#!/usr/bin/env bash # Script to run util DruidSetup which will initialize zookeeper locations, properties, and metadata store (MySQL or similar). # The dump cmd of DruidSetup will dump properties stored at and zpaths of zookeeper. # Run with no args to get usage. which java >/dev/null WJ=$? if [ "${JAVA_HOME}" ]; then RUN_JAVA=$JAVA_HOME/bin/java elif [ $WJ -eq 0 ]; then RUN_JAVA=java fi [ -z "${RUN_JAVA}" ] && echo "env var JAVA_HOME is not defined and java not in path" && exit 1 DRUID_DIR=$(cd $(dirname $0)/.. ; pwd) DRUID_SERVER_JAR="$(ls -1 $(find $DRUID_DIR -name 'druid-server*selfcontained.jar') |head -1)" [ -z "${DRUID_SERVER_JAR}" ] && echo "unable to find druid server jar" && exit 2 echo "using ${DRUID_SERVER_JAR}" echo $RUN_JAVA -cp "${DRUID_SERVER_JAR}" -Dlog4j.configuration=file://${DRUID_DIR}/install/log4j.xml -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Duser.timezone=UTC -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 com.metamx.druid.utils.DruidSetup $* [ -e ${DRUID_DIR}/install/druid_setup.log ] && egrep "WARN|ERROR|FATAL" ${DRUID_DIR}/install/druid_setup.log