diff --git a/docs/configuration/index.md b/docs/configuration/index.md index c94eee08676..9ed9428203d 100644 --- a/docs/configuration/index.md +++ b/docs/configuration/index.md @@ -1524,6 +1524,8 @@ The Druid SQL server is configured through the following properties on the Broke |`druid.sql.planner.maxSemiJoinRowsInMemory`|Maximum number of rows to keep in memory for executing two-stage semi-join queries like `SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE DeptName IN (SELECT DeptName FROM Dept)`.|100000| |`druid.sql.planner.maxTopNLimit`|Maximum threshold for a [TopN query](../querying/topnquery.md). Higher limits will be planned as [GroupBy queries](../querying/groupbyquery.md) instead.|100000| |`druid.sql.planner.metadataRefreshPeriod`|Throttle for metadata refreshes.|PT1M| +|`druid.sql.planner.metadataSegmentCacheEnable`|Whether to keep a cache of published segments in broker. If true, broker polls coordinator in background to get segments from metadata store and maintains a local cache. If false, coordinator's REST API will be invoked when broker needs published segments info.|false| +|`druid.sql.planner.metadataSegmentPollPeriod`|How often to poll coordinator for published segments list if `druid.sql.planner.metadataSegmentCacheEnable` is set to true. Poll period is in milliseconds. |60000| |`druid.sql.planner.selectThreshold`|Page size threshold for [Select queries](../querying/select-query.md). Select queries for larger resultsets will be issued back-to-back using pagination.|1000| |`druid.sql.planner.useApproximateCountDistinct`|Whether to use an approximate cardinality algorithm for `COUNT(DISTINCT foo)`.|true| |`druid.sql.planner.useApproximateTopN`|Whether to use approximate [TopN queries](../querying/topnquery.md) when a SQL query could be expressed as such. If false, exact [GroupBy queries](../querying/groupbyquery.md) will be used instead.|true|