* Bump Apache Avro to 1.9.0
Apache Avro 1.9.0 brings a lot of new features:
* Deprecate Joda-Time in favor of Java8 JSR310 and setting it as default
* Remove support for Hadoop 1.x
* Move from Jackson 1.x to 2.9
* Add ZStandard Codec
* Lots of updates on the dependencies to fix CVE's
* Remove Jackson classes from public API
* Apache Avro is built by default with Java 8
* Apache Avro is compiled and tested with Java 11 to guarantee compatibility
* Apache Avro MapReduce is compiled and tested with Hadoop 3
* Apache Avro is now leaner, multiple dependencies were removed: guava, paranamer, commons-codec, and commons-logging
* Introduce JMH Performance Testing Framework
* Add Snappy support for C++ DataFile
* and many, many more!
* Add exclusions for Jackson
* Remove Apache Pig from the tests
* Remove the Pig specific part
* Fix the Checkstyle issues
* Cleanup a bit
* Add an additional test
* Revert the abstract class
* Add checkstyle rules about imports and empty lines between members
* Add suppressions
* Update Eclipse import order
* Add empty line
* Fix StatsDEmitter
* move parquet-extensions from contrib to core, adds new hadoop parquet parser that does not convert to avro first and supports flattenSpec and int96 columns, add support for flattenSpec for parquet-avro conversion parser, much test with a bunch of files lifted from spark-sql
* fix avro flattener to support nullable primitives for auto discovery and now only supports primitive arrays instead of all arrays
* remove leftover print
* convert micro timestamp to millis
* checkstyle
* add ignore for .parquet and .parq to rat exclude
* fix legit test failure from avro flattern behavior change
* fix rebase
* add exclusions to pom to cut down on redundant jars
* refactor tests, add support for unwrapping lists for parquet-avro, review comments
* more comment
* fix oops
* tweak parquet-avro list handling
* more docs
* fix style
* grr styles