Update of direct dependencies:
* kubernetes java-client to 19.0.0
* docker-java-bom to 3.3.4
In order to update transitive dependencies:
* okio to 3.6.0
* bcjava to 1.76
To address CVES:
- CVE-2023-3635 in okio
- CVE-2023-33201 in bcjava
Co-authored-by: Xavier Léauté <xvrl@apache.org>
* update confluent's dependencies to common, supported version
Update io.confluent.* dependencies to common, updated version 6.2.12
currently used versions are EOL
* move version definition to the top level pom
This change updates dependencies as needed and fixes tests to remove code incompatible with Java 21
As a result all unit tests now pass with Java 21.
* update maven-shade-plugin to 3.5.0 and follow-up to #15042
* explain why we need to override configuration when specifying outputFile
* remove configuration from dependency management in favor of explicit overrides in each module.
* update to mockito to 5.5.0 for Java 21 support when running with Java 11+
* continue using latest mockito 4.x (4.11.0) when running with Java 8
* remove need to mock private fields
* exclude incorrectly declared mockito dependency from pac4j-oidc
* remove mocking of ByteBuffer, since sealed classes can no longer be mocked in Java 21
* add JVM options workaround for system-rules junit plugin not supporting Java 18+
* exclude older versions of byte-buddy from assertj-core
* fix for Java 19 changes in floating point string representation
* fix missing InitializedNullHandlingTest
* update easymock to 5.2.0 for Java 21 compatibility
* update animal-sniffer-plugin to 1.23
* update nl.jqno.equalsverifier to 3.15.1
* update exec-maven-plugin to 3.1.0
Upgrade maven shade plugin to try to fix build failures
Sometimes we get maven shade errors in our integ tests becasue we don't run clean in between runs to clear the cache in order to speed them up. This can lead to the below error.
Error: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-shade-plugin:3.2.4:shade (opentelemetry-extension) on project opentelemetry-emitter: Error creating shaded jar: duplicate entry: META-INF/services/org.apache.druid.opentelemetry.shaded.io.grpc.NameResolverProvider
See: https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/MSHADE/issues/MSHADE-425?filter=allissues
An example run that failed: https://github.com/apache/druid/actions/runs/6301662092/job/17117142375?pr=14887
According to the ticket this is fixed by updating shade to 3.4.1.
When I updated to 3.4.1 I kept running into a different issue during static checks. (Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/github/rvesse/airline/parser/errors/ParseException)
I had to add the createDependencyReducedPom: false to get the build to pass.
The dependency reduced pom feature was added in 3.3.0 which we were not using before so setting it explicitly to false should not be a issue. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MSHADE-36)
* merge druid-core, extendedset, and druid-hll into druid-processing to simplify everything
* fix poms and license stuff
* mockito is evil
* allow reset of JvmUtils RuntimeInfo if tests used static injection to override
* add protobuf inputformat
* repair pom
* alter intermediateRow to type of Dynamicmessage
* add document
* refine test
* fix document
* add protoBytesDecoder
* refine document and add ser test
* add hash
* add schema registry ser test
Co-authored-by: yuanyi <yuanyi@freewheel.tv>
* Address security vulnerabilities CVSS >= 7
Update dependencies to address security vulnerabilities with CVSS scores
of 7 or higher. A new Travis CI job is added to prevent new
high/critical security vulnerabilities from being added.
Updated dependencies:
- api-util 1.0.0 -> 1.0.3
- jackson 2.9.10 -> 2.10.1
- kafka 2.1.0 -> 2.1.1
- libthrift 0.10.0 -> 0.13.0
- protobuf 3.2.0 -> 3.11.0
The following high/critical security vulnerabilities are currently
suppressed (so that the new Travis CI job can be added now) and are left
as future work to fix:
- hibernate-validator:5.2.5
- jackson-mapper-asl:1.9.13
- libthrift:0.6.1
- netty:3.10.6
- nimbus-jose-jwt:4.41.1
* Rename EDL1 license file
* Fix inspection errors
* Fix dependency analyze warnings
Update the maven dependency plugin to the latest version and fix all
warnings for unused declared and used undeclared dependencies in the
compile scope. Added new travis job to add the check to CI. Also fixed
some source code files to use the correct packages for their imports and
updated druid-forbidden-apis to prevent regressions.
* Address review comments
* Adjust scope for org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-runtime
* Fix dependencies for hdfs-storage
* Consolidate netty4 versions
* Fix dependency analyze warnings
Update the maven dependency plugin to the latest version and fix all
warnings for unused declared and used undeclared dependencies in the
compile scope. Added new travis job to add the check to CI. Also fixed
some source code files to use the correct packages for their imports.
* Fix licenses and dependencies
* Fix licenses and dependencies again
* Fix integration test dependency
* Address review comments
* Fix unit test dependencies
* Fix integration test dependency
* Fix integration test dependency again
* Fix integration test dependency third time
* Fix integration test dependency fourth time
* Fix compile error
* Fix assert package