 1,0 0," + -r0 + "A" + r0 + "," + r0 + " 0 1,0 0," + r0 + "Z" : "M0," + r1 + "A" + r1 + "," + r1 + " 0 1,1 0," + -r1 + "A" + r1 + "," + r1 + " 0 1,1 0," + r1 + "Z" : r0 ? "M" + r1 * c0 + "," + r1 * s0 + "A" + r1 + "," + r1 + " 0 " + df + ",1 " + r1 * c1 + "," + r1 * s1 + "L" + r0 * c1 + "," + r0 * s1 + "A" + r0 + "," + r0 + " 0 " + df + ",0 " + r0 * c0 + "," + r0 * s0 + "Z" : "M" + r1 * c0 + "," + r1 * s0 + "A" + r1 + "," + r1 + " 0 " + df + ",1 " + r1 * c1 + "," + r1 * s1 + "L0,0" + "Z";
@ -8196,7 +8196,7 @@ terminal:!0});O.angular.bootstrap?console.log("WARNING: Tried to load angular mo
return points.length < 4 ? d3_svg_lineLinear(points) : points[1] + d3_svg_lineHermite(points.slice(1, points.length - 1), d3_svg_lineCardinalTangents(points, tension));
function d3_svg_lineCardinalClosed(points, tension) {
return points.length < 3 ? d3_svg_lineLinear(points) : points[0] + d3_svg_lineHermite((points.push(points[0]),
return points.length < 3 ? d3_svg_lineLinear(points) : points[0] + d3_svg_lineHermite((points.push(points[0]),
points), d3_svg_lineCardinalTangents([ points[points.length - 2] ].concat(points, [ points[1] ]), tension));
function d3_svg_lineCardinal(points, tension) {
@ -8902,7 +8902,7 @@ terminal:!0});O.angular.bootstrap?console.log("WARNING: Tried to load angular mo
var g = d3.select(this);
var scale0 = this.__chart__ || scale, scale1 = this.__chart__ = scale.copy();
var ticks = tickValues == null ? scale1.ticks ? scale1.ticks.apply(scale1, tickArguments_) : scale1.domain() : tickValues, tickFormat = tickFormat_ == null ? scale1.tickFormat ? scale1.tickFormat.apply(scale1, tickArguments_) : d3_identity : tickFormat_, tick = g.selectAll(".tick").data(ticks, scale1), tickEnter = tick.enter().insert("g", ".domain").attr("class", "tick").style("opacity", ε), tickExit = d3.transition(tick.exit()).style("opacity", ε).remove(), tickUpdate = d3.transition(tick.order()).style("opacity", 1), tickTransform;
var range = d3_scaleRange(scale1), path = g.selectAll(".domain").data([ 0 ]), pathUpdate = (path.enter().append("path").attr("class", "domain"),
var range = d3_scaleRange(scale1), path = g.selectAll(".domain").data([ 0 ]), pathUpdate = (path.enter().append("path").attr("class", "domain"),
@ -11829,7 +11829,7 @@ app.directive('isoDuration', function() {
require: 'ngModel',
link: function($scope, $el, $attrs, $ctrl) {
var durationRegex;
durationRegex = /^P(((\d+)Y)?((\d)+M)?((\d)+D)?|(\d)+W)$/;
durationRegex = /^P(?=\w*\d)(?:\d+Y|Y)?(?:\d+M|M)?(?:\d+W|W)?(?:\d+D|D)?(?:T(?:\d+H|H)?(?:\d+M|M)?(?:\d+(?:\.\d{1,2})?S|S)?)?$/;
return $ctrl.$parsers.unshift(function(viewValue) {
if (viewValue == null) {
$ctrl.$setValidity('isoDuration', true);
Reference in New Issue
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