* Reverse lookup fixes and enhancements.
1) Add a "mayIncludeUnknown" parameter to DimFilter#optimize. This is important
because otherwise the reverse-lookup optimization is done improperly when
the "in" filter appears under a "not", and the lookup extractionFn may return
null for some possible values of the filtered column. The "includeUnknown" test
cases in InDimFilterTest illustrate the difference in behavior.
2) Enhance InDimFilter#optimizeLookup to handle "mayIncludeUnknown", and to be able
to do a reverse lookup in a wider variety of cases.
3) Make "unapply" protected in LookupExtractor, and move callers to "unapplyAll".
The main reason is that MapLookupExtractor, a common implementation, lacks a
reverse mapping and therefore does a scan of the map for each call to "unapply".
For performance sake these calls need to be batched.
* Remove optimize call from BloomDimFilter.
* Follow the law.
* Fix tests.
* Fix imports.
* Switch function.
* Fix tests.
* More tests.
* Use lookup memory footprint in MSQ memory computations.
Two main changes:
1) Add estimateHeapFootprint to LookupExtractor.
2) Use this in MSQ's IndexerWorkerContext when determining the total
amount of available memory. It's taken off the top.
This prevents MSQ tasks from running out of memory when there are lookups
defined in the cluster.
* Updates from code review.
* support using mariadb connector with mysql extensions
* cleanup and more tests
* fix test
* javadocs, more tests, etc
* style and more test
* more test more better
* missing pom
* more pom
* upgrade error-prone to 2.7.1 and support checks with Java 11+
- upgrade error-prone to 2.7.1
- support running error-prone with Java 11 and above using -Xplugin
instead of custom compiler
- add compiler arguments to ignore warnings/errors in Java 15/16
- introduce strictCompile property to enable strict profiles since we
now need multiple strict profiles for Java 8
- properly exclude all generated source files from error-prone
- fix druid-processing overriding annotation processors from parent pom
- fix druid-core disabling most non-default checks
- align plugin and annotation errorprone versions
- fix / suppress additional issues found by error-prone:
* fix bug in SeekableStreamSupervisor initializing ArrayList size with
the taskGroupdId
* fix missing @Override annotations
- remove outdated compiler plugin in benchmarks
- remove deleted ParameterPackage error-prone rule
- re-enable checks on benchmark module as well
* fix IntelliJ inspections
* disable LongFloatConversion due to bug in error-prone with JDK 8
* add comment about InsecureCrypto
* Enable rewriting certain inner joins as filters.
The main logic for doing the rewrite is in JoinableFactoryWrapper's
segmentMapFn method. The requirements are:
- It must be an inner equi-join.
- The right-hand columns referenced by the condition must not contain any
duplicate values. (If they did, the inner join would not be guaranteed
to return at most one row for each left-hand-side row.)
- No columns from the right-hand side can be used by anything other than
the join condition itself.
HashJoinSegmentStorageAdapter is also modified to pass through to
the base adapter (even allowing vectorization!) in the case where 100%
of join clauses could be rewritten as filters.
In support of this goal:
- Add Query getRequiredColumns() method to help us figure out whether
the right-hand side of a join datasource is being used or not.
- Add JoinConditionAnalysis getRequiredColumns() method to help us
figure out if the right-hand side of a join is being used by later
join clauses acting on the same base.
- Add Joinable getNonNullColumnValuesIfAllUnique method to enable
retrieving the set of values that will form the "in" filter.
- Add LookupExtractor canGetKeySet() and keySet() methods to support
LookupJoinable in its efforts to implement the new Joinable method.
- Add "enableRewriteJoinToFilter" feature flag to
JoinFilterRewriteConfig. The default is disabled.
* Test improvements.
* Test fixes.
* Avoid slow size() call.
* Remove invalid test.
* Fix style.
* Fix mistaken default.
* Small fixes.
* Fix logic error.
* Two fixes related to encoding of % symbols.
1) TaskResourceFilter: Don't double-decode task ids. request.getPathSegments()
returns already-decoded strings. Applying StringUtils.urlDecode on
top of that causes erroneous behavior with '%' characters.
2) Update various ThreadFactoryBuilder name formats to escape '%'
characters. This fixes situations where substrings starting with '%'
are erroneously treated as format specifiers.
ITs are updated to include a '%' in extra.datasource.name.suffix.
* Avoid String.replace.
* Work around surefire bug.
* Fix xml encoding.
* Another try at the proper encoding.
* Give up on the emojis.
* Less ambitious testing.
* Fix an additional problem.
* Adjust encodeForFormat to return null if the input is null.
* IntelliJ inspection and checkstyle rule for "Collection.EMPTY_* field accesses replaceable with Collections.empty*()"
* Reverted checkstyle rule
* Added tests to pass CI
* Codestyle
* Add HashJoinSegment, a virtual segment for joins.
An initial step towards #8728. This patch adds enough functionality to implement a joining
cursor on top of a normal datasource. It does not include enough to actually do a query. For
that, future patches will need to wire this low-level functionality into the query language.
* Fixups.
* Fix missing format argument.
* Various tests and minor improvements.
* Changes.
* Remove or add tests for unused stuff.
* Fix up package locations.
If the JDBC drivers are missing from the lookup extensions, throw an
exception that directs the user how to resolve the issue. This change is
a follow up to #8825.
* check ctyle for constant field name
* check ctyle for constant field name
* check ctyle for constant field name
* check ctyle for constant field name
* check ctyle for constant field name
* check ctyle for constant field name
* check ctyle for constant field name
* check ctyle for constant field name
* check ctyle for constant field name
* merging with upstream
* review-1
* unknow changes
* unknow changes
* review-2
* merging with master
* review-2 1 changes
* review changes-2 2
* bug fix
* Add checkstyle rules about imports and empty lines between members
* Add suppressions
* Update Eclipse import order
* Add empty line
* Fix StatsDEmitter
This PR accumulates many refactorings and small improvements that I did while preparing the next change set of https://github.com/druid-io/druid/projects/2. I finally decided to make them a separate PR to minimize the volume of the main PR.
Some of the changes:
- Renamed confusing "Generic Column" term to "Numeric Column" (what it actually implies) in many class names.
- Generified `ComplexMetricExtractor`
* Rename io.druid to org.apache.druid.
* Fix META-INF files and remove some benchmark results.
* MonitorsConfig update for metrics package migration.
* Reorder some dimensions in inner queries for some reason.
* Fix protobuf tests.
* Various changes about druid-services module
* Patch improvements from reviewer
* Add ToArrayCallWithZeroLengthArrayArgument & ArraysAsListWithZeroOrOneArgument into inspection profile
* Fix ArraysAsListWithZeroOrOneArgument
* Fix conflict
* Fix ToArrayCallWithZeroLengthArrayArgument
* Fix AliEqualsAvoidNull
* Remove blank line
* Remove unused import clauses
* Fix code style in TopNQueryRunnerTest
* Fix conflict
* Don't use Collections.singletonList when converting the type of array type
* Add argLine into maven-surefire-plugin in druid-process module & increase the timeout value for testMoveSegment testcase
* Roll back the latest commit
* Add java.io.File#toURL() into druid-forbidden-apis
* Using Boolean.parseBoolean instead of Boolean.valueOf for CliCoordinator#isOverlord
* Add a new regexp element into stylecode xml file
* Fix style error for new regexp
* Set the level of ArraysAsListWithZeroOrOneArgument as WARNING
* Fix style error for new regexp
* Add option BY_LEVEL for ToArrayCallWithZeroLengthArrayArgument in inspection profile
* Roll back the level as ToArrayCallWithZeroLengthArrayArgument as ERROR
* Add toArray(new Object[0]) regexp into checkstyle config file & fix them
* Set the level of ArraysAsListWithZeroOrOneArgument as ERROR & Roll back the level of ToArrayCallWithZeroLengthArrayArgument as WARNING until Youtrack fix it
* Add a comment for string equals regexp in checkstyle config
* Fix code format
* Add RedundantTypeArguments as ERROR level inspection
* Fix cannot resolve symbol datasource
* Deduplicate DataSegments contents (loadSpec's keys, dimensions and metrics lists as a whole) more aggressively; use ArrayMap instead of default LinkedHashMap for DataSegment.loadSpec, because they have only 3 entries on average; prune DataSegment.loadSpec on brokers
* Fix DataSegmentTest
* Refinements
* Try to fix
* Fix the second DataSegmentTest
* Nullability
* Fix tests
* Fix tests, unify to use TestHelper.getJsonMapper()
* Revert TestUtil as ServerTestHelper, fix tests
* Add newline
* Fix indexing tests
* Fix s3 tests
* Try to fix tests, remove lazy caching of ObjectMapper in TestHelper, rename TestHelper.getJsonMapper() to makeJsonMapper()
* Fix HDFS tests
* Fix HdfsDataSegmentPusherTest
* Capitalize constant names
* Avoid usages of Default system Locale and printing to System.out or System.err in production code
* Fix Charset in DruidKerberosUtil
* Remove redundant string format in GenericIndexed
* Rename StringUtils.safeFormat() to unimportantSafeFormat(); add StringUtils.format() which fails as well as String.format()
* Fix testSafeFormat()
* More fixes of redundant StringUtils.format() inside ISE
* Rename unimportantSafeFormat() to nonStrictFormat()
* Expressions: Add ExprMacros, which have the same syntax as functions, but
can convert themselves to any kind of Expr at parse-time.
ExprMacroTable is an extension point for adding new ExprMacros. Anything
that might need to parse expressions needs an ExprMacroTable, which can
be injected through Guice.
* Address code review comments.
* Enable most IntelliJ 'Probable bugs' inspections
* Fix in RemoteTestNG
* Fix IndexSpec's equals() and hashCode() to include longEncoding
* Fix inspection errors
* Extract global isntance of natural().nullsFirst(); address comments
* Fix
* Use noinspection comments instead of SuppressWarnings on method for IntelliJ-specific inspections
* Prohibit Ordering.natural().nullsFirst() using Checkstyle
Excludes tests from AvoidStaticImport, since those are used often there and
I didn't want to make this changeset too large. Production code use was minimal
and I switched those to non-static imports.