* Upgrade org.pac4j:pac4j-oidc to 4.5.5 to address CVE-2021-44878
* add CVE suppression and notes, since vulnerability scan still shows this CVE
* Add tests to improve coverage
This change updates dependencies as needed and fixes tests to remove code incompatible with Java 21
As a result all unit tests now pass with Java 21.
* update maven-shade-plugin to 3.5.0 and follow-up to #15042
* explain why we need to override configuration when specifying outputFile
* remove configuration from dependency management in favor of explicit overrides in each module.
* update to mockito to 5.5.0 for Java 21 support when running with Java 11+
* continue using latest mockito 4.x (4.11.0) when running with Java 8
* remove need to mock private fields
* exclude incorrectly declared mockito dependency from pac4j-oidc
* remove mocking of ByteBuffer, since sealed classes can no longer be mocked in Java 21
* add JVM options workaround for system-rules junit plugin not supporting Java 18+
* exclude older versions of byte-buddy from assertj-core
* fix for Java 19 changes in floating point string representation
* fix missing InitializedNullHandlingTest
* update easymock to 5.2.0 for Java 21 compatibility
* update animal-sniffer-plugin to 1.23
* update nl.jqno.equalsverifier to 3.15.1
* update exec-maven-plugin to 3.1.0
* merge druid-core, extendedset, and druid-hll into druid-processing to simplify everything
* fix poms and license stuff
* mockito is evil
* allow reset of JvmUtils RuntimeInfo if tests used static injection to override
* druid pac4j security extension for OpenID Connect OAuth 2.0 authentication
* update version in druid-pac4j pom
* introducing unauthorized resource filter
* authenticated but authorized /unified-webconsole.html
* use httpReq.getRequestURI() for matching callback path
* add documentation
* minor doc addition
* licesne file updates
* make dependency analyze succeed
* fix doc build
* hopefully fixes doc build
* hopefully fixes license check build
* yet another try on fixing license build
* revert unintentional changes to website folder
* update version to 0.18.0-SNAPSHOT
* check session and its expiry on each request
* add crypto service
* code for encrypting the cookie
* update doc with cookiePassphrase
* update license yaml
* make sessionstore in Pac4jFilter private non static
* make Pac4jFilter fields final
* okta: use sha256 for hmac
* remove incubating
* add UTs for crypto util and session store impl
* use standard charsets
* add license header
* remove unused file
* add org.objenesis.objenesis to license.yaml
* a bit of nit changes in CryptoService and embedding EncryptionResult for clarity
* rename alg to cipherAlgName
* take cipher alg name, mode and padding as input
* add java doc for CryptoService and make it more understandable
* another UT for CryptoService
* cache pac4j Config
* use generics clearly in Pac4jSessionStore
* update cookiePassphrase doc to mention PasswordProvider
* mark stuff Nullable where appropriate in Pac4jSessionStore
* update doc to mention jdbc
* add error log on reaching callback resource
* javadoc for Pac4jCallbackResource
* add correct module name in license file
* correct extensions folder name in licenses.yaml
* replace druid-kubernetes-extensions to druid-pac4j
* cache SecureRandom instance
* rename UnauthorizedResourceFilter to AuthenticationOnlyResourceFilter