* Possibly stabilize intellij-inspections
* remove `integration-tests-ex/cases` from excluded projects from initial build
* enable ErrorProne's `CheckedExceptionNotThrown` to get earlier errors than intellij-inspections
* fix ddsketch pom.xml
* fix spellcheck
* New: Add DDSketch-Druid extension
- Based off of http://www.vldb.org/pvldb/vol12/p2195-masson.pdf and uses
the corresponding https://github.com/DataDog/sketches-java library
- contains tests for post building and using aggregation/post
- New aggregator: `ddSketch`
- New post aggregators: `quantileFromDDSketch` and
* Fixing easy CodeQL warnings/errors
* Fixing docs, and dependencies
Also moved aggregator ids to AggregatorUtil and PostAggregatorIds
* Adding more Docs and better null/empty handling for aggregators
* Fixing docs, and pom version
* DDSketch documentation format and wording