layout: doc_page
# Aggregations
Aggregations are specifications of processing over metrics available in Druid.
Available aggregations are:

### Count aggregator

`count` computes the row count that match the filters

{ "type" : "count", "name" : <output_name> }

### Sum aggregators

#### `longSum` aggregator

computes the sum of values as a 64-bit, signed integer

{ "type" : "longSum", "name" : <output_name>, "fieldName" : <metric_name> }

`name` – output name for the summed value
`fieldName` – name of the metric column to sum over

#### `doubleSum` aggregator

Computes the sum of values as 64-bit floating point value. Similar to `longSum`

{ "type" : "doubleSum", "name" : <output_name>, "fieldName" : <metric_name> }

### Min / Max aggregators

#### `min` aggregator

`min` computes the minimum metric value

{ "type" : "min", "name" : <output_name>, "fieldName" : <metric_name> }

#### `max` aggregator

`max` computes the maximum metric value

{ "type" : "max", "name" : <output_name>, "fieldName" : <metric_name> }

### JavaScript aggregator

Computes an arbitrary JavaScript function over a set of columns (both metrics and dimensions).

All JavaScript functions must return numerical values.

{ "type": "javascript",
  "name": "<output_name>",
  "fieldNames"  : [ <column1>, <column2>, ... ],
  "fnAggregate" : "function(current, column1, column2, ...) {
                     <updates partial aggregate (current) based on the current row values>
                     return <updated partial aggregate>
  "fnCombine"   : "function(partialA, partialB) { return <combined partial results>; }",
  "fnReset"     : "function()                   { return <initial value>; }"


  "type": "javascript",
  "name": "sum(log(x)/y) + 10",
  "fieldNames": ["x", "y"],
  "fnAggregate" : "function(current, a, b)      { return current + (Math.log(a) * b); }",
  "fnCombine"   : "function(partialA, partialB) { return partialA + partialB; }",
  "fnReset"     : "function()                   { return 10; }"

### Cardinality aggregator

Computes the cardinality of a set of Druid dimensions, using HyperLogLog to estimate the cardinality.

  "type": "cardinality",
  "name": "<output_name>",
  "fieldNames": [ <dimension1>, <dimension2>, ... ],
  "byRow": <false | true> # (optional, defaults to false)

#### Cardinality by value

When setting `byRow` to `false` (the default) it computes the cardinality of the set composed of the union of all dimension values for all the given dimensions.

* For a single dimension, this is equivalent to

SELECT COUNT(DISCTINCT(dimension)) FROM <datasource>

* For multiple dimensions, this is equivalent to something akin to

  SELECT dim_1 as value FROM <datasource>
  SELECT dim_2 as value FROM <datasource>
  SELECT dim_3 as value FROM <datasource>

#### Cardinality by row

When setting `byRow` to `true` it computes the cardinality by row, i.e. the cardinality of distinct dimension combinations
This is equivalent to something akin to



Determine the number of distinct categories items are assigned to.

  "type": "cardinality",
  "name": "distinct_values",
  "fieldNames": [ "main_category", "secondary_category" ]

Determine the number of distinct   are assigned to.

  "type": "cardinality",
  "name": "distinct_values",
  "fieldNames": [ "", "secondary_category" ],
  "byRow" : true

## Complex Aggregations

### HyperUnique aggregator

Uses [HyperLogLog](http://algo.inria.fr/flajolet/Publications/FlFuGaMe07.pdf) to compute the estimated cardinality of a dimension that has been aggregated as a "hyperUnique" metric at indexing time.

{ "type" : "hyperUnique", "name" : <output_name>, "fieldName" : <metric_name> }

## Miscellaneous Aggregations

### Filtered Aggregator

A filtered aggregator wraps any given aggregator, but only aggregates the values for which the given dimension filter matches.

This makes it possible to compute the results of a filtered and an unfiltered aggregation simultaneously, without having to issue multiple queries, and use both results as part of post-aggregations.

*Limitations:* The filtered aggregator currently only supports 'or', 'and', 'selector' and 'not' filters, i.e. matching one or multiple dimensions against a single value.

*Note:* If only the filtered results are required, consider putting the filter on the query itself, which will be much faster since it does not require scanning all the data.

  "type" : "filtered",
  "filter" : {
    "type" : "selector",
    "dimension" : <dimension>,
    "value" : <dimension value>
  "aggregator" : <aggregation>