diff --git a/docs/configuration/index.md b/docs/configuration/index.md
index 82d6cdf4eb2..a27e390a1a4 100644
--- a/docs/configuration/index.md
+++ b/docs/configuration/index.md
@@ -810,9 +810,9 @@ These Coordinator static configurations can be defined in the `coordinator/runti
|`druid.coordinator.startDelay`|The operation of the Coordinator works on the assumption that it has an up-to-date view of the state of the world when it runs, the current ZK interaction code, however, is written in a way that doesn’t allow the Coordinator to know for a fact that it’s done loading the current state of the world. This delay is a hack to give it enough time to believe that it has all the data.|PT300S|
|`druid.coordinator.load.timeout`|The timeout duration for when the Coordinator assigns a segment to a Historical process.|PT15M|
|`druid.coordinator.kill.pendingSegments.on`|Boolean flag for whether or not the Coordinator clean up old entries in the `pendingSegments` table of metadata store. If set to true, Coordinator will check the created time of most recently complete task. If it doesn't exist, it finds the created time of the earliest running/pending/waiting tasks. Once the created time is found, then for all dataSources not in the `killPendingSegmentsSkipList` (see [Dynamic configuration](#dynamic-configuration)), Coordinator will ask the Overlord to clean up the entries 1 day or more older than the found created time in the `pendingSegments` table. This will be done periodically based on `druid.coordinator.period.indexingPeriod` specified.|true|
-|`druid.coordinator.kill.on`|Boolean flag for whether or not the Coordinator should submit kill task for unused segments, that is, hard delete them from metadata store and deep storage. If set to true, then for all whitelisted dataSources (or optionally all), Coordinator will submit tasks periodically based on `period` specified. These kill tasks will delete all unused segments except for the last `durationToRetain` period. A whitelist can be set via dynamic configuration `killDataSourceWhitelist` described later.|true|
+|`druid.coordinator.kill.on`|Boolean flag for whether or not the Coordinator should submit kill task for unused segments, that is, permanently delete them from metadata store and deep storage. If set to true, then for all whitelisted dataSources (or optionally all), Coordinator will submit tasks periodically based on `period` specified. A whitelist can be set via dynamic configuration `killDataSourceWhitelist` described later.
When `druid.coordinator.kill.on` is true, segments are eligible for permanent deletion once their data intervals are older than `druid.coordinator.kill.durationToRetain` relative to the current time. If a segment's data interval is older than this threshold at the time it is marked unused, it is eligible for permanent deletion immediately after being marked unused.|false|
|`druid.coordinator.kill.period`|How often to send kill tasks to the indexing service. Value must be greater than `druid.coordinator.period.indexingPeriod`. Only applies if kill is turned on.|P1D (1 Day)|
-|`druid.coordinator.kill.durationToRetain`|Only applies if you set `druid.coordinator.kill.on` to `true`. This value is ignored if `druid.coordinator.kill.ignoreDurationToRetain` is `true`. Valid configurations must be a ISO8601 period. Druid will not kill unused segments whose interval end date is beyond `now - durationToRetain`. `durationToRetain` can be a negative ISO8601 period, which would result in `now - durationToRetain` to be in the future.|`P90D`|
+|`druid.coordinator.kill.durationToRetain`|Only applies if you set `druid.coordinator.kill.on` to `true`. This value is ignored if `druid.coordinator.kill.ignoreDurationToRetain` is `true`. Valid configurations must be a ISO8601 period. Druid will not kill unused segments whose interval end date is beyond `now - durationToRetain`. `durationToRetain` can be a negative ISO8601 period, which would result in `now - durationToRetain` to be in the future.
Note that the `durationToRetain` parameter applies to the segment interval, not the time that the segment was last marked unused. For example, if `durationToRetain` is set to `P90D`, then a segment for a time chunk 90 days in the past is eligible for permanent deletion immediately after being marked unused.|`P90D`|
|`druid.coordinator.kill.ignoreDurationToRetain`|A way to override `druid.coordinator.kill.durationToRetain` and tell the coordinator that you do not care about the end date of unused segment intervals when it comes to killing them. If true, the coordinator considers all unused segments as eligible to be killed.|false|
|`druid.coordinator.kill.maxSegments`|Kill at most n unused segments per kill task submission, must be greater than 0. Only applies and MUST be specified if kill is turned on.|100|
|`druid.coordinator.balancer.strategy`|Specify the type of balancing strategy for the coordinator to use to distribute segments among the historicals. `cachingCost` is logically equivalent to `cost` but is more CPU-efficient on large clusters. `diskNormalized` weights the costs according to the servers' disk usage ratios - there are known issues with this strategy distributing segments unevenly across the cluster. `random` distributes segments among services randomly.|`cost`|
diff --git a/services/src/main/java/org/apache/druid/cli/CliCoordinator.java b/services/src/main/java/org/apache/druid/cli/CliCoordinator.java
index ea363696b4f..841034e2be6 100644
--- a/services/src/main/java/org/apache/druid/cli/CliCoordinator.java
+++ b/services/src/main/java/org/apache/druid/cli/CliCoordinator.java
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ public class CliCoordinator extends ServerRunnable
- "true",
+ "false",