#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import sys import requests # tested with python 3.6 and requests 2.13.0 if len(sys.argv) != 2: sys.stderr.write('usage: program \n') sys.stderr.write('Provide the github milestone number, not name. (e.g., 19 instead of 0.10.1)\n') sys.exit(1) milestone_num = sys.argv[1] done = False page_counter = 1 contributors = set() # Get all users who created a closed issue or merged PR for a given milestone while not done: resp = requests.get("https://api.github.com/repos/apache/incubator-druid/issues?milestone=%s&state=closed&page=%s" % (milestone_num, page_counter)) pagination_link = resp.headers["Link"] # last page doesn't have a "next" if "rel=\"next\"" not in pagination_link: done = True else: page_counter += 1 issues = json.loads(resp.text) for issue in issues: contributor_name = issue["user"]["login"] contributors.add(contributor_name) # doesn't work as-is for python2, the contributor names are "unicode" instead of "str" in python2 contributors = sorted(contributors, key=str.lower) for contributor_name in contributors: print("@%s" % contributor_name)