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synced 2025-03-09 02:54:17 +00:00
fix links to use relative references (#6696)
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@ -22,15 +22,30 @@
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@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ All the configuration parameters for graphite emitter are under `druid.emitter.g
### Supported event types
The graphite emitter only emits service metric events to graphite (See http://druid.io/docs/latest/operations/metrics.html for a list of metrics).
The graphite emitter only emits service metric events to graphite (See [Druid Metrics](../../operations/metrics.html) for a list of metrics).
Alerts and request logs are not sent to graphite. These event types are not well represented in Graphite, which is more suited for timeseries views on numeric metrics, vs. storing non-numeric log events.
@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ A sample derivativeDataSource supervisor spec is shown below:
|Type |The supervisor type. This should always be derivativeDataSource |yes|
|baseDataSource |The name of base dataSource. This dataSource data should be already stored inside Druid, and the dataSource will be used as input data. See [dataSource inputSpec](http://druid.io/docs/latest/ingestion/update-existing-data.html#datasource "dataSource inputSpec"). |yes|
|dimensionsSpec |Specifies the dimensions of the data. These dimensions must be the subset of baseDataSource's dimensions. |yes|
|metricsSpec |A list of aggregators. These metrics must be the subset of baseDataSource's metrics. See [aggregations](http://druid.io/docs/latest/querying/aggregations.html "aggregations") |yes|
|tuningConfig |TuningConfig must be HadoopTuningConfig. See [hadoop tuning config]( http://druid.io/docs/latest/ingestion/batch-ingestion.html#tuningconfig "hadoop tuning config") |yes|
|Type |The supervisor type. This should always be `derivativeDataSource`.|yes|
|baseDataSource |The name of base dataSource. This dataSource data should be already stored inside Druid, and the dataSource will be used as input data.|yes|
|dimensionsSpec |Specifies the dimensions of the data. These dimensions must be the subset of baseDataSource's dimensions.|yes|
|metricsSpec |A list of aggregators. These metrics must be the subset of baseDataSource's metrics. See [aggregations](../../querying/aggregations.html).|yes|
|tuningConfig |TuningConfig must be HadoopTuningConfig. See [Hadoop tuning config](../../ingestion/hadoop.html#tuningconfig).|yes|
|dataSource |The name of this derived dataSource. |no(default=baseDataSource-hashCode of supervisor)|
|hadoopDependencyCoordinates |A JSON array of Hadoop dependency coordinates that Druid will use, this property will override the default Hadoop coordinates. Once specified, Druid will look for those Hadoop dependencies from the location specified by druid.extensions.hadoopDependenciesDir |no|
|classpathPrefix |Classpath that will be pre-appended for the peon process. |no|
@ -128,6 +128,6 @@ There are 2 parts in a view query:
|queryType |The query type. This should always be view |yes|
|query |The real query of this `view` query. The real query must be [groupby](http://druid.io/docs/latest/querying/groupbyquery.html "groupby")/[topn](http://druid.io/docs/latest/querying/topnquery.html "topn")/[timeseries](http://druid.io/docs/latest/querying/timeseriesquery.html "timeseries") type. |yes|
|query |The real query of this `view` query. The real query must be [groupBy](../../querying/groupbyquery.html), [topN](../../querying/topnquery.html), or [timeseries](../../querying/timeseriesquery.html) type.|yes|
**Note that Materialized View is currently designated as experimental. Please make sure the time of all nodes are the same and increase monotonically. Otherwise, some unexpected errors may happen on query results.**
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ To use this extension, make sure to [include](../../operations/including-extensi
## Introduction
This extension emits druid metrics to [OpenTSDB](https://github.com/OpenTSDB/opentsdb) over HTTP (Using `Jersey client`). And this emitter only emits service metric events to OpenTSDB (See http://druid.io/docs/latest/operations/metrics.html for a list of metrics).
This extension emits druid metrics to [OpenTSDB](https://github.com/OpenTSDB/opentsdb) over HTTP (Using `Jersey client`). And this emitter only emits service metric events to OpenTSDB (See [Druid metrics](../../operations/metrics.html) for a list of metrics).
## Configuration
@ -86,12 +86,6 @@ Copy or symlink this file to `extensions/mysql-metadata-storage` under the distr
Note: the metadata storage extension is not packaged within the main Druid tarball; it is
packaged in a separate tarball that can be downloaded from [here](http://druid.io/downloads.html).
You can also get it using [pull-deps](../../operations/pull-deps.html), or you can build
it from source code; see [Build from Source](../build.html).
## Encrypting MySQL connections
This extension provides support for encrypting MySQL connections. To get more information about encrypting MySQL connections using TLS/SSL in general, please refer to this [guide](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/using-encrypted-connections.html).
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ of them in a runtime.properites file and include it in the Druid classpath. Note
and `druid-hdfs-storage` in the extension list.
After running this command, the segments table in `mysql` should store the new location for each segment we just inserted.
Note that for segments stored in HDFS, druid config must contain core-site.xml as described in [Druid Docs](http://druid.io/docs/latest/tutorials/cluster.html), as this new location is stored with relative path.
Note that for segments stored in HDFS, druid config must contain core-site.xml as described in [Druid Docs](../tutorials/cluster.html), as this new location is stored with relative path.
It is also possible to use `s3` as deep storage. In order to work with it, specify `s3` as deep storage type and load
[`druid-s3-extensions`](../development/extensions-core/s3.html) as an extension.
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ In `conf/druid/_common/common.runtime.properties`, replace
<div class="note caution">
In production, we recommend running 2 servers, each running a Druid Coordinator
and a Druid Overlord. We also recommend running a ZooKeeper cluster on its own dedicated hardware,
as well as replicated <a href = "http://druid.io/docs/latest/dependencies/metadata-storage.html">metadata storage</a>
as well as replicated <a href = "../dependencies/metadata-storage.html">metadata storage</a>
such as MySQL or PostgreSQL, on its own dedicated hardware.
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