--- id: sql-functions title: "All Druid SQL functions" sidebar_label: "All functions" --- > Apache Druid supports two query languages: Druid SQL and [native queries](querying.md). > This document describes the SQL language. This page provides a reference of all Druid SQL functions in alphabetical order. Click the linked function type for documentation on a particular function. ## ABS `ABS()` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Calculates the absolute value of a numeric expression. ## ACOS `ACOS()` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Calculates the arc cosine of a numeric expression. ## ANY_VALUE `ANY_VALUE()` `ANY_VALUE()` `ANY_VALUE(, )` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Returns any value of the specified expression. ## APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT `APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(expr)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Counts distinct values of a regular column or a prebuilt sketch column. `APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_BUILTIN(expr)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Counts distinct values of a string, numeric, or `hyperUnique` column using Druid's built-in `cardinality` or `hyperUnique` aggregators. ## APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_DS_HLL `APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_DS_HLL(expr, [, ])` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Counts distinct values of an HLL sketch column or a regular column. ## APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_DS_THETA `APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT_DS_THETA(expr, [])` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Counts distinct values of a Theta sketch column or a regular column. ## APPROX_QUANTILE `APPROX_QUANTILE(expr, , [])` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Deprecated in favor of `APPROX_QUANTILE_DS`. ## APPROX_QUANTILE_DS `APPROX_QUANTILE_DS(expr, , [])` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Computes approximate quantiles on a Quantiles sketch column or a regular numeric column. ## APPROX_QUANTILE_FIXED_BUCKETS `APPROX_QUANTILE_FIXED_BUCKETS(expr, , , , , [])` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Computes approximate quantiles on fixed buckets histogram column or a regular numeric column. ## ARRAY[] `ARRAY[expr1, expr2, ...]` **Function type:** [Multi-value string](sql-multivalue-string-functions.md) Constructs a SQL ARRAY literal from the expression arguments. The arguments must be of the same type. ## ARRAY_AGG `ARRAY_AGG([DISTINCT] expr, [])` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Returns an array of all values of the specified expression. ## ARRAY_CONCAT_AGG `ARRAY_CONCAT_AGG([DISTINCT] expr, [])` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Concatenates array inputs into a single array. ## ASIN `ASIN()` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Calculates the arc sine of a numeric expression. ## ATAN `ATAN()` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Calculates the arc tangent of a numeric expression. ## ATAN2 `ATAN2(, )` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Calculates the arc tangent of the two arguments. ## AVG `AVG()` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Calculates the average of a set of values. ## BIT_AND `BIT_AND(expr)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Performs a bitwise AND operation on all input values. ## BIT_OR `BIT_OR(expr)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Performs a bitwise OR operation on all input values. ## BIT_XOR `BIT_XOR(expr)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Performs a bitwise XOR operation on all input values. ## BITWISE_AND `BITWISE_AND(expr1, expr2)` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Returns the bitwise AND between the two expressions, that is, `expr1 & expr2`. ## BITWISE_COMPLEMENT `BITWISE_COMPLEMENT(expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Returns the bitwise NOT for the expression, that is, `~expr`. ## BITWISE_CONVERT_DOUBLE_TO_LONG_BITS `BITWISE_CONVERT_DOUBLE_TO_LONG_BITS(expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Converts the bits of an IEEE 754 floating-point double value to a long. ## BITWISE_CONVERT_LONG_BITS_TO_DOUBLE `BITWISE_CONVERT_LONG_BITS_TO_DOUBLE(expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Converts a long to the IEEE 754 floating-point double specified by the bits stored in the long. ## BITWISE_OR `BITWISE_OR(expr1, expr2)` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Returns the bitwise OR between the two expressions, that is, `expr1 | expr2`. ## BITWISE_SHIFT_LEFT `BITWISE_SHIFT_LEFT(expr1, expr2)` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Returns a bitwise left shift of expr1, that is, `expr1 << expr2`. ## BITWISE_SHIFT_RIGHT `BITWISE_SHIFT_RIGHT(expr1, expr2)` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Returns a bitwise right shift of expr1, that is, `expr1 >> expr2`. ## BITWISE_XOR `BITWISE_XOR(expr1, expr2)` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Returns the bitwise exclusive OR between the two expressions, that is, `expr1 ^ expr2`. ## BLOOM_FILTER `BLOOM_FILTER(expr, )` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Computes a Bloom filter from values produced by the specified expression. ## BLOOM_FILTER_TEST `BLOOM_FILTER_TEST(expr, )` **Function type:** [Scalar, other](sql-scalar.md#other-scalar-functions) Returns true if the expression is contained in a Base64-serialized Bloom filter. ## BTRIM `BTRIM(, [])` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Trims characters from both the leading and trailing ends of an expression. ## CASE `CASE expr WHEN value1 THEN result1 \[ WHEN value2 THEN result2 ... \] \[ ELSE resultN \] END` **Function type:** [Scalar, other](sql-scalar.md#other-scalar-functions) Returns a result based on a given condition. ## CAST `CAST(value AS TYPE)` **Function type:** [Scalar, other](sql-scalar.md#other-scalar-functions) Converts a value into the specified data type. ## CEIL (date and time) `CEIL( TO )` **Function type:** [Scalar, date and time](sql-scalar.md#date-and-time-functions) Rounds up a timestamp by a given time unit. ## CEIL (numeric) `CEIL()` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Calculates the smallest integer value greater than or equal to the numeric expression. ## CHAR_LENGTH `CHAR_LENGTH(expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Alias for [`LENGTH`](#length). ## CHARACTER_LENGTH `CHARACTER_LENGTH(expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Alias for [`LENGTH`](#length). ## COALESCE `COALESCE(expr, expr, ...)` **Function type:** [Scalar, other](sql-scalar.md#other-scalar-functions) Returns the first non-null value. ## CONCAT `CONCAT(expr, expr...)` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Concatenates a list of expressions. ## CONTAINS_STRING `CONTAINS_STRING(, )` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Finds whether a string is in a given expression, case-sensitive. ## COS `COS()` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Calculates the trigonometric cosine of an angle expressed in radians. ## COT `COT()` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Calculates the trigonometric cotangent of an angle expressed in radians. ## COUNT `COUNT([DISTINCT] expr)` `COUNT(*)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Counts the number of rows. ## CURRENT_DATE `CURRENT_DATE` **Function type:** [Scalar, date and time](sql-scalar.md#date-and-time-functions) Returns the current date in the connection's time zone. ## CURRENT_TIMESTAMP `CURRENT_TIMESTAMP` **Function type:** [Scalar, date and time](sql-scalar.md#date-and-time-functions) Returns the current timestamp in the connection's time zone. ## DATE_TRUNC `DATE_TRUNC(, )` **Function type:** [Scalar, date and time](sql-scalar.md#date-and-time-functions) Rounds down a timestamp by a given time unit. ## DEGREES `DEGREES()` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Converts an angle from radians to degrees. ## DIV `DIV(x, y)` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Returns the result of integer division of `x` by `y`. ## DS_CDF `DS_CDF(expr, splitPoint0, splitPoint1, ...)` **Function type:** [Scalar, sketch](sql-scalar.md#sketch-functions) Returns a string representing an approximation to the Cumulative Distribution Function given the specified bin definition. ## DS_GET_QUANTILE `DS_GET_QUANTILE(expr, fraction)` **Function type:** [Scalar, sketch](sql-scalar.md#sketch-functions) Returns the quantile estimate corresponding to `fraction` from a quantiles sketch. ## DS_GET_QUANTILES `DS_GET_QUANTILES(expr, fraction0, fraction1, ...)` **Function type:** [Scalar, sketch](sql-scalar.md#sketch-functions) Returns a string representing an array of quantile estimates corresponding to a list of fractions from a quantiles sketch. ## DS_HISTOGRAM `DS_HISTOGRAM(expr, splitPoint0, splitPoint1, ...)` **Function type:** [Scalar, sketch](sql-scalar.md#sketch-functions) Returns a string representing an approximation to the histogram given the specified bin definition. ## DS_HLL `DS_HLL(expr, [lgK, tgtHllType])` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Creates an HLL sketch on a column containing HLL sketches or a regular column. ## DS_QUANTILE_SUMMARY `DS_QUANTILE_SUMMARY(expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, sketch](sql-scalar.md#sketch-functions) Returns a string summary of a quantiles sketch. ## DS_QUANTILES_SKETCH `DS_QUANTILES_SKETCH(expr, [k])` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Creates a Quantiles sketch on a column containing Quantiles sketches or a regular column. ## DS_RANK `DS_RANK(expr, value)` **Function type:** [Scalar, sketch](sql-scalar.md#sketch-functions) Returns an approximate rank between 0 and 1 of a given value, in which the rank signifies the fraction of the distribution less than the given value. ## DS_THETA `DS_THETA(expr, [size])` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Creates a Theta sketch on a column containing Theta sketches or a regular column. ## EARLIEST `EARLIEST(expr)` `EARLIEST(expr, maxBytesPerString)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Returns the value of a numeric or string expression corresponding to the earliest `__time` value. ## EARLIEST_BY `EARLIEST_BY(expr, timestampExpr)` `EARLIEST_BY(expr, timestampExpr, maxBytesPerString)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Returns the value of a numeric or string expression corresponding to the earliest time value from `timestampExpr`. ## EXP `EXP()` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Calculates _e_ raised to the power of the numeric expression. ## EXTRACT `EXTRACT( FROM )` **Function type:** [Scalar, date and time](sql-scalar.md#date-and-time-functions) Extracts the value of some unit of the timestamp, optionally from a certain time zone, and returns the number. ## FLOOR (date and time) `FLOOR( TO )` **Function type:** [Scalar, date and time](sql-scalar.md#date-and-time-functions) Rounds down a timestamp by a given time unit. ## FLOOR (numeric) `FLOOR()` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Calculates the largest integer value less than or equal to the numeric expression. ## GREATEST `GREATEST([expr1, ...])` **Function type:** [Scalar, reduction](sql-scalar.md#reduction-functions) Returns the maximum value from the provided arguments. ## GROUPING `GROUPING(expr, expr...)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Returns a number for each output row of a groupBy query, indicating whether the specified dimension is included for that row. ## HLL_SKETCH_ESTIMATE `HLL_SKETCH_ESTIMATE(expr, [round])` **Function type:** [Scalar, sketch](sql-scalar.md#sketch-functions) Returns the distinct count estimate from an HLL sketch. ## HLL_SKETCH_ESTIMATE_WITH_ERROR_BOUNDS `HLL_SKETCH_ESTIMATE_WITH_ERROR_BOUNDS(expr, [numStdDev])` **Function type:** [Scalar, sketch](sql-scalar.md#sketch-functions) Returns the distinct count estimate and error bounds from an HLL sketch. ## HLL_SKETCH_TO_STRING `HLL_SKETCH_TO_STRING(expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, sketch](sql-scalar.md#sketch-functions) Returns a human-readable string representation of an HLL sketch. ## HLL_SKETCH_UNION `HLL_SKETCH_UNION([lgK, tgtHllType], expr0, expr1, ...)` **Function type:** [Scalar, sketch](sql-scalar.md#sketch-functions) Returns a union of HLL sketches. ## HUMAN_READABLE_BINARY_BYTE_FORMAT `HUMAN_READABLE_BINARY_BYTE_FORMAT(value[, precision])` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Converts an integer byte size into human-readable IEC format. ## HUMAN_READABLE_DECIMAL_BYTE_FORMAT `HUMAN_READABLE_DECIMAL_BYTE_FORMAT(value[, precision])` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Converts a byte size into human-readable SI format. ## HUMAN_READABLE_DECIMAL_FORMAT `HUMAN_READABLE_DECIMAL_FORMAT(value[, precision])` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Converts a byte size into human-readable SI format with single-character units. ## ICONTAINS_STRING `ICONTAINS_STRING(, str)` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Finds whether a string is in a given expression, case-insensitive. ## IPV4_MATCH `IPV4_MATCH(address, subnet)` **Function type:** [Scalar, IP address](sql-scalar.md#ip-address-functions) Returns true if the `address` belongs to the `subnet` literal, else false. ## IPV4_PARSE `IPV4_PARSE(address)` **Function type:** [Scalar, IP address](sql-scalar.md#ip-address-functions) Parses `address` into an IPv4 address stored as an integer. ## IPV4_STRINGIFY `IPV4_STRINGIFY(address)` **Function type:** [Scalar, IP address](sql-scalar.md#ip-address-functions) Converts `address` into an IPv4 address in dot-decimal notation. ## LATEST `LATEST(expr)` `LATEST(expr, maxBytesPerString)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Returns the value of a numeric or string expression corresponding to the latest `__time` value. ## LATEST_BY `LATEST_BY(expr, timestampExpr)` `LATEST_BY(expr, timestampExpr, maxBytesPerString)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Returns the value of a numeric or string expression corresponding to the latest time value from `timestampExpr`. ## LEAST `LEAST([expr1, ...])` **Function type:** [Scalar, reduction](sql-scalar.md#reduction-functions) Returns the minimum value from the provided arguments. ## LEFT `LEFT(expr, [length])` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Returns the leftmost number of characters from an expression. ## LENGTH `LENGTH(expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Returns the length of the expression in UTF-16 encoding. ## LN `LN(expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Calculates the natural logarithm of the numeric expression. ## LOG10 `LOG10(expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Calculates the base-10 of the numeric expression. ## LOOKUP `LOOKUP(, )` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Looks up the expression in a registered query-time lookup table. ## LOWER `LOWER(expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Returns the expression in lowercase. ## LPAD `LPAD(, , [])` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Returns the leftmost number of characters from an expression, optionally padded with the given characters. ## LTRIM `LTRIM(, [])` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Trims characters from the leading end of an expression. ## MAX `MAX(expr)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Returns the maximum value of a set of values. ## MILLIS_TO_TIMESTAMP `MILLIS_TO_TIMESTAMP(millis_expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, date and time](sql-scalar.md#date-and-time-functions) Converts a number of milliseconds since epoch into a timestamp. ## MIN `MIN(expr)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Returns the minimum value of a set of values. ## MOD `MOD(x, y)` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Calculates x modulo y, or the remainder of x divided by y. ## MV_APPEND `MV_APPEND(arr1, expr)` **Function type:** [Multi-value string](sql-multivalue-string-functions.md) Adds the expression to the end of the array. ## MV_CONCAT `MV_CONCAT(arr1, arr2)` **Function type:** [Multi-value string](sql-multivalue-string-functions.md) Concatenates two arrays. ## MV_CONTAINS `MV_CONTAINS(arr, expr)` **Function type:** [Multi-value string](sql-multivalue-string-functions.md) Returns true if the expression is in the array, false otherwise. ## MV_FILTER_NONE `MV_FILTER_NONE(expr, arr)` **Function type:** [Multi-value string](sql-multivalue-string-functions.md) Filters a multi-value expression to include no values contained in the array. ## MV_FILTER_ONLY `MV_FILTER_ONLY(expr, arr)` **Function type:** [Multi-value string](sql-multivalue-string-functions.md) Filters a multi-value expression to include only values contained in the array. ## MV_LENGTH `MV_LENGTH(arr)` **Function type:** [Multi-value string](sql-multivalue-string-functions.md) Returns the length of an array expression. ## MV_OFFSET `MV_OFFSET(arr, long)` **Function type:** [Multi-value string](sql-multivalue-string-functions.md) Returns the array element at the given zero-based index. ## MV_OFFSET_OF `MV_OFFSET_OF(arr, expr)` **Function type:** [Multi-value string](sql-multivalue-string-functions.md) Returns the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a given expression in the array. ## MV_ORDINAL `MV_ORDINAL(arr, long)` **Function type:** [Multi-value string](sql-multivalue-string-functions.md) Returns the array element at the given one-based index. ## MV_ORDINAL_OF `MV_ORDINAL_OF(arr, expr)` **Function type:** [Multi-value string](sql-multivalue-string-functions.md) Returns the one-based index of the first occurrence of a given expression. ## MV_OVERLAP `MV_OVERLAP(arr1, arr2)` **Function type:** [Multi-value string](sql-multivalue-string-functions.md) Returns true if the two arrays have any elements in common, false otherwise. ## MV_PREPEND `MV_PREPEND(expr, arr)` **Function type:** [Multi-value string](sql-multivalue-string-functions.md) Adds the expression to the beginning of the array. ## MV_SLICE `MV_SLICE(arr, start, end)` **Function type:** [Multi-value string](sql-multivalue-string-functions.md) Returns a slice of the array from the zero-based start and end indexes. ## MV_TO_STRING `MV_TO_STRING(arr, str)` **Function type:** [Multi-value string](sql-multivalue-string-functions.md) Joins all elements of the array together by the given delimiter. ## NULLIF `NULLIF(value1, value2)` **Function type:** [Scalar, other](sql-scalar.md#other-scalar-functions) Returns NULL if two values are equal, else returns the first value. ## NVL `NVL(e1, e2)` **Function type:** [Scalar, other](sql-scalar.md#other-scalar-functions) Returns `e2` if `e1` is null, else returns `e1`. ## PARSE_LONG `PARSE_LONG(, [])` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Converts a string into a BIGINT with the given base or into a DECIMAL data type if the base is not specified. ## POSITION `POSITION( IN [FROM ])` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Returns the one-based index position of a substring within an expression, optionally starting from a given one-based index. ## POWER `POWER(expr, power)` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Calculates a numerical expression raised to the specified power. ## RADIANS `RADIANS(expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Converts an angle from degrees to radians. ## REGEXP_EXTRACT `REGEXP_EXTRACT(, , [])` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Applies a regular expression to the string expression and returns the _n_th match. ## REGEXP_LIKE `REGEXP_LIKE(, )` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Returns true or false signifying whether the regular expression finds a match in the string expression. ## REPEAT `REPEAT(, [])` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Repeats the string expression an integer number of times. ## REPLACE `REPLACE(expr, pattern, replacement)` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Replaces a pattern with another string in the given expression. ## REVERSE `REVERSE(expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Reverses the given expression. ## RIGHT `RIGHT(expr, [length])` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Returns the rightmost number of characters from an expression. ## ROUND `ROUND(expr[, digits])` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Calculates the rounded value for a numerical expression. ## RPAD `RPAD(, , [])` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Returns the rightmost number of characters from an expression, optionally padded with the given characters. ## RTRIM `RTRIM(, [])` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Trims characters from the trailing end of an expression. ## SAFE_DIVIDE `SAFE_DIVIDE(x, y)` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Returns `x` divided by `y`, guarded on division by 0. ## SIN `SIN(expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Calculates the trigonometric sine of an angle expressed in radians. ## SQRT `SQRT(expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Calculates the square root of a numeric expression. ## STDDEV `STDDEV(expr)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Alias for [`STDDEV_SAMP`](#stddev_samp). ## STDDEV_POP `STDDEV_POP(expr)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Calculates the population standard deviation of a set of values. ## STDDEV_SAMP `STDDEV_SAMP(expr)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Calculates the sample standard deviation of a set of values. ## STRING_AGG `STRING_AGG(expr, separator, [size])` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Collects all values of an expression into a single string. ## STRING_FORMAT `STRING_FORMAT(pattern[, args...])` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Returns a string formatted in accordance to Java's String.format method. ## STRING_TO_MV `STRING_TO_MV(str1, str2)` **Function type:** [Multi-value string](sql-multivalue-string-functions.md) Converts a string into an array, split by the given delimiter. ## STRLEN `STRLEN(expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Alias for [`LENGTH`](#length). ## STRPOS `STRPOS(, )` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Returns the one-based index position of a substring within an expression. ## SUBSTR `SUBSTR(, , [])` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Alias for [`SUBSTRING`](#substring). ## SUBSTRING `SUBSTRING(, , [])` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Returns a substring of the expression starting at a given one-based index. ## SUM `SUM(expr)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Calculates the sum of a set of values. ## TAN `TAN(expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Calculates the trigonometric tangent of an angle expressed in radians. ## TDIGEST_GENERATE_SKETCH `TDIGEST_GENERATE_SKETCH(expr, [compression])` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Generates a T-digest sketch from values of the specified expression. ## TDIGEST_QUANTILE `TDIGEST_QUANTILE(expr, quantileFraction, [compression])` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Returns the quantile for the specified fraction from a T-Digest sketch constructed from values of the expression. ## TEXTCAT `TEXTCAT(, )` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Concatenates two string expressions. ## THETA_SKETCH_ESTIMATE `THETA_SKETCH_ESTIMATE(expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, sketch](sql-scalar.md#sketch-functions) Returns the distinct count estimate from a Theta sketch. ## THETA_SKETCH_ESTIMATE_WITH_ERROR_BOUNDS `THETA_SKETCH_ESTIMATE_WITH_ERROR_BOUNDS(expr, errorBoundsStdDev)` **Function type:** [Scalar, sketch](sql-scalar.md#sketch-functions) Returns the distinct count estimate and error bounds from a Theta sketch. ## THETA_SKETCH_INTERSECT `THETA_SKETCH_INTERSECT([size], expr0, expr1, ...)` **Function type:** [Scalar, sketch](sql-scalar.md#sketch-functions) Returns an intersection of Theta sketches. ## THETA_SKETCH_NOT `THETA_SKETCH_NOT([size], expr0, expr1, ...)` **Function type:** [Scalar, sketch](sql-scalar.md#sketch-functions) Returns a set difference of Theta sketches. ## THETA_SKETCH_UNION `THETA_SKETCH_UNION([size], expr0, expr1, ...)` **Function type:** [Scalar, sketch](sql-scalar.md#sketch-functions) Returns a union of Theta sketches. ## TIME_CEIL `TIME_CEIL(, , [, []])` **Function type:** [Scalar, date and time](sql-scalar.md#date-and-time-functions) Rounds up a timestamp by a given time period, optionally from some reference time or timezone. ## TIME_EXTRACT `TIME_EXTRACT(, [, []])` **Function type:** [Scalar, date and time](sql-scalar.md#date-and-time-functions) Extracts the value of some unit of the timestamp and returns the number. ## TIME_FLOOR `TIME_FLOOR(, , [, []])` **Function type:** [Scalar, date and time](sql-scalar.md#date-and-time-functions) Rounds down a timestamp by a given time period, optionally from some reference time or timezone. ## TIME_FORMAT `TIME_FORMAT(, [, []])` **Function type:** [Scalar, date and time](sql-scalar.md#date-and-time-functions) Formats a timestamp as a string. ## TIME_IN_INTERVAL `TIME_IN_INTERVAL(, )` **Function type:** [Scalar, date and time](sql-scalar.md#date-and-time-functions) Returns whether a timestamp is contained within a particular interval, formatted as a string. ## TIME_PARSE `TIME_PARSE(, [, []])` **Function type:** [Scalar, date and time](sql-scalar.md#date-and-time-functions) Parses a string into a timestamp. ## TIME_SHIFT `TIME_SHIFT(, , , [])` **Function type:** [Scalar, date and time](sql-scalar.md#date-and-time-functions) Shifts a timestamp forwards or backwards by a given number of time units. ## TIMESTAMP_TO_MILLIS `TIMESTAMP_TO_MILLIS()` **Function type:** [Scalar, date and time](sql-scalar.md#date-and-time-functions) Returns the number of milliseconds since epoch for the given timestamp. ## TIMESTAMPADD `TIMESTAMPADD(, , )` **Function type:** [Scalar, date and time](sql-scalar.md#date-and-time-functions) Adds a certain amount of time to a given timestamp. ## TIMESTAMPDIFF `TIMESTAMPDIFF(, , )` **Function type:** [Scalar, date and time](sql-scalar.md#date-and-time-functions) Takes the difference between two timestamps, returning the results in the given units. ## TRIM `TRIM([BOTH|LEADING|TRAILING] [ FROM] expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Trims the leading or trailing characters of an expression. ## TRUNC `TRUNC(expr[, digits])` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Alias for [`TRUNCATE`](#truncate). ## TRUNCATE `TRUNCATE(expr[, digits])` **Function type:** [Scalar, numeric](sql-scalar.md#numeric-functions) Truncates a numerical expression to a specific number of decimal digits. ## UPPER `UPPER(expr)` **Function type:** [Scalar, string](sql-scalar.md#string-functions) Returns the expression in uppercase. ## VAR_POP `VAR_POP(expr)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Calculates the population variance of a set of values. ## VAR_SAMP `VAR_SAMP(expr)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Calculates the sample variance of a set of values. ## VARIANCE `VARIANCE(expr)` **Function type:** [Aggregation](sql-aggregations.md) Alias for [`VAR_SAMP`](#var_samp).