* MSQ: Support for querying lookup and inline data directly.
Main changes:
1) Add of LookupInputSpec and DataSourcePlan.forLookup.
2) Add InlineInputSpec, and modify of DataSourcePlan.forInline to use
this instead of an ExternalInputSpec with JSON. This allows the inline
data to act as the right-hand side of a join, if needed.
Supporting changes:
1) Modify JoinDataSource's leftFilter validation to be a little less
strict: it's now OK with leftFilter being attached to any concrete
leaf (no children) datasource, rather than requiring it be a table.
This allows MSQ to create JoinDataSource with InputNumberDataSource
as the base.
2) Add SegmentWranglerModule to CliIndexer, CliPeon. This allows them to
query lookups and inline data directly.
* Updates based on CI.
* Additional tests.
* Style fix.
* Remove unused import.
The GCP initialization pulls credentials for
talking to GCP. We want that to only happen
when fully required and thus want the GCP-related
objects lazily instantiated.
* MSQ: Support multiple result columns with the same name.
This is allowed in SQL, and is supported by the regular SQL endpoint.
We retain a validation that INSERT ... SELECT does not allow multiple
columns with the same name, because column names in segments must be
### Description
Previously msq controller and worker tasks did not have implementations for the `getInputSourceResources()` method. This causes the submission of these tasks to fail if the following auth config is enabled:
Added implementations of this method for these tasks that return an empty set of input sources. This means that for these task types, if `druid.auth.enableInputSourceSecurity=true` config is used, the input source types will be properly computed and authorized in the SQL layer, but not if the equivalent controller / worker tasks are submitted to the task endpoint.
### Description
This change allows for input sources used during MSQ ingestion to be authorized for multiple input source types, instead of just 1. Such an input source that allows for multiple types is the CombiningInputSource.
Also fixed bug that caused some input source specific functions to be authorized against the permissions
new ResourceAction(new Resource(ResourceType.EXTERNAL, ResourceType.EXTERNAL), Action.READ),
new ResourceAction(new Resource(ResourceType.EXTERNAL, {input_source_type}), Action.READ)
when the inputSource based authorization feature is enabled, when it should instead be authorized against
new ResourceAction(new Resource(ResourceType.EXTERNAL, {input_source_type}), Action.READ)
* Frames: Ensure nulls are read as default values when appropriate.
Fixes a bug where LongFieldWriter didn't write a properly transformed
zero when writing out a null. This had no meaningful effect in SQL-compatible
null handling mode, because the field would get treated as a null anyway.
But it does have an effect in default-value mode: it would cause Long.MIN_VALUE
to get read out instead of zero.
Also adds NullHandling checks to the various frame-based column selectors,
allowing reading of nullable frames by servers in default-value mode.
### Description
This change allows for input source type security in the native task layer.
To enable this feature, the user must set the following property to true:
The default value for this property is false, which will continue the existing functionality of needing authorization to write to the respective datasource.
When this config is enabled, the users will be required to be authorized for the following resource action, in addition to write permission on the respective datasource.
`new ResourceAction(new Resource(ResourceType.EXTERNAL, {INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE}, Action.READ`
where `{INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE}` is the type of the input source being used;, http, inline, s3, etc..
Only tasks that provide a non-default implementation of the `getInputSourceResources` method can be submitted when config `druid.auth.enableInputSourceSecurity=true` is set. Otherwise, a 400 error will be thrown.
* Always use file sizes when determining batch ingest splits.
Main changes:
1) Update CloudObjectInputSource and its subclasses (S3, GCS,
Azure, Aliyun OSS) to use SplitHintSpecs in all cases. Previously, they
were only used for prefixes, not uris or objects.
2) Update ExternalInputSpecSlicer (MSQ) to consider file size. Previously,
file size was ignored; all files were treated as equal weight when
determining splits.
A side effect of these changes is that we'll make additional network
calls to find the sizes of objects when users specify URIs or objects
as opposed to prefixes. IMO, this is worth it because it's the only way
to respect the user's split hint and task assignment settings.
Secondary changes:
1) S3, Aliyun OSS: Use getObjectMetadata instead of listObjects to get
metadata for a single object. This is a simpler call that is also
expected to be less expensive.
2) Azure: Fix a bug where getBlobLength did not populate blob
reference attributes, and therefore would not actually retrieve the
blob length.
3) MSQ: Align dynamic slicing logic between ExternalInputSpecSlicer and
4) MSQ: Adjust WorkerInputs to ensure there is always at least one
worker, even if it has a nil slice.
* Add msqCompatible to testGroupByWithImpossibleTimeFilter.
* Fix tests.
* Add additional tests.
* Remove unused stuff.
* Remove more unused stuff.
* Adjust thresholds.
* Remove irrelevant test.
* Fix comments.
* Fix bug.
* Updates.
* Add a new fault "QueryRuntimeError" to MSQ engine to capture native query errors.
* Fixed bug in MSQ fault tolerance where worker were being retried if `UnexpectedMultiValueDimensionException` was thrown.
* An exception from the query runtime with `org.apache.druid.query` as the package name is thrown as a QueryRuntimeError
* introduce ColumnFormat to separate physical storage format from logical type. ColumnFormat is now used instead of ColumnCapabilities to get column handlers for segment creation
* introduce new 'auto' type indexer and merger which produces a new common nested format of columns, which is the next logical iteration of the nested column stuff. Essentially this is an automatic type column indexer that produces the most appropriate column for the given inputs, making either STRING, ARRAY<STRING>, LONG, ARRAY<LONG>, DOUBLE, ARRAY<DOUBLE>, or COMPLEX<json>.
* revert NestedDataColumnIndexer, NestedDataColumnMerger, NestedDataColumnSerializer to their version pre #13803 behavior (v4) for backwards compatibility
* fix a bug in RoaringBitmapSerdeFactory if anything actually ever wrote out an empty bitmap using toBytes and then later tried to read it (the nerve!)
This change introduces the concept of input source type security model, proposed in #13837.. With this change, this feature is only available at the SQL layer, but we will expand to native layer in a follow up PR.
To enable this feature, the user must set the following property to true:
The default value for this property is false, which will continue the existing functionality of having the usage all external sources being authorized against the hardcoded resource action
new ResourceAction(new Resource(ResourceType.EXTERNAL, ResourceType.EXTERNAL), Action.READ
When this config is enabled, the users will be required to be authorized for the following resource action
new ResourceAction(new Resource(ResourceType.EXTERNAL, {INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE}, Action.READ
where {INPUT_SOURCE_TYPE} is the type of the input source being used;, http, inline, s3, etc..
Documentation has not been added for the feature as it is not complete at the moment, as we still need to enable this for the native layer in a follow up pr.
This PR is a follow-up to #13819 so that the Tuple sketch functionality can be used in SQL for both ingestion using Multi-Stage Queries (MSQ) and also for analytic queries against Tuple sketch columns.
* Reworking s3 connector with
1. Adding retries
2. Adding max fetch size
3. Using s3Utils for most of the api's
4. Fixing bugs in DurableStorageCleaner
5. Moving to Iterator for listDir call
array columns!
* add support for storing nested arrays of string, long, and double values as specialized nested columns instead of breaking them into separate element columns
* nested column type mimic behavior means that columns ingested with only root arrays of primitive values will be ARRAY typed columns
* neat test refactor stuff
* add v4 segment test
* add array element indexes
* add tests for unnest and array columns
* fix unnest column value selector cursor handling of null and empty arrays
Expands the OIDC based auth in Druid by adding a JWT Authenticator that validates ID Tokens associated with a request. The existing pac4j authenticator works for authenticating web users while accessing the console, whereas this authenticator is for validating Druid API requests made by Direct clients. Services already supporting OIDC can attach their ID tokens to the Druid requests
under the Authorization request header.
* Add segment generator counters to reports
* Remove unneeded annotation
* Fix checkstyle and coverage
* Add persist and merged as new metrics
* Address review comments
* Fix checkstyle
* Create metrics class to handle updating counters
* Address review comments
* Add rowsPushed as a new metrics
* fixes inconsistent handling of byte[] values between ExprEval.bestEffortOf and ExprEval.ofType, which could cause byte[] values to end up as java toString values instead of base64 encoded strings in ingest time transforms
* improved ExpressionTransform binding to re-use ExprEval.bestEffortOf when evaluating a binding instead of throwing it away
* improved ExpressionTransform array handling, added RowFunction.evalDimension that returns List<String> to back Row.getDimension and remove the automatic coercing of array types that would typically happen to expression transforms unless using Row.getDimension
* added some tests for ExpressionTransform with array inputs
* improved ExpressionPostAggregator to use partial type information from decoration
* migrate some test uses of InputBindings.forMap to use other methods
* Lower default maxRowsInMemory for realtime ingestion.
The thinking here is that for best ingestion throughput, we want
intermediate persists to be as big as possible without using up all
available memory. So, we rely mainly on maxBytesInMemory. The default
maxRowsInMemory (1 million) is really just a safety: in case we have
a large number of very small rows, we don't want to get overwhelmed
by per-row overheads.
However, maximum ingestion throughput isn't necessarily the primary
goal for realtime ingestion. Query performance is also important. And
because query performance is not as good on the in-memory dataset, it's
helpful to keep it from growing too large. 150k seems like a reasonable
balance here. It means that for a typical 5 million row segment, we
won't trigger more than 33 persists due to this limit, which is a
reasonable number of persists.
* Update tests.
* Update server/src/main/java/org/apache/druid/segment/indexing/RealtimeTuningConfig.java
Co-authored-by: Kashif Faraz <kashif.faraz@gmail.com>
* Fix test.
* Fix link.
Co-authored-by: Kashif Faraz <kashif.faraz@gmail.com>
* Removing intermediateSuperSorterStorageMaxLocalBytes, maxInputBytesPerWorker, composedIntermediateSuperSorterStorageEnabled, clusterStatisticsMergeMode from docs
* Adding documentation in the context class.
* Various changes and fixes to UNNEST.
Native changes:
1) UnnestDataSource: Replace "column" and "outputName" with "virtualColumn".
This enables pushing expressions into the datasource. This in turn
allows us to do the next thing...
2) UnnestStorageAdapter: Logically apply query-level filters and virtual
columns after the unnest operation. (Physically, filters are pulled up,
when possible.) This is beneficial because it allows filters and
virtual columns to reference the unnested column, and because it is
consistent with how the join datasource works.
3) Various documentation updates, including declaring "unnest" as an
experimental feature for now.
SQL changes:
1) Rename DruidUnnestRel (& Rule) to DruidUnnestRel (& Rule). The rel
is simplified: it only handles the UNNEST part of a correlated join.
Constant UNNESTs are handled with regular inline rels.
2) Rework DruidCorrelateUnnestRule to focus on pulling Projects from
the left side up above the Correlate. New test testUnnestTwice verifies
that this works even when two UNNESTs are stacked on the same table.
3) Include ProjectCorrelateTransposeRule from Calcite to encourage
pushing mappings down below the left-hand side of the Correlate.
4) Add a new CorrelateFilterLTransposeRule and CorrelateFilterRTransposeRule
to handle pulling Filters up above the Correlate. New tests
testUnnestWithFiltersOutside and testUnnestTwiceWithFilters verify
this behavior.
5) Require a context feature flag for SQL UNNEST, since it's undocumented.
As part of this, also cleaned up how we handle feature flags in SQL.
They're now hooked into EngineFeatures, which is useful because not
all engines support all features.
* Sort-merge join and hash shuffles for MSQ.
The main changes are in the processing, multi-stage-query, and sql modules.
processing module:
1) Rename SortColumn to KeyColumn, replace boolean descending with KeyOrder.
This makes it nicer to model hash keys, which use KeyOrder.NONE.
2) Add nullability checkers to the FieldReader interface, and an
"isPartiallyNullKey" method to FrameComparisonWidget. The join
processor uses this to detect null keys.
3) Add WritableFrameChannel.isClosed and OutputChannel.isReadableChannelReady
so callers can tell which OutputChannels are ready for reading and which
4) Specialize FrameProcessors.makeCursor to return FrameCursor, a random-access
implementation. The join processor uses this to rewind when it needs to
replay a set of rows with a particular key.
5) Add MemoryAllocatorFactory, which is embedded inside FrameWriterFactory
instead of a particular MemoryAllocator. This allows FrameWriterFactory
to be shared in more scenarios.
multi-stage-query module:
1) ShuffleSpec: Add hash-based shuffles. New enum ShuffleKind helps callers
figure out what kind of shuffle is happening. The change from SortColumn
to KeyColumn allows ClusterBy to be used for both hash-based and sort-based
2) WorkerImpl: Add ability to handle hash-based shuffles. Refactor the logic
to be more readable by moving the work-order-running code to the inner
class RunWorkOrder, and the shuffle-pipeline-building code to the inner
class ShufflePipelineBuilder.
3) Add SortMergeJoinFrameProcessor and factory.
4) WorkerMemoryParameters: Adjust logic to reserve space for output frames
for hash partitioning. (We need one frame per partition.)
sql module:
1) Add sqlJoinAlgorithm context parameter; can be "broadcast" or
"sortMerge". With native, it must always be "broadcast", or it's a
validation error. MSQ supports both. Default is "broadcast" in
both engines.
2) Validate that MSQs do not use broadcast join with RIGHT or FULL join,
as results are not correct for broadcast join with those types. Allow
this in native for two reasons: legacy (the docs caution against it,
but it's always been allowed), and the fact that it actually *does*
generate correct results in native when the join is processed on the
Broker. It is much less likely that MSQ will plan in such a way that
generates correct results.
3) Remove subquery penalty in DruidJoinQueryRel when using sort-merge
join, because subqueries are always required, so there's no reason
to penalize them.
4) Move previously-disabled join reordering and manipulation rules to
FANCY_JOIN_RULES, and enable them when using sort-merge join. Helps
get to better plans where projections and filters are pushed down.
* Work around compiler problem.
* Updates from static analysis.
* Fix @param tag.
* Fix declared exception.
* Fix spelling.
* Minor adjustments.
* wip
* Merge fixups
* fixes
* Fix CalciteSelectQueryMSQTest
* Empty keys are sortable.
* Address comments from code review. Rename mux -> mix.
* Restore inspection config.
* Restore original doc.
* Reorder imports.
* Adjustments
* Fix.
* Fix imports.
* Adjustments from review.
* Update header.
* Adjust docs.
You can now do the following operations with TupleSketches in Post Aggregation Step
Get the Sketch Output as Base64 String
Provide a constant Tuple Sketch in post-aggregation step that can be used in Set Operations
Get the Estimated Value(Sum) of Summary/Metrics Objects associated with Tuple Sketch
The FiniteFirehoseFactory and InputRowParser classes were deprecated in 0.17.0 (#8823) in favor of InputSource & InputFormat. This PR removes the FiniteFirehoseFactory and all its implementations along with classes solely used by them like Fetcher (Used by PrefetchableTextFilesFirehoseFactory). Refactors classes including tests using FiniteFirehoseFactory to use InputSource instead.
Removing InputRowParser may not be as trivial as many classes that aren't deprecated depends on it (with no alternatives), like EventReceiverFirehoseFactory. Hence FirehoseFactory, EventReceiverFirehoseFactory, and Firehose are marked deprecated.
*When running REPLACE queries, the segments which contain no data are dropped (marked as unused). This PR aims to generate tombstones in place of segments which contain no data to mark their deletion, as is the behavior with the native ingestion.
This will cause InsertCannotReplaceExistingSegmentFault to be removed since it was generated if the interval to be marked unused didn't fully overlap one of the existing segments to replace.
* Fix NPE in KinesisSupervisor#setupRecordSupplier.
PR #13539 refactored record supplier creation and introduced a bug:
this method would throw NPE when recordsPerFetch was not provided
by the user. recordsPerFetch isn't needed in this context at all,
since the supervisor-side supplier doesn't fetch records. So this
patch sets it to zero.
* Remove unused imports.