+ return
runningTasks.length ?
diff --git a/web-console/src/views/sql-view.tsx b/web-console/src/views/sql-view.tsx
index a60cc3eaaa9..e8f90d72c3e 100644
--- a/web-console/src/views/sql-view.tsx
+++ b/web-console/src/views/sql-view.tsx
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@
* limitations under the License.
-import * as Hjson from "hjson";
+import * as Hjson from 'hjson';
import * as React from 'react';
-import ReactTable from "react-table";
+import ReactTable from 'react-table';
import { SqlControl } from '../components/sql-control';
-import { QueryPlanDialog } from "../dialogs/query-plan-dialog";
+import { QueryPlanDialog } from '../dialogs/query-plan-dialog';
import {
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import {
queryDruidSql, QueryManager, SemiJoinQueryExplanation
} from '../utils';
-import "./sql-view.scss";
+import './sql-view.scss';
export interface SqlViewProps extends React.Props
initSql: string | null;
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ export class SqlView extends React.Component {
} else {
const result = await queryDruidSql({
- resultFormat: "array",
+ resultFormat: 'array',
header: true
@@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ export class SqlView extends React.Component {
const explainQuery = `explain plan for ${query}`;
const result = await queryDruidSql({
query: explainQuery,
- resultFormat: "object"
+ resultFormat: 'object'
- const data: BasicQueryExplanation | SemiJoinQueryExplanation | string = parseQueryPlan(result[0]["PLAN"]);
+ const data: BasicQueryExplanation | SemiJoinQueryExplanation | string = parseQueryPlan(result[0]['PLAN']);
return data;
onStateChange: ({ result, loading, error }) => {
diff --git a/web-console/src/views/tasks-view.tsx b/web-console/src/views/tasks-view.tsx
index d0c1555cfc4..2897c6d43ec 100644
--- a/web-console/src/views/tasks-view.tsx
+++ b/web-console/src/views/tasks-view.tsx
@@ -16,17 +16,17 @@
* limitations under the License.
-import { Alert, Button, ButtonGroup, Intent, Label } from "@blueprintjs/core";
-import { IconNames } from "@blueprintjs/icons";
+import { Alert, Button, ButtonGroup, Intent, Label } from '@blueprintjs/core';
+import { IconNames } from '@blueprintjs/icons';
import axios from 'axios';
import * as classNames from 'classnames';
import * as React from 'react';
-import ReactTable from "react-table";
-import { Filter } from "react-table";
+import ReactTable from 'react-table';
+import { Filter } from 'react-table';
-import { TableColumnSelection } from "../components/table-column-selection";
-import { AsyncActionDialog } from "../dialogs/async-action-dialog";
-import { SpecDialog } from "../dialogs/spec-dialog";
+import { TableColumnSelection } from '../components/table-column-selection';
+import { AsyncActionDialog } from '../dialogs/async-action-dialog';
+import { SpecDialog } from '../dialogs/spec-dialog';
import { AppToaster } from '../singletons/toaster';
import {
@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ import {
getDruidErrorMessage, LocalStorageKeys,
QueryManager, TableColumnSelectionHandler
-} from "../utils";
+} from '../utils';
-import "./tasks-view.scss";
+import './tasks-view.scss';
-const supervisorTableColumns: string[] = ["Datasource", "Type", "Topic/Stream", "Status", "Actions"];
-const taskTableColumns: string[] = ["Task ID", "Type", "Datasource", "Created time", "Status", "Duration", "Actions"];
+const supervisorTableColumns: string[] = ['Datasource', 'Type', 'Topic/Stream', 'Status', 'Actions'];
+const taskTableColumns: string[] = ['Task ID', 'Type', 'Datasource', 'Created time', 'Status', 'Duration', 'Actions'];
export interface TasksViewProps extends React.Props {
taskId: string | null;
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ export class TasksView extends React.Component {
componentDidMount(): void {
this.supervisorQueryManager = new QueryManager({
processQuery: async (query: string) => {
- const resp = await axios.get("/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor?full");
+ const resp = await axios.get('/druid/indexer/v1/supervisor?full');
return resp.data;
onStateChange: ({ result, loading, error }) => {
@@ -328,11 +328,11 @@ ORDER BY "rank" DESC, "created_time" DESC`);
- Header: "Datasource",
+ Header: 'Datasource',
id: 'datasource',
- accessor: "id",
+ accessor: 'id',
width: 300,
- show: supervisorTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn("Datasource")
+ show: supervisorTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn('Datasource')
Header: 'Type',
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ ORDER BY "rank" DESC, "created_time" DESC`);
if (!tuningConfig) return '';
return tuningConfig.type;
- show: supervisorTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn("Type")
+ show: supervisorTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn('Type')
Header: 'Topic/Stream',
@@ -356,10 +356,10 @@ ORDER BY "rank" DESC, "created_time" DESC`);
if (!ioConfig) return '';
return ioConfig.topic || ioConfig.stream || '';
- show: supervisorTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn("Topic/Stream")
+ show: supervisorTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn('Topic/Stream')
- Header: "Status",
+ Header: 'Status',
id: 'status',
accessor: (row) => row.spec.suspended ? 'Suspended' : 'Running',
Cell: row => {
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ ORDER BY "rank" DESC, "created_time" DESC`);
- show: supervisorTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn("Status")
+ show: supervisorTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn('Status')
Header: 'Actions',
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ ORDER BY "rank" DESC, "created_time" DESC`);
this.setState({ terminateSupervisorId: id })}>Terminate
- show: supervisorTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn("Actions")
+ show: supervisorTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn('Actions')
@@ -452,44 +452,44 @@ ORDER BY "rank" DESC, "created_time" DESC`);
onFilteredChange={(filtered, column) => {
this.setState({ taskFilter: filtered });
- defaultSorted={[{id: "status", desc: true}]}
+ defaultSorted={[{id: 'status', desc: true}]}
pivotBy={groupTasksBy ? [groupTasksBy] : []}
- Header: "Task ID",
- accessor: "task_id",
+ Header: 'Task ID',
+ accessor: 'task_id',
width: 300,
Aggregated: row => '',
- show: taskTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn("Task ID")
+ show: taskTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn('Task ID')
- Header: "Type",
- accessor: "type",
+ Header: 'Type',
+ accessor: 'type',
Cell: row => {
const value = row.value;
{ this.setState({ taskFilter: addFilter(taskFilter, 'type', value) }); }}>{value};
- show: taskTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn("Type")
+ show: taskTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn('Type')
- Header: "Datasource",
- accessor: "datasource",
+ Header: 'Datasource',
+ accessor: 'datasource',
Cell: row => {
const value = row.value;
{ this.setState({ taskFilter: addFilter(taskFilter, 'datasource', value) }); }}>{value};
- show: taskTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn("Datasource")
+ show: taskTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn('Datasource')
- Header: "Created time",
- accessor: "created_time",
+ Header: 'Created time',
+ accessor: 'created_time',
width: 120,
Aggregated: row => '',
- show: taskTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn("Created time")
+ show: taskTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn('Created time')
- Header: "Status",
- id: "status",
+ Header: 'Status',
+ id: 'status',
width: 110,
accessor: (row) => `${row.rank}_${row.created_time}_${row.status}`,
Cell: row => {
@@ -519,15 +519,15 @@ ORDER BY "rank" DESC, "created_time" DESC`);
const previewCount = countBy(previewValues);
{Object.keys(previewCount).sort().map(v => `${v} (${previewCount[v]})`).join(', ')};
- show: taskTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn("Status")
+ show: taskTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn('Status')
- Header: "Duration",
- accessor: "duration",
+ Header: 'Duration',
+ accessor: 'duration',
filterable: false,
Cell: (row) => row.value > 0 ? formatDuration(row.value) : '',
Aggregated: () => '',
- show: taskTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn("Duration")
+ show: taskTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn('Duration')
Header: 'Actions',
@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ ORDER BY "rank" DESC, "created_time" DESC`);
Aggregated: row => '',
- show: taskTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn("Actions")
+ show: taskTableColumnSelectionHandler.showColumn('Actions')
diff --git a/web-console/tslint.json b/web-console/tslint.json
index daed15b9d92..6c6b84af9fe 100644
--- a/web-console/tslint.json
+++ b/web-console/tslint.json
@@ -1,125 +1,18 @@
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