* merge druid-core, extendedset, and druid-hll into druid-processing to simplify everything
* fix poms and license stuff
* mockito is evil
* allow reset of JvmUtils RuntimeInfo if tests used static injection to override
* migrate UTs form Travis to GHA
* update permissions
* rename file
* set fetch depth to 1
* debugs remote branches
* test with github.ref variable
* fetch github.base_ref for diff
* nit
* test git diff
* run tests
* test code coverage failure scenario
* nit
* nit
* revert code changes
* revert code changes
* Setup diff-test-coverage before tests
* build distribution module at end in packaging check
* nit
* remove redundant steps in static-checks workflow
* drop jdk8 unit tests from Travis
* update static-checks GHA to run sequentially
remove static-checks from travis.yml
move docs, web-console, packaging checks from travis to GHA
* nit
* nit
* groups all checks, runs on 8, 11, 17 jdks
* nit
* adds license info
* update permissions on scripts folder
* nit
* nit
* fix packaging check
* changes naming, cleans repo before license checks
* simulate failure
* bump up license checks
* test license checks failure
* test license checks failure
* test license checks failure
* verify gha script run exit code
* fail fast in case of shell script
* verified fail fast in case of shell script