--- layout: doc_page --- # Druid Firehoses Firehoses describe the data stream source. They are pluggable and thus the configuration schema can and will vary based on the `type` of the firehose. | Field | Type | Description | Required | |-------|------|-------------|----------| | type | String | Specifies the type of firehose. Each value will have its own configuration schema, firehoses packaged with Druid are described below. | yes | We describe the configuration of the [Kafka firehose example](Realtime-ingestion.html#realtime-specfile), but there are other types available in Druid (see below). - `consumerProps` is a map of properties for the Kafka consumer. The JSON object is converted into a Properties object and passed along to the Kafka consumer. - `feed` is the feed that the Kafka consumer should read from. Available Firehoses ------------------- There are several firehoses readily available in Druid, some are meant for examples, others can be used directly in a production environment. #### KafkaFirehose This firehose acts as a Kafka consumer and ingests data from Kafka. #### StaticS3Firehose This firehose ingests events from a predefined list of S3 objects. #### TwitterSpritzerFirehose See [Examples](Examples.html). This firehose connects directly to the twitter spritzer data stream. #### RandomFirehose See [Examples](Examples.html). This firehose creates a stream of random numbers. #### RabbitMqFirehose This firehose ingests events from a define rabbit-mq queue. #### LocalFirehose This Firehose can be used to read the data from files on local disk. It can be used for POCs to ingest data on disk. A sample local firehose spec is shown below: ```json { "type" : "local", "filter" : "*.csv", "baseDir" : "/data/directory" } ``` |property|description|required?| |--------|-----------|---------| |type|This should be "local".|yes| |filter|A wildcard filter for files. See [here](http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-io/apidocs/org/apache/commons/io/filefilter/WildcardFileFilter.html) for more information.|yes| |baseDir|location of baseDirectory containing files to be ingested. |yes| #### IngestSegmentFirehose This Firehose can be used to read the data from existing druid segments. It can be used ingest existing druid segments using a new schema and change the name, dimensions, metrics, rollup, etc. of the segment. A sample ingest firehose spec is shown below - ```json { "type" : "ingestSegment", "dataSource" : "wikipedia", "interval" : "2013-01-01/2013-01-02" } ``` |property|description|required?| |--------|-----------|---------| |type|ingestSegment. Type of firehose|yes| |dataSource|A String defining the data source to fetch rows from, very similar to a table in a relational database|yes| |interval|A String representing ISO-8601 Interval. This defines the time range to fetch the data over.|yes| |dimensions|The list of dimensions to select. If left empty, no dimensions are returned. If left null or not defined, all dimensions are returned. |no| |metrics|The list of metrics to select. If left empty, no metrics are returned. If left null or not defined, all metrics are selected.|no| |filter| See [Filters](Filters.html)|yes| #### CombiningFirehose This firehose can be used to combine and merge data from a list of different firehoses. This can be used to merge data from more than one firehoses. ```json { "type" : "combining", "delegates" : [ { firehose1 }, { firehose2 }, ..... ] } ``` |property|description|required?| |--------|-----------|---------| |type|combining|yes| |delegates|list of firehoses to combine data from|yes| #### EventReceiverFirehose EventReceiverFirehoseFactory can be used to ingest events using http endpoint. when using this firehose `druid.realtime.chathandler.type` needs to be set to `announce` in runtime.properties. ```json { "type": "receiver", "serviceName": "eventReceiverServiceName", "bufferSize": 10000 } ``` when using above firehose the events can be sent via submitting a POST request to the http endpoint - `http://:/druid/worker/v1/chat//push-events/` |property|description|required?| |--------|-----------|---------| |type|receiver|yes| |serviceName|name used to announce the event receiver service endpoint|yes| |bufferSize| size of buffer used by firehose to store events|no default(100000)|