4375 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Gian Merlino
ServerSelector: Synchronize getAllServers(). (#17499)
This method was missing some required synchronization. This patch also
adds GuardedBy annotations to historicalServers and realtimeServers, which
would have caught it.
2024-11-27 13:31:00 +05:30
Kashif Faraz
Reduce metadata IO during segment allocation (#17496)
- Add Overlord runtime property `druid.indexer.tasklock.batchAllocationReduceMetadataIO`
- Setting this flag to true (default value) allows the Overlord to fetch only necessary segment
payloads during segment allocation
- Setting this flag to false restores original segment allocation behaviour
2024-11-26 11:40:09 +05:30
Rishabh Singh
Emit disk spill and merge buffer utilisation metrics for GroupBy queries (#17360)
This change is to emit following metrics as part of GroupByStatsMonitor monitor,
mergeBuffer/used -> Number of merge buffers used.
mergeBuffer/acquisitionTimeNs -> Total time required to acquire merge buffer.
mergeBuffer/acquisition -> Number of queries that acquired a batch of merge buffers.
groupBy/spilledQueries -> Number of queries that spilled onto the disk.
groupBy/spilledBytes-> Spilled bytes on the disk.
groupBy/mergeDictionarySize -> Size of the merging dictionary.
2024-11-22 14:22:03 +05:30
Vivek Dhiman
Updated error response to hide error stack in case of JsonMappingException (#16821)
Added flag druid.server.http.showDetailedJsonMappingError similar druid.server.http.showDetailedJettyError to configure error message detail.
2024-11-21 19:11:48 +05:30
Akshat Jain
Remove support for Java 8 (#17466)
All JDK 8 based CI checks have been removed.
    Images used in Dockerfile(s) have been updated to Java 17 based images.
    Documentation has been updated accordingly.
2024-11-21 15:33:08 +05:30
Fix query failed metric double count bug (#17454) 2024-11-08 23:15:03 -08:00
Zoltan Haindrich
Support Union in Decoupled planning (#17354)
* introduces `UnionQuery`
* some changes to enable a `UnionQuery` to have multiple input datasources
* `UnionQuery` execution is driven by the `QueryLogic` - which could later enable to reduce some complexity in `ClientQuerySegmentWalker`
* to run the subqueries of `UnionQuery` there was a need to access the `conglomerate` from the `Runner`; to enable that some refactors were done
* renamed `UnionQueryRunner` to `UnionDataSourceQueryRunner`
* `QueryRunnerFactoryConglomerate` have taken the place of `QueryToolChestWarehouse` which shaves of some unnecessary things here and there
* small cleanup/refactors
2024-11-05 16:58:57 +01:00
Ashwin Tumma
Fix Map Lookup Introspection Endpoints and update doc for Globally Cached Lookups (#17436)
Map Lookup Introspection API endpoints /keys and /values no longer return an invalid JSON object.
Also, update documentation to clarify the version returned by the /version introspection endpoint.


Co-authored-by: Ashwin Tumma <ashwin.tumma@salesforce.com>
2024-10-30 08:23:22 -07:00
Gian Merlino
Update errorprone, mockito, jacoco, checkerframework. (#17414)
* Update errorprone, mockito, jacoco, checkerframework.

This patch updates various build and test dependencies, to see if they
cause unit tests on JDK 21 to behave more reliably.

* Update licenses, tests.

* Remove assertEquals.

* Repair two tests.

* Update some more tests.
2024-10-28 11:34:03 -07:00
Kashif Faraz
Remove unused coordinator dynamic configs mergeSegmentsLimit, mergeBytesLimit (#17384)
* Remove unused coordinator dynamic configs

* Update docs and web-console
2024-10-22 09:03:46 +05:30
Abhishek Radhakrishnan
Add BrokerClient implementation (#17382)
This patch is extracted from PR 17353.


- Added BrokerClient and BrokerClientImpl to the sql package that leverages the ServiceClient functionality; similar to OverlordClient and CoordinatorClient implementations in the server module.
- For now, only two broker API stubs are added: submitSqlTask() and fetchExplainPlan().
- Added a new POJO class ExplainPlan that encapsulates explain plan info.
- Deprecated org.apache.druid.discovery.BrokerClient in favor of the new BrokerClient in this patch.
- Clean up ExplainAttributesTest a bit and added serde verification.
2024-10-21 11:05:53 -07:00
Vishesh Garg
Fail MSQ compaction if multi-valued partition dimensions are found (#17344)
MSQ currently supports only single-valued string dimensions as partition keys.
This patch adds a check to ensure that partition keys are single-valued in case
this info is available by virtue of segment download for schema inference.

During compaction, if MSQ finds multi-valued dimensions (MVDs) declared as part
of `range` partitionsSpec, it switches partitioning type to dynamic, ending up in
repeated compactions of the same interval. To avoid this scenario, the segment
download logic is also updated to always download segments if info on multi-valued
dimensions is required.
2024-10-19 13:33:33 +05:30
Kashif Faraz
Fix duplicate compaction task launched by OverlordCompactionScheduler (#17287)
The `OverlordCompactionScheduler` may sometimes launch a duplicate compaction
task for an interval that has just been compacted.

This may happen as follows:
- Scheduler launches a compaction task for an uncompacted interval.
- While the compaction task is running, the `CompactionStatusTracker` does not consider
this interval as compactible and returns the `CompactionStatus` as `SKIPPED` for it.
- As soon as the compaction task finishes, the `CompactionStatusTracker` starts considering
the interval eligible for compaction again.
- This interval remains eligible for compaction until the newly published segments are polled
from the database.
- Once the new segments have been polled, the `CompactionStatus` of the interval changes

- Keep track of the `snapshotTime` in `DataSourcesSnapshot`. This time represents the start of the poll.
- Use the `snapshotTime` to determine if a poll has happened after a compaction task completed.
- If not, then skip the interval to avoid launching duplicate tasks.
- For tests, use a future `snapshotTime` to ensure that compaction is always triggered.
2024-10-10 08:44:09 +05:30
Fix queries for updated segments on SinkQuerySegmentWalker (#17157)
Fix the logic for usage of segment descriptors from queries in SinkQuerySegmentWalker when there are upgraded segments as a result of concurrent replace.

Concurrent append and replace:
With the introduction of concurrent append and replace, for a given interval:

The same sink can correspond to a base segment V0_x0, and have multiple mappings to higher versions with distinct partition numbers such as V1_x1.... Vn_xn.
The initial segment allocation can happen on version V0, but there can be several allocations during the lifecycle of a task which can have different versions spanning from V0 to Vn.
Maintain a new timeline of (An overshadowable holding a SegmentDescriptor)
Every segment allocation of version upgrade adds the latest segment descriptor to this timeline.
Iterate this timeline instead of the sinkTimeline to get the segment descriptors in getQueryRunnerForIntervals
Also maintain a mapping of the upgraded segment to its base segment.
When a sink is needed to process the query, find the base segment corresponding to a given descriptor, and then use the sinkTimeline to find its chunk.
2024-10-09 14:43:17 +05:30
Fail concurrent replace tasks with finer segment granularity than append (#17265) 2024-10-08 07:35:13 +05:30
Fix batch segment allocation failure with replicas (#17262)
Fixes #16587

Streaming ingestion tasks operate by allocating segments before ingesting rows.
These allocations happen across replicas which may send different requests but
must get the same segment id for a given (datasource, interval, version, sequenceName)
across replicas.

This patch fixes the bug by ignoring the previousSegmentId when skipLineageCheck is true.
2024-10-07 19:52:38 +05:30
Vishesh Garg
Fix issues with MSQ Compaction (#17250)
The patch makes the following changes:
1. Fixes a bug causing compaction to fail on array, complex, and other non-primitive-type columns
2. Updates compaction status check to be conscious of partition dimensions when comparing dimension ordering.
3. Ensures only string columns are specified as partition dimensions
4. Ensures `rollup` is true if and only if metricsSpec is non-empty
5. Ensures disjoint intervals aren't submitted for compaction
6. Adds `compactionReason` to compaction task context.
2024-10-06 21:48:26 +05:30
Clint Wylie
Projections prototype (#17214) 2024-10-05 04:38:57 -07:00
Gian Merlino
MSQ profile for Brokers and Historicals. (#17140)
This patch adds a profile of MSQ named "Dart" that runs on Brokers and
Historicals, and which is compatible with the standard SQL query API.
For more high-level description, and notes on future work, refer to #17139.

This patch contains the following changes, grouped into packages.

Controller (org.apache.druid.msq.dart.controller):

The controller runs on Brokers. Main classes are,

- DartSqlResource, which serves /druid/v2/sql/dart/.
- DartSqlEngine and DartQueryMaker, the entry points from SQL that actually
  run the MSQ controller code.
- DartControllerContext, which configures the MSQ controller.
- DartMessageRelays, which sets up relays (see "message relays" below) to read
  messages from workers' DartControllerClients.
- DartTableInputSpecSlicer, which assigns work based on a TimelineServerView.

Worker (org.apache.druid.msq.dart.worker)

The worker runs on Historicals. Main classes are,

- DartWorkerResource, which supplies the regular MSQ WorkerResource, plus
  Dart-specific APIs.
- DartWorkerRunner, which runs MSQ worker code.
- DartWorkerContext, which configures the MSQ worker.
- DartProcessingBuffersProvider, which provides processing buffers from
  sliced-up merge buffers.
- DartDataSegmentProvider, which provides segments from the Historical's
  local cache.

Message relays (org.apache.druid.messages):

To avoid the need for Historicals to contact Brokers during a query, which
would create opportunities for queries to get stuck, all connections are
opened from Broker to Historical. This is made possible by a message relay
system, where the relay server (worker) has an outbox of messages.

The relay client (controller) connects to the outbox and retrieves messages.
Code for this system lives in the "server" package to keep it separate from
the MSQ extension and make it easier to maintain. The worker-to-controller
ControllerClient is implemented using message relays.

Other changes:

- Controller: Added the method "hasWorker". Used by the ControllerMessageListener
  to notify the appropriate controllers when a worker fails.
- WorkerResource: No longer tries to respond more than once in the
  "httpGetChannelData" API. This comes up when a response due to resolved future
  is ready at about the same time as a timeout occurs.
- MSQTaskQueryMaker: Refactor to separate out some useful functions for reuse
  in DartQueryMaker.
- SqlEngine: Add "queryContext" to "resultTypeForSelect" and "resultTypeForInsert".
  This allows the DartSqlEngine to modify result format based on whether a "fullReport"
  context parameter is set.
- LimitedOutputStream: New utility class. Used when in "fullReport" mode.
- TimelineServerView: Add getDruidServerMetadata as a performance optimization.
- CliHistorical: Add SegmentWrangler, so it can query inline data, lookups, etc.
- ServiceLocation: Add "fromUri" method, relocating some code from ServiceClientImpl.
- FixedServiceLocator: New locator for a fixed set of service locations. Useful for
  URI locations.
2024-10-01 14:38:55 -07:00
Hardik Bajaj
Improve logging to include taskId in segment handoff notifier thread (#17185) 2024-10-01 15:34:39 +05:30
Shivam Garg
Migrated commons-lang usages to commons-lang3 (#17156) 2024-09-28 10:28:11 +02:00
Abhishek Radhakrishnan
Add StreamSupervisor interface (#17151)
Follow up to #17137.

Instead of moving the streaming-only methods to the SeekableStreamSupervisor abstract class, this patch moves them to a separate StreamSupervisor interface. The reason is that the SeekableStreamSupervisor abstract class also has many other abstract methods. The StreamSupervisor interface on the other hand provides a minimal set of functions offering a good middle ground for any custom concrete implementation that doesn't require all the goodies from SeekableStreamSupervisor.
2024-09-25 14:52:39 +05:30
Abhishek Radhakrishnan
Miscellaneous cleanup in the supervisor API flow. (#17144)
Extracting a few miscellaneous non-functional changes from the batch supervisor branch:

- Replace anonymous inner classes with lambda expressions in the SQL supervisor manager layer
- Add explicit @Nullable annotations in DynamicConfigProviderUtils to make IDE happy
- Small variable renames (copy-paste error perhaps) and fix typos
- Add table name for this exception message: Delete the supervisor from the table[%s] in the database...
- Prefer CollectionUtils.isEmptyOrNull() over list == null || list.size() > 0. We can change the Precondition checks to throwing DruidException separately for a batch of APIs at a time.
2024-09-24 13:06:23 -07:00
Abhishek Radhakrishnan
Refactor: Move streaming supervisor methods to SeekableStreamSupervisor (#17137)
The current Supervisor interface is primarily focused on streaming use cases. However, as we introduce supervisors for non-streaming use cases, such as the recently added CompactionSupervisor (and the upcoming BatchSupervisor), certain operations like resetting offsets, checkpointing, task group handoff, etc., are not really applicable to non-streaming use cases.

So the methods are split between:

1. Supervisor: common methods that are applicable to both streaming and non-streaming use cases
2. SeekableStreamSupervisor: Supervisor + streaming-only operations. The existing streaming-only overrides exist along with the new abstract method public abstract LagStats computeLagStats(), for which custom implementations already exist in the concrete types

This PR is primarily a refactoring change with minimal functional adjustments (e.g., throwing an exception in a few places in SupervisorManager when the supervisor isn't the expected SeekableStreamSupervisor type).
2024-09-24 10:46:37 -07:00
Kashif Faraz
Cleanup Coordinator logs, add duty status API (#16959)
Coordinator logs are fairly noisy and don't give much useful information (see example below).
Even when the Coordinator misbehaves, these logs are not very useful.

Main changes
- Add API `GET /druid/coordinator/v1/duties` that returns a status list of all duty groups currently running on the Coordinator
- Emit metrics `segment/poll/time`, `segment/pollWithSchema/time`, `segment/buildSnapshot/time`
- Remove redundant logs that indicate normal operation of well-tested aspects of the Coordinator

- Move some logic from `DutiesRunnable` to `CoordinatorDutyGroup`
- Move stats collection from `CollectSegmentAndServerStats` to `PrepareBalancerAndLoadQueues`
- Minor cleanup of class `DruidCoordinator`
- Clean up class `DruidCoordinatorRuntimeParams`
  - Remove field `coordinatorStartTime`. Maintain start time in `MarkOvershadowedSegmentsAsUnused` instead.
  - Remove field `MetadataRuleManager`. Pass supplier to constructor of applicable duties instead.
  - Make `usedSegmentsNewestFirst` and `datasourcesSnapshot` as non-nullable as they are always required.
2024-09-24 19:46:22 +05:30
Vishesh Garg
Allow MSQ engine only for compaction supervisors (#17033)
#16768 added the functionality to run compaction as a supervisor on the overlord.
This patch builds on top of that to restrict MSQ engine to compaction in the supervisor-mode only.
With these changes, users can no longer add MSQ engine as part of datasource compaction config,
or as the default cluster-level compaction engine, on the Coordinator. 

The patch also adds an Overlord runtime property `druid.supervisor.compaction.engine=<msq/native>`
to specify the default engine for compaction supervisors.

Since these updates require major changes to existing MSQ compaction integration tests,
this patch disables MSQ-specific compaction integration tests -- they will be taken up in a follow-up PR.

Key changed/added classes in this patch:
* CompactionSupervisor
* CompactionSupervisorSpec
* CoordinatorCompactionConfigsResource
* OverlordCompactionScheduler
2024-09-24 17:19:16 +05:30
Vivek Dhiman
Introduced includeTrailerHeader to enable TrailerHeaders in response (#16672)
Introduced includeTrailerHeader to enable TrailerHeaders in response
If enabled, a header X-Error-Message will be added to indicate reasons for partial results.
2024-09-21 14:29:37 +05:30
Abhishek Radhakrishnan
Support to parse numbers in text-based input formats (#17082)
Text-based input formats like csv and tsv currently parse inputs only as strings, following the RFC4180Parser spec).
To workaround this, the web-console and other tools need to further inspect the sample data returned to sample data returned by the Druid sampler API to parse them as numbers. 

This patch introduces a new optional config, tryParseNumbers, for the csv and tsv input formats. If enabled, any numbers present in the input will be parsed in the following manner -- long data type for integer types and double for floating-point numbers, and if parsing fails for whatever reason, the input is treated as a string. By default, this configuration is set to false, so numeric strings will be treated as strings.
2024-09-19 13:21:18 -07:00
Rishabh Singh
Normalize schema fingerprint for column permutations (#17044)
Parent issue: #14989

It is possible for the order of columns to vary across segments especially during realtime ingestion.
Since, the schema fingerprint is sensitive to column order this leads to creation of a large number of segment schema in the metadata database for essentially the same set of columns.

This is wasteful, this patch fixes this problem by computing schema fingerprint on lexicographically sorted columns. This would result in creation of a single schema in the metadata database with the first observed column order for a given signature.
2024-09-18 11:37:06 +05:30
Laksh Singla
Support maxSubqueryBytes for window functions (#16800)
Window queries now acknowledge maxSubqueryBytes.
2024-09-17 10:06:24 +05:30
Fix low sonatype findings (#17017)
Fixed vulnerabilities
CVE-2021-26291 : Apache Maven is vulnerable to Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks. Various
functions across several files, mentioned below, allow for custom repositories to use the
insecure HTTP protocol. An attacker can exploit this as part of a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM)
attack, taking over or impersonating a repository using the insecure HTTP protocol.
Unsuspecting users may then have the compromised repository defined as a dependency in
their Project Object Model (pom) file and download potentially malicious files from it.
Was fixed by removing outdated tesla-aether library containing vulnerable maven-settings (v3.1.1) package, pull-deps utility updated to use maven resolver instead.

sonatype-2020-0244 : The joni package is vulnerable to Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks.
This project downloads dependencies over HTTP due to an insecure repository configuration
within the .pom file. Consequently, a MitM could intercept requests to the specified
repository and replace the requested dependencies with malicious versions, which can execute
arbitrary code from the application that was built with them.
Was fixed by upgrading joni package to recommended 2.1.34 version
2024-09-16 16:10:25 +05:30
Gian Merlino
Remove some unnecessary JoinableFactoryWrappers. (#17051)
* Remove some unnecessary JoinableFactoryWrappers.

* Remove unused import.
2024-09-16 11:32:12 +05:30
Clint Wylie
add DataSchema.Builder to tidy stuff up a bit (#17065)
* add DataSchema.Builder to tidy stuff up a bit

* fixes

* fixes

* more style fixes

* review stuff
2024-09-15 11:18:34 -07:00
Gian Merlino
BaseWorkerClientImpl: Don't attempt to recover from a closed channel. (#17052)
* BaseWorkerClientImpl: Don't attempt to recover from a closed channel.

This patch introduces an exception type "ChannelClosedForWritesException",
which allows the BaseWorkerClientImpl to avoid retrying when the local
channel has been closed. This can happen in cases of cancellation.

* Add some test coverage.

* wip

* Add test coverage.

* Style.
2024-09-15 02:10:58 -07:00
Gian Merlino
QueryResource: Don't close JSON content on error. (#17034)
* QueryResource: Don't close JSON content on error.

Following similar issues fixed in #11685 and #15880, this patch fixes
a bug where QueryResource would write a closing array marker if it
encountered an exception after starting to push results. This makes it
difficult for callers to detect errors.

The prior patches didn't catch this problem because QueryResource uses
the ObjectMapper in a unique way, through writeValuesAsArray, which
doesn't respect the global AUTO_CLOSE_JSON_CONTENT setting.

* Fix usage of customized ObjectMappers.
2024-09-14 15:32:49 -07:00
Rishabh Singh
Skip tombstone segment refresh in metadata cache (#17025)
This PR #16890 introduced a change to skip adding tombstone segments to the cache.
It turns out that as a side effect tombstone segments appear unavailable in the console. This happens because availability of a segment in Broker is determined from the metadata cache.

The fix is to keep the segment in the metadata cache but skip them from refresh.

This doesn't affect any functionality as metadata query for tombstone returns empty causing continuous refresh of those segments.
2024-09-13 11:47:11 +05:30
Abhishek Radhakrishnan
Add support for selective loading of broadcast datasources in the task layer (#17027)
Tasks control the loading of broadcast datasources via BroadcastDatasourceLoadingSpec getBroadcastDatasourceLoadingSpec(). By default, tasks download all broadcast datasources, unless there's an override as with kill and MSQ controller task.

The CLIPeon command line option --loadBroadcastSegments is deprecated in favor of --loadBroadcastDatasourceMode.

Broadcast datasources can be specified in SQL queries through JOIN and FROM clauses, or obtained from other sources such as lookups.To this effect, we have introduced a BroadcastDatasourceLoadingSpec. Finding the set of broadcast datasources during SQL planning will be done in a follow-up, which will apply only to MSQ tasks, so they load only required broadcast datasources. This PR primarily focuses on the skeletal changes around BroadcastDatasourceLoadingSpec and integrating it from the Task interface via CliPeon to SegmentBootstrapper.

Currently, only kill tasks and MSQ controller tasks skip loading broadcast datasources.
2024-09-12 13:30:28 -04:00
Adithya Chakilam
OshiSysMonitor: Add ability to skip emitting metrics (#16972)
* OshiSysMonitor: Add ability to skip emitting metrics

* comments

* static checks

* remove oshi
2024-09-12 11:32:31 -04:00
Allow request headers in HttpInputSource in native and MSQ Ingestion (#16974)
Support for adding the request headers in http input source. we can now pass the additional headers as json in both native and MSQ.
2024-09-12 11:18:44 +05:30
Rishabh Singh
Skip refresh for unused segments in metadata cache (#16990)
* Skip refresh for unused segments in metadata cache

* Cover the condition where a used segment missing schema is marked for refresh

* Fix test
2024-09-12 10:39:59 +05:30
Implement segment range threshold for automatic query prioritization (#17009)
Implements threshold based automatic query prioritization using the time period of the actual segments scanned. This differs from the current implementation of durationThreshold which uses the duration in the user supplied query. There are some usability constraints with using durationThreshold from the user supplied query, especially when using SQL. For example, if a client does not explicitly specify both start and end timestamps then the duration is extremely large and will always exceed the configured durationThreshold. This is one example interval from a query that specifies no end timestamp:
"interval":["2024-08-30T08:05:41.944Z/146140482-04-24T15:36:27.903Z"]. This interval is generated from a query like SELECT * FROM table WHERE __time > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '15' HOUR. Using the time period of the actual segments scanned allows proper prioritization without explicitly having to specify start and end timestamps. This PR adds onto #9493
2024-09-10 15:01:52 +05:30
Laksh Singla
Non querying tasks shouldn't use processing buffers / merge buffers (#16887)
Tasks that do not support querying or query processing i.e. supportsQueries = false do not require processing threads, processing buffers, and merge buffers.
2024-09-10 11:36:36 +05:30
Abhishek Agarwal
Prepare master for 32.0.0 release (#17022) 2024-09-10 11:01:20 +05:30
Clint Wylie
transition away from StorageAdapter (#16985)
* transition away from StorageAdapter
* CursorHolderFactory has been renamed to CursorFactory and moved off of StorageAdapter, instead fetched directly from the segment via 'asCursorFactory'. The previous deprecated CursorFactory interface has been merged into StorageAdapter
* StorageAdapter is no longer used by any engines or tests and has been marked as deprecated with default implementations of all methods that throw exceptions indicating the new methods to call instead
* StorageAdapter methods not covered by CursorFactory (CursorHolderFactory prior to this change) have been moved into interfaces which are retrieved by Segment.as, the primary classes are the previously existing Metadata, as well as new interfaces PhysicalSegmentInspector and TopNOptimizationInspector
* added UnnestSegment and FilteredSegment that extend WrappedSegmentReference since their StorageAdapter implementations were previously provided by WrappedSegmentReference
* added PhysicalSegmentInspector which covers some of the previous StorageAdapter functionality which was primarily used for segment metadata queries and other metadata uses, and is implemented for QueryableIndexSegment and IncrementalIndexSegment
* added TopNOptimizationInspector to cover the oddly specific StorageAdapter.hasBuiltInFilters implementation, which is implemented for HashJoinSegment, UnnestSegment, and FilteredSegment
* Updated all engines and tests to no longer use StorageAdapter
2024-09-09 14:55:29 -07:00
Rishabh Singh
Set response type application/json in CustomExceptionMapper to return correct failure message (#17016)
* Add produces annotation to ParallelIndexSupervisorTask#report

* change to application/json

* Set response type in CustomExceptionMapper instead
2024-09-09 12:07:05 +05:30
Vishesh Garg
Compute range partitionsSpec using effective maxRowsPerSegment (#16987)
In the compaction config, a range type partitionsSpec supports setting one of maxRowsPerSegment and targetRowsPerSegment. When compaction is run with the native engine, while maxRowsPerSegment = x results in segments of size x, targetRowsPerSegment = y results in segments of size 1.5 * y.

MSQ only supports rowsPerSegment = x as part of its tuning config, the resulting segment size being approx. x -- which is in line with maxRowsPerSegment behaviour in native compaction.

This PR makes the following changes:

use effective maxRowsPerSegment to pass as rowsPerSegment parameter for MSQ
persist rowsPerSegment as maxRowsPerSegment in lastCompactionState for MSQ
Use effective maxRowsPerSegment-based range spec in CompactionStatus check for both Native and MSQ.
2024-09-09 10:53:58 +05:30
Kashif Faraz
Fix compaction status API response (#17006)
#16768 introduces new compaction APIs on the Overlord `/compact/status` and `/compact/progress`.
But the corresponding `OverlordClient` methods do not return an object compatible with the actual
endpoints defined in `OverlordCompactionResource`.

This patch ensures that the objects are compatible.

- Add `CompactionStatusResponse` and `CompactionProgressResponse`
- Use these as the return type in `OverlordClient` methods and as the response entity in `OverlordCompactionResource`
- Add `SupervisorCleanupModule` bound on the Coordinator to perform cleanup of supervisors.
Without this module, Coordinator cannot deserialize compaction supervisors.
2024-09-05 23:22:01 +05:30
Rishabh Singh
Log a small subset of segments to refresh for debugging Coordinator refresh logic (#16998)
* Log a small number of segments to refresh per datasource in the Coordinator

* review comments

* Update log message
2024-09-05 11:00:25 +05:30
Rishabh Singh
Remove alert for pre-existing new columns while merging realtime schema (#16989)
Currently, an alert is thrown while merging datasource schema with realtime
segment schema when the datasource schema already has update columns from the delta schema.

This isn't an error condition since the datasource schema can have those columns from a different segment.

One scenario in which this can occur is when multiple replicas for a task is run.
2024-09-05 07:58:24 +05:30
Vishesh Garg
Enable rollup on multi-value dimensions for compaction with MSQ engine (#16937)
Currently compaction with MSQ engine doesn't work for rollup on multi-value dimensions (MVDs), the reason being the default behaviour of grouping on MVD dimensions to unnest the dimension values; for instance grouping on `[s1,s2]` with aggregate `a` will result in two rows: `<s1,a>` and `<s2,a>`. 

This change enables rollup on MVDs (without unnest) by converting MVDs to Arrays before rollup using virtual columns, and then converting them back to MVDs using post aggregators. If segment schema is available to the compaction task (when it ends up downloading segments to get existing dimensions/metrics/granularity), it selectively does the MVD-Array conversion only for known multi-valued columns; else it conservatively performs this conversion for all `string` columns.
2024-09-04 16:28:04 +05:30