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synced 2025-03-08 10:30:38 +00:00
Refactor: Rename UsedSegmentChecker and cleanup task actions (#16644)
Changes: - Rename `UsedSegmentChecker` to `PublishedSegmentsRetriever` - Remove deprecated single `Interval` argument from `RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction` as it is now unused and has been deprecated since #1988 - Return `Set` of segments instead of a `Collection` from `IndexerMetadataStorageCoordinator.retrieveUsedSegments()`
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import org.apache.druid.indexing.common.actions.TaskActionClient;
import org.apache.druid.indexing.overlord.Segments;
import org.apache.druid.java.util.common.JodaUtils;
import org.apache.druid.java.util.common.logger.Logger;
import org.apache.druid.segment.realtime.appenderator.UsedSegmentChecker;
import org.apache.druid.segment.realtime.appenderator.PublishedSegmentRetriever;
import org.apache.druid.timeline.DataSegment;
import org.apache.druid.timeline.SegmentId;
import org.joda.time.Interval;
@ -40,13 +40,13 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class ActionBasedUsedSegmentChecker implements UsedSegmentChecker
public class ActionBasedPublishedSegmentRetriever implements PublishedSegmentRetriever
private static final Logger log = new Logger(ActionBasedUsedSegmentChecker.class);
private static final Logger log = new Logger(ActionBasedPublishedSegmentRetriever.class);
private final TaskActionClient taskActionClient;
public ActionBasedUsedSegmentChecker(TaskActionClient taskActionClient)
public ActionBasedPublishedSegmentRetriever(TaskActionClient taskActionClient)
this.taskActionClient = taskActionClient;
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ public class ActionBasedUsedSegmentChecker implements UsedSegmentChecker
Iterables.transform(segmentIds, SegmentId::getInterval)
final Collection<DataSegment> foundUsedSegments = taskActionClient.submit(
new RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction(dataSource, null, usedSearchIntervals, Segments.INCLUDING_OVERSHADOWED)
new RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction(dataSource, usedSearchIntervals, Segments.INCLUDING_OVERSHADOWED)
for (DataSegment segment : foundUsedSegments) {
if (segmentIds.contains(segment.getId())) {
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ package org.apache.druid.indexing.common.actions;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import org.apache.druid.common.config.Configs;
import org.apache.druid.error.InvalidInput;
import org.apache.druid.indexing.common.task.Task;
import org.apache.druid.indexing.common.task.batch.parallel.AbstractBatchSubtask;
import org.apache.druid.indexing.overlord.Segments;
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import org.apache.druid.metadata.ReplaceTaskLock;
import org.apache.druid.timeline.DataSegment;
import org.apache.druid.timeline.Partitions;
import org.apache.druid.timeline.SegmentTimeline;
import org.apache.druid.utils.CollectionUtils;
import org.joda.time.Interval;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
@ -48,19 +49,13 @@ import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
* This TaskAction returns a collection of segments which have data within the specified intervals and are marked as
* used.
* Task action to retrieve a collection of segments which have data within the
* specified intervals and are marked as used.
* <p>
* If the task holds REPLACE locks and is writing back to the same datasource,
* only segments that were created before the REPLACE lock was acquired are returned for an interval.
* This ensures that the input set of segments for this replace task remains consistent
* even when new data is appended by other concurrent tasks.
* The order of segments within the returned collection is unspecified, but each segment is guaranteed to appear in
* the collection only once.
* @implNote This action doesn't produce a {@link Set} because it's implemented via {@link
* org.apache.druid.indexing.overlord.IndexerMetadataStorageCoordinator#retrieveUsedSegmentsForIntervals} which returns
* a collection. Producing a {@link Set} would require an unnecessary copy of segments collection.
* only segments that were created before the REPLACE lock was acquired are
* returned for an interval. This ensures that the input set of segments for this
* replace task remains consistent even when new data is appended by other concurrent tasks.
public class RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction implements TaskAction<Collection<DataSegment>>
@ -73,35 +68,22 @@ public class RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction implements TaskAction<Collection<DataSeg
public RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction(
@JsonProperty("dataSource") String dataSource,
@Deprecated @JsonProperty("interval") Interval interval,
@JsonProperty("intervals") Collection<Interval> intervals,
// When JSON object is deserialized, this parameter is optional for backward compatibility.
// Otherwise, it shouldn't be considered optional.
@JsonProperty("visibility") @Nullable Segments visibility
this.dataSource = dataSource;
interval == null || intervals == null,
"please specify intervals only"
List<Interval> theIntervals = null;
if (interval != null) {
theIntervals = ImmutableList.of(interval);
} else if (intervals != null && intervals.size() > 0) {
theIntervals = JodaUtils.condenseIntervals(intervals);
if (CollectionUtils.isNullOrEmpty(intervals)) {
throw InvalidInput.exception("No interval specified for retrieving used segments");
this.intervals = Preconditions.checkNotNull(theIntervals, "no intervals found");
// Defaulting to the former behaviour when visibility wasn't explicitly specified for backward compatibility
this.visibility = visibility != null ? visibility : Segments.ONLY_VISIBLE;
this.dataSource = dataSource;
this.intervals = JodaUtils.condenseIntervals(intervals);
this.visibility = Configs.valueOrDefault(visibility, Segments.ONLY_VISIBLE);
public RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction(String dataSource, Collection<Interval> intervals)
this(dataSource, null, intervals, Segments.ONLY_VISIBLE);
this(dataSource, intervals, Segments.ONLY_VISIBLE);
@ -198,7 +180,7 @@ public class RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction implements TaskAction<Collection<DataSeg
private Collection<DataSegment> retrieveUsedSegments(TaskActionToolbox toolbox)
private Set<DataSegment> retrieveUsedSegments(TaskActionToolbox toolbox)
return toolbox.getIndexerMetadataStorageCoordinator()
.retrieveUsedSegmentsForIntervals(dataSource, intervals, visibility);
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import java.util.concurrent.Future;
@JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "segmentTransactionalInsert", value = SegmentTransactionalInsertAction.class),
@JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "segmentTransactionalAppend", value = SegmentTransactionalAppendAction.class),
@JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "segmentTransactionalReplace", value = SegmentTransactionalReplaceAction.class),
@JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "segmentListById", value = RetrieveSegmentsByIdAction.class),
@JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "retrieveSegmentsById", value = RetrieveSegmentsByIdAction.class),
@JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "segmentListUsed", value = RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction.class),
@JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "segmentListUnused", value = RetrieveUnusedSegmentsAction.class),
@JsonSubTypes.Type(name = "markSegmentsAsUnused", value = MarkSegmentsAsUnusedAction.class),
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
package org.apache.druid.indexing.common.task;
import org.apache.druid.indexing.appenderator.ActionBasedUsedSegmentChecker;
import org.apache.druid.indexing.appenderator.ActionBasedPublishedSegmentRetriever;
import org.apache.druid.indexing.common.TaskToolbox;
import org.apache.druid.indexing.common.config.TaskConfig;
import org.apache.druid.java.util.common.IAE;
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public final class BatchAppenderators
return new BatchAppenderatorDriver(
new ActionBasedUsedSegmentChecker(toolbox.getTaskActionClient()),
new ActionBasedPublishedSegmentRetriever(toolbox.getTaskActionClient()),
@ -198,7 +198,6 @@ public class KillUnusedSegmentsTask extends AbstractFixedIntervalTask
RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction retrieveUsedSegmentsAction = new RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction(
@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ public class OverlordActionBasedUsedSegmentsRetriever implements UsedSegmentsRet
return toolbox
.submit(new RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction(dataSource, null, intervals, visibility));
.submit(new RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction(dataSource, intervals, visibility));
@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ import com.google.common.base.Suppliers;
import org.apache.druid.data.input.InputRow;
import org.apache.druid.data.input.impl.ByteEntity;
import org.apache.druid.indexer.TaskStatus;
import org.apache.druid.indexing.appenderator.ActionBasedPublishedSegmentRetriever;
import org.apache.druid.indexing.appenderator.ActionBasedSegmentAllocator;
import org.apache.druid.indexing.appenderator.ActionBasedUsedSegmentChecker;
import org.apache.druid.indexing.common.LockGranularity;
import org.apache.druid.indexing.common.TaskLockType;
import org.apache.druid.indexing.common.TaskToolbox;
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ public abstract class SeekableStreamIndexTask<PartitionIdType, SequenceOffsetTyp
new ActionBasedUsedSegmentChecker(toolbox.getTaskActionClient()),
new ActionBasedPublishedSegmentRetriever(toolbox.getTaskActionClient()),
@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ public abstract class SeekableStreamIndexTaskRunner<PartitionIdType, SequenceOff
sequenceMetadata.getCommitterSupplier(this, stream, lastPersistedOffsets).get(),
(Function<SegmentsAndCommitMetadata, SegmentsAndCommitMetadata>) publishedSegmentsAndMetadata -> {
publishedSegmentsAndMetadata -> {
if (publishedSegmentsAndMetadata == null) {
throw new ISE(
"Transaction failure publishing segments for sequence [%s]",
@ -393,15 +393,13 @@ public class SequenceMetadata<PartitionIdType, SequenceOffsetType>
// if we created no segments and didn't change any offsets, just do nothing and return.
"With empty segment set, start offsets [%s] and end offsets [%s] are the same, skipping metadata commit.",
startPartitions, finalPartitions
return SegmentPublishResult.ok(segmentsToPush);
} else {
"With empty segment set, start offsets [%s] and end offsets [%s] changed, committing new metadata.",
startPartitions, finalPartitions
action = SegmentTransactionalInsertAction.commitMetadataOnlyAction(
@ -419,12 +417,10 @@ public class SequenceMetadata<PartitionIdType, SequenceOffsetType>
final DataSourceMetadata endMetadata = runner.createDataSourceMetadata(finalPartitions);
action = taskLockType == TaskLockType.APPEND
? SegmentTransactionalAppendAction.forSegmentsAndMetadata(segmentsToPush, startMetadata, endMetadata,
: SegmentTransactionalInsertAction.appendAction(segmentsToPush, startMetadata, endMetadata,
? SegmentTransactionalAppendAction
.forSegmentsAndMetadata(segmentsToPush, startMetadata, endMetadata, segmentSchemaMapping)
: SegmentTransactionalInsertAction
.appendAction(segmentsToPush, startMetadata, endMetadata, segmentSchemaMapping);
} else {
action = taskLockType == TaskLockType.APPEND
? SegmentTransactionalAppendAction.forSegments(segmentsToPush, segmentSchemaMapping)
@ -43,16 +43,16 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class ActionBasedUsedSegmentCheckerTest
public class ActionBasedPublishedSegmentRetrieverTest
private TaskActionClient taskActionClient;
private ActionBasedUsedSegmentChecker segmentRetriever;
private ActionBasedPublishedSegmentRetriever segmentRetriever;
public void setup()
taskActionClient = EasyMock.createMock(TaskActionClient.class);
segmentRetriever = new ActionBasedUsedSegmentChecker(taskActionClient);
segmentRetriever = new ActionBasedPublishedSegmentRetriever(taskActionClient);
@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ public class ActionBasedUsedSegmentCheckerTest
new RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction(
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import org.joda.time.Interval;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ public class RetrieveUsedSegmentsActionSerdeTest
Interval interval = Intervals.of("2014/2015");
RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction expected =
new RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction("dataSource", interval, null, Segments.ONLY_VISIBLE);
new RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction("dataSource", Collections.singletonList(interval), Segments.ONLY_VISIBLE);
RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction actual =
MAPPER.readValue(MAPPER.writeValueAsString(expected), RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction.class);
@ -68,11 +69,15 @@ public class RetrieveUsedSegmentsActionSerdeTest
public void testOldJsonDeserialization() throws Exception
String jsonStr = "{\"type\": \"segmentListUsed\", \"dataSource\": \"test\", \"interval\": \"2014/2015\"}";
String jsonStr = "{\"type\": \"segmentListUsed\", \"dataSource\": \"test\", \"intervals\": [\"2014/2015\"]}";
RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction actual = (RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction) MAPPER.readValue(jsonStr, TaskAction.class);
new RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction("test", Intervals.of("2014/2015"), null, Segments.ONLY_VISIBLE),
new RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction(
@ -35,18 +35,13 @@ import org.apache.druid.java.util.common.Intervals;
import org.apache.druid.timeline.DataSegment;
import org.apache.druid.timeline.partition.LinearShardSpec;
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions;
import org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers;
import org.joda.time.Interval;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
public class SegmentTransactionalInsertActionTest
public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();
public TaskActionTestKit actionTestKit = new TaskActionTestKit();
@ -157,8 +152,8 @@ public class SegmentTransactionalInsertActionTest
"The new start metadata state[ObjectMetadata{theObject=[1]}] is ahead of the last commited end"
+ " state[null]. Try resetting the supervisor."
"The new start metadata state[ObjectMetadata{theObject=[1]}] is"
+ " ahead of the last committed end state[null]. Try resetting the supervisor."
@ -169,17 +164,15 @@ public class SegmentTransactionalInsertActionTest
public void testFailBadVersion() throws Exception
final Task task = NoopTask.create();
final SegmentTransactionalInsertAction action = SegmentTransactionalInsertAction.overwriteAction(
final SegmentTransactionalInsertAction action = SegmentTransactionalInsertAction
.overwriteAction(null, ImmutableSet.of(SEGMENT3), null);
acquireTimeChunkLock(TaskLockType.EXCLUSIVE, task, INTERVAL, 5000);
thrown.expectMessage(CoreMatchers.containsString("are not covered by locks"));
SegmentPublishResult result = action.perform(task, actionTestKit.getTaskActionToolbox());
Assert.assertEquals(SegmentPublishResult.ok(ImmutableSet.of(SEGMENT3)), result);
IllegalStateException exception = Assert.assertThrows(
() -> action.perform(task, actionTestKit.getTaskActionToolbox())
Assert.assertTrue(exception.getMessage().contains("are not covered by locks"));
@ -984,7 +984,6 @@ public class ConcurrentReplaceAndAppendTest extends IngestionTestBase
Collection<DataSegment> allUsedSegments = dummyTaskActionClient.submit(
new RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction(
@ -709,7 +709,6 @@ public class ConcurrentReplaceAndStreamingAppendTest extends IngestionTestBase
Collection<DataSegment> allUsedSegments = dummyTaskActionClient.submit(
new RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction(
@ -829,7 +828,6 @@ public class ConcurrentReplaceAndStreamingAppendTest extends IngestionTestBase
return dummyTaskActionClient.submit(
new RetrieveUsedSegmentsAction(
@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ public class TestIndexerMetadataStorageCoordinator implements IndexerMetadataSto
public List<DataSegment> retrieveAllUsedSegments(String dataSource, Segments visibility)
public Set<DataSegment> retrieveAllUsedSegments(String dataSource, Segments visibility)
return ImmutableList.of();
return ImmutableSet.of();
@ -97,13 +97,13 @@ public class TestIndexerMetadataStorageCoordinator implements IndexerMetadataSto
public List<DataSegment> retrieveUsedSegmentsForIntervals(
public Set<DataSegment> retrieveUsedSegmentsForIntervals(
String dataSource,
List<Interval> intervals,
Segments visibility
return ImmutableList.of();
return ImmutableSet.of();
@ -61,7 +61,11 @@ public class ConfigManager
private volatile PollingCallable poller;
public ConfigManager(MetadataStorageConnector dbConnector, Supplier<MetadataStorageTablesConfig> dbTables, Supplier<ConfigManagerConfig> config)
public ConfigManager(
MetadataStorageConnector dbConnector,
Supplier<MetadataStorageTablesConfig> dbTables,
Supplier<ConfigManagerConfig> config
this.dbConnector = dbConnector;
this.config = config;
@ -39,32 +39,15 @@ import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Handles metadata transactions performed by the Overlord.
public interface IndexerMetadataStorageCoordinator
* Retrieve all published segments which may include any data in the interval and are marked as used from the
* metadata store.
* The order of segments within the returned collection is unspecified, but each segment is guaranteed to appear in
* the collection only once.
* @param dataSource The data source to query
* @param interval The interval for which all applicable and used segmented are requested.
* @param visibility Whether only visible or visible as well as overshadowed segments should be returned. The
* visibility is considered within the specified interval: that is, a segment which is visible
* outside of the specified interval, but overshadowed within the specified interval will not be
* returned if {@link Segments#ONLY_VISIBLE} is passed. See more precise description in the doc for
* {@link Segments}.
* @return The DataSegments which include data in the requested interval. These segments may contain data outside the
* requested interval.
* @implNote This method doesn't return a {@link Set} because there may be an expectation that {@code Set.contains()}
* is O(1) operation, while it's not the case for the returned collection unless it copies all segments into a new
* {@link java.util.HashSet} or {@link com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet} which may in turn be unnecessary in
* other use cases. So clients should perform such copy themselves if they need {@link Set} semantics.
* Retrieves all published segments that have partial or complete overlap with
* the given interval and are marked as used.
default Collection<DataSegment> retrieveUsedSegmentsForInterval(
default Set<DataSegment> retrieveUsedSegmentsForInterval(
String dataSource,
Interval interval,
Segments visibility
@ -74,21 +57,16 @@ public interface IndexerMetadataStorageCoordinator
* Retrieve all published used segments in the data source from the metadata store.
* Retrieves all published used segments for the given data source.
* @param dataSource The data source to query
* @return all segments belonging to the given data source
* @see #retrieveUsedSegmentsForInterval(String, Interval, Segments) similar to this method but also accepts data
* interval.
* @see #retrieveUsedSegmentsForInterval(String, Interval, Segments)
Collection<DataSegment> retrieveAllUsedSegments(String dataSource, Segments visibility);
Set<DataSegment> retrieveAllUsedSegments(String dataSource, Segments visibility);
* Retrieve all published segments which are marked as used and the created_date of these segments belonging to the
* given data source and list of intervals from the metadata store.
* <p>
* Unlike other similar methods in this interface, this method doesn't accept a {@link Segments} "visibility"
* parameter. The returned collection may include overshadowed segments and their created_dates, as if {@link
* Segments#INCLUDING_OVERSHADOWED} was passed. It's the responsibility of the caller to filter out overshadowed ones
@ -99,32 +77,16 @@ public interface IndexerMetadataStorageCoordinator
* @return The DataSegments and the related created_date of segments
Collection<Pair<DataSegment, String>> retrieveUsedSegmentsAndCreatedDates(String dataSource, List<Interval> intervals);
Collection<Pair<DataSegment, String>> retrieveUsedSegmentsAndCreatedDates(
String dataSource,
List<Interval> intervals
* Retrieve all published segments which may include any data in the given intervals and are marked as used from the
* metadata store.
* <p>
* The order of segments within the returned collection is unspecified, but each segment is guaranteed to appear in
* the collection only once.
* </p>
* @param dataSource The data source to query
* @param intervals The intervals for which all applicable and used segments are requested.
* @param visibility Whether only visible or visible as well as overshadowed segments should be returned. The
* visibility is considered within the specified intervals: that is, a segment which is visible
* outside of the specified intervals, but overshadowed on the specified intervals will not be
* returned if {@link Segments#ONLY_VISIBLE} is passed. See more precise description in the doc for
* {@link Segments}.
* @return The DataSegments which include data in the requested intervals. These segments may contain data outside the
* requested intervals.
* @implNote This method doesn't return a {@link Set} because there may be an expectation that {@code Set.contains()}
* is O(1) operation, while it's not the case for the returned collection unless it copies all segments into a new
* {@link java.util.HashSet} or {@link com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet} which may in turn be unnecessary in
* other use cases. So clients should perform such copy themselves if they need {@link Set} semantics.
* Retrieves all published segments that have partial or complete overlap with
* the given intervals and are marked as used.
Collection<DataSegment> retrieveUsedSegmentsForIntervals(
Set<DataSegment> retrieveUsedSegmentsForIntervals(
String dataSource,
List<Interval> intervals,
Segments visibility
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ public class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinator implements IndexerMetadataStor
public Collection<DataSegment> retrieveUsedSegmentsForIntervals(
public Set<DataSegment> retrieveUsedSegmentsForIntervals(
final String dataSource,
final List<Interval> intervals,
final Segments visibility
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ public class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinator implements IndexerMetadataStor
public Collection<DataSegment> retrieveAllUsedSegments(String dataSource, Segments visibility)
public Set<DataSegment> retrieveAllUsedSegments(String dataSource, Segments visibility)
return doRetrieveUsedSegments(dataSource, Collections.emptyList(), visibility);
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ public class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinator implements IndexerMetadataStor
* @param intervals empty list means unrestricted interval.
private Collection<DataSegment> doRetrieveUsedSegments(
private Set<DataSegment> doRetrieveUsedSegments(
final String dataSource,
final List<Interval> intervals,
final Segments visibility
@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ public class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinator implements IndexerMetadataStor
private Collection<DataSegment> retrieveAllUsedSegmentsForIntervalsWithHandle(
private Set<DataSegment> retrieveAllUsedSegmentsForIntervalsWithHandle(
final Handle handle,
final String dataSource,
final List<Interval> intervals
@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ public class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinator implements IndexerMetadataStor
try (final CloseableIterator<DataSegment> iterator =
SqlSegmentsMetadataQuery.forHandle(handle, connector, dbTables, jsonMapper)
.retrieveUsedSegments(dataSource, intervals)) {
final List<DataSegment> retVal = new ArrayList<>();
final Set<DataSegment> retVal = new HashSet<>();
return retVal;
@ -2564,8 +2564,6 @@ public class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinator implements IndexerMetadataStor
* oldCommitMetadata when this function is called (based on T.equals). This method is idempotent in that if
* the metadata already equals newCommitMetadata, it will return true.
* @param handle database handle
* @param dataSource druid dataSource
* @param startMetadata dataSource metadata pre-insert must match this startMetadata according to
* {@link DataSourceMetadata#matches(DataSourceMetadata)}
* @param endMetadata dataSource metadata post-insert will have this endMetadata merged in with
@ -2627,15 +2625,16 @@ public class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinator implements IndexerMetadataStor
if (startMetadataGreaterThanExisting && !startMetadataMatchesExisting) {
// Offsets stored in startMetadata is greater than the last commited metadata.
return new DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult(true, false,
"The new start metadata state[%s] is ahead of the last commited"
+ " end state[%s]. Try resetting the supervisor.", startMetadata, oldCommitMetadataFromDb
return DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult.failure(
"The new start metadata state[%s] is ahead of the last committed"
+ " end state[%s]. Try resetting the supervisor.",
startMetadata, oldCommitMetadataFromDb
if (!startMetadataMatchesExisting) {
// Not in the desired start state.
return new DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult(true, false,
return DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult.failure(
"Inconsistency between stored metadata state[%s] and target state[%s]. Try resetting the supervisor.",
oldCommitMetadataFromDb, startMetadata
@ -2668,11 +2667,7 @@ public class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinator implements IndexerMetadataStor
retVal = numRows == 1
? DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult.SUCCESS
: new DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult(
"Failed to insert metadata for datasource [%s]",
: DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult.retryableFailure("Failed to insert metadata for datasource[%s]", dataSource);
} else {
// Expecting a particular old metadata; use the SHA1 in a compare-and-swap UPDATE
final int numRows = handle.createStatement(
@ -2692,11 +2687,7 @@ public class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinator implements IndexerMetadataStor
retVal = numRows == 1
? DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult.SUCCESS
: new DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult(
"Failed to update metadata for datasource [%s]",
: DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult.retryableFailure("Failed to update metadata for datasource[%s]", dataSource);
if (retVal.isSuccess()) {
@ -2712,19 +2703,12 @@ public class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinator implements IndexerMetadataStor
public boolean deleteDataSourceMetadata(final String dataSource)
return connector.retryWithHandle(
new HandleCallback<Boolean>()
public Boolean withHandle(Handle handle)
int rows = handle.createStatement(
StringUtils.format("DELETE from %s WHERE dataSource = :dataSource", dbTables.getDataSourceTable())
.bind("dataSource", dataSource)
handle -> {
int rows = handle.createStatement(
StringUtils.format("DELETE from %s WHERE dataSource = :dataSource", dbTables.getDataSourceTable())
).bind("dataSource", dataSource).execute();
return rows > 0;
return rows > 0;
@ -2767,17 +2751,12 @@ public class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinator implements IndexerMetadataStor
public void updateSegmentMetadata(final Set<DataSegment> segments)
new TransactionCallback<Void>()
public Void inTransaction(Handle handle, TransactionStatus transactionStatus) throws Exception
for (final DataSegment segment : segments) {
updatePayload(handle, segment);
return null;
(handle, transactionStatus) -> {
for (final DataSegment segment : segments) {
updatePayload(handle, segment);
return 0;
@ -2990,10 +2969,21 @@ public class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinator implements IndexerMetadataStor
private final boolean failed;
private final boolean canRetry;
@Nullable private final String errorMsg;
private final String errorMsg;
public static final DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult SUCCESS = new DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult(false, false, null);
public static DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult failure(String errorMsgFormat, Object... messageArgs)
return new DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult(true, false, errorMsgFormat, messageArgs);
public static DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult retryableFailure(String errorMsgFormat, Object... messageArgs)
return new DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult(true, true, errorMsgFormat, messageArgs);
DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult(boolean failed, boolean canRetry, @Nullable String errorMsg, Object... errorFormatArgs)
this.failed = failed;
@ -3022,34 +3012,5 @@ public class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinator implements IndexerMetadataStor
return errorMsg;
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult that = (DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult) o;
return failed == that.failed && canRetry == that.canRetry && Objects.equals(errorMsg, that.errorMsg);
public int hashCode()
return Objects.hash(failed, canRetry, errorMsg);
public String toString()
return "DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult{" +
"failed=" + failed +
", canRetry=" + canRetry +
", errorMsg='" + errorMsg + '\'' +
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ public abstract class SQLMetadataConnector implements MetadataStorageConnector
public void createSegmentTable(final String tableName)
List<String> columns = new ArrayList<>();
final List<String> columns = new ArrayList<>();
columns.add("id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL");
columns.add("dataSource VARCHAR(255) %4$s NOT NULL");
columns.add("created_date VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL");
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ public abstract class BaseAppenderatorDriver implements Closeable
private static final Logger log = new Logger(BaseAppenderatorDriver.class);
private final SegmentAllocator segmentAllocator;
private final UsedSegmentChecker usedSegmentChecker;
private final PublishedSegmentRetriever publishedSegmentRetriever;
private final DataSegmentKiller dataSegmentKiller;
protected final Appenderator appenderator;
@ -269,13 +269,13 @@ public abstract class BaseAppenderatorDriver implements Closeable
Appenderator appenderator,
SegmentAllocator segmentAllocator,
UsedSegmentChecker usedSegmentChecker,
PublishedSegmentRetriever segmentRetriever,
DataSegmentKiller dataSegmentKiller
this.appenderator = Preconditions.checkNotNull(appenderator, "appenderator");
this.segmentAllocator = Preconditions.checkNotNull(segmentAllocator, "segmentAllocator");
this.usedSegmentChecker = Preconditions.checkNotNull(usedSegmentChecker, "segmentRetriever");
this.publishedSegmentRetriever = Preconditions.checkNotNull(segmentRetriever, "segmentRetriever");
this.dataSegmentKiller = Preconditions.checkNotNull(dataSegmentKiller, "dataSegmentKiller");
this.executor = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(
Execs.singleThreaded("[" + StringUtils.encodeForFormat(appenderator.getId()) + "]-publish")
@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ public abstract class BaseAppenderatorDriver implements Closeable
final Set<DataSegment> publishedSegments = usedSegmentChecker.findPublishedSegments(segmentIds);
final Set<DataSegment> publishedSegments = publishedSegmentRetriever.findPublishedSegments(segmentIds);
if (publishedSegments.equals(ourSegments)) {
"Could not publish [%d] segments, but they have already been published by another task.",
@ -61,20 +61,16 @@ import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public class BatchAppenderatorDriver extends BaseAppenderatorDriver
* Create a driver.
* @param appenderator appenderator
* @param segmentAllocator segment allocator
* @param usedSegmentChecker used segment checker
* Creates a driver for batch ingestion.
public BatchAppenderatorDriver(
Appenderator appenderator,
SegmentAllocator segmentAllocator,
UsedSegmentChecker usedSegmentChecker,
PublishedSegmentRetriever segmentRetriever,
DataSegmentKiller dataSegmentKiller
super(appenderator, segmentAllocator, usedSegmentChecker, dataSegmentKiller);
super(appenderator, segmentAllocator, segmentRetriever, dataSegmentKiller);
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import org.apache.druid.timeline.SegmentId;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Set;
public interface UsedSegmentChecker
public interface PublishedSegmentRetriever
* For any identifiers that exist and are actually used, returns the corresponding DataSegment objects.
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public class StreamAppenderatorDriver extends BaseAppenderatorDriver
* @param appenderator appenderator
* @param segmentAllocator segment allocator
* @param handoffNotifierFactory handoff notifier factory
* @param usedSegmentChecker used segment checker
* @param segmentRetriever used segment checker
* @param objectMapper object mapper, used for serde of commit metadata
* @param metrics Firedepartment metrics
@ -99,13 +99,13 @@ public class StreamAppenderatorDriver extends BaseAppenderatorDriver
Appenderator appenderator,
SegmentAllocator segmentAllocator,
SegmentHandoffNotifierFactory handoffNotifierFactory,
UsedSegmentChecker usedSegmentChecker,
PublishedSegmentRetriever segmentRetriever,
DataSegmentKiller dataSegmentKiller,
ObjectMapper objectMapper,
SegmentGenerationMetrics metrics
super(appenderator, segmentAllocator, usedSegmentChecker, dataSegmentKiller);
super(appenderator, segmentAllocator, segmentRetriever, dataSegmentKiller);
this.handoffNotifier = Preconditions.checkNotNull(handoffNotifierFactory, "handoffNotifierFactory")
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ public class StreamAppenderatorDriver extends BaseAppenderatorDriver
return Futures.transformAsync(
publish(publisher, committer, sequenceNames),
(AsyncFunction<SegmentsAndCommitMetadata, SegmentsAndCommitMetadata>) this::registerHandoff,
@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ public class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinatorTest extends IndexerSqlMetadata
if (attemptCounter.getAndIncrement() == 0) {
return new DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult(true, true, null);
return DataStoreMetadataUpdateResult.retryableFailure(null);
} else {
return super.updateDataSourceMetadataWithHandle(handle, dataSource, startMetadata, endMetadata);
@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ public class IndexerSQLMetadataStorageCoordinatorTest extends IndexerSqlMetadata
"The new start metadata state[ObjectMetadata{theObject={foo=bar}}] is ahead of the last commited"
"The new start metadata state[ObjectMetadata{theObject={foo=bar}}] is ahead of the last committed"
+ " end state[null]. Try resetting the supervisor."
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public class ClosedSegmentsSinksBatchAppenderatorDriverTest extends EasyMockSupp
driver = new BatchAppenderatorDriver(
new TestUsedSegmentChecker(appenderatorTester.getPushedSegments()),
new TestPublishedSegmentRetriever(appenderatorTester.getPushedSegments()),
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public class OpenAndClosedSegmentsBatchAppenderatorDriverTest extends EasyMockSu
driver = new BatchAppenderatorDriver(
new TestUsedSegmentChecker(openAndClosedSegmentsAppenderatorTester.getPushedSegments()),
new TestPublishedSegmentRetriever(openAndClosedSegmentsAppenderatorTester.getPushedSegments()),
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ public class StreamAppenderatorDriverFailTest extends EasyMockSupport
new NoopUsedSegmentChecker(),
new NoopPublishedSegmentRetriever(),
new SegmentGenerationMetrics()
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ public class StreamAppenderatorDriverFailTest extends EasyMockSupport
new NoopUsedSegmentChecker(),
new NoopPublishedSegmentRetriever(),
new SegmentGenerationMetrics()
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ public class StreamAppenderatorDriverFailTest extends EasyMockSupport
new NoopUsedSegmentChecker(),
new NoopPublishedSegmentRetriever(),
new SegmentGenerationMetrics()
@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ public class StreamAppenderatorDriverFailTest extends EasyMockSupport
new FailableAppenderator(),
new NoopUsedSegmentChecker(),
new NoopPublishedSegmentRetriever(),
new SegmentGenerationMetrics()
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ public class StreamAppenderatorDriverFailTest extends EasyMockSupport
private static class NoopUsedSegmentChecker implements UsedSegmentChecker
private static class NoopPublishedSegmentRetriever implements PublishedSegmentRetriever
public Set<DataSegment> findPublishedSegments(Set<SegmentId> identifiers)
@ -338,11 +338,6 @@ public class StreamAppenderatorDriverFailTest extends EasyMockSupport
return new FailableAppenderator().disablePush();
static Appenderator createPushInterruptAppenderator()
return new FailableAppenderator().interruptPush();
static Appenderator createPersistFailAppenderator()
return new FailableAppenderator().disablePersist();
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ public class StreamAppenderatorDriverTest extends EasyMockSupport
new TestUsedSegmentChecker(streamAppenderatorTester.getPushedSegments()),
new TestPublishedSegmentRetriever(streamAppenderatorTester.getPushedSegments()),
new SegmentGenerationMetrics()
@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
public class TestUsedSegmentChecker implements UsedSegmentChecker
public class TestPublishedSegmentRetriever implements PublishedSegmentRetriever
private final List<DataSegment> pushedSegments;
public TestUsedSegmentChecker(List<DataSegment> pushedSegments)
public TestPublishedSegmentRetriever(List<DataSegment> pushedSegments)
this.pushedSegments = pushedSegments;
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