--- id: mysql title: "MySQL Metadata Store" --- To use this Apache Druid extension, [include](../../configuration/extensions.md#loading-extensions) `mysql-metadata-storage` in the extensions load list. :::info The MySQL extension requires the MySQL Connector/J library or MariaDB Connector/J library, neither of which are included in the Druid distribution. Refer to the following section for instructions on how to install this library. ::: ## Installing the MySQL connector library This extension can use Oracle's MySQL JDBC driver which is not included in the Druid distribution. You must install it separately. There are a few ways to obtain this library: - It can be downloaded from the MySQL site at: https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/ - It can be fetched from Maven Central at: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/mysql/mysql-connector-java/5.1.49/mysql-connector-java-5.1.49.jar - It may be available through your package manager, e.g. as `libmysql-java` on APT for a Debian-based OS This fetches the MySQL connector JAR file with a name like `mysql-connector-java-5.1.49.jar`. Copy or symlink this file inside the folder `extensions/mysql-metadata-storage` under the distribution root directory. ## Alternative: Installing the MariaDB connector library This extension also supports using the MariaDB connector jar, though it is also not included in the Druid distribution, so you must install it separately. - Download from the MariaDB site: https://mariadb.com/downloads/connector - Download from Maven Central: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/mariadb/jdbc/mariadb-java-client/2.7.3/mariadb-java-client-2.7.3.jar This fetches the MariaDB connector JAR file with a name like `maria-java-client-2.7.3.jar`. Copy or symlink this file to `extensions/mysql-metadata-storage` under the distribution root directory. To configure the `mysql-metadata-storage` extension to use the MariaDB connector library instead of MySQL, set `druid.metadata.mysql.driver.driverClassName=org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver`. Depending on the MariaDB client library version, the connector supports both `jdbc:mysql:` and `jdbc:mariadb:` connection URIs. However, the parameters to configure the connection vary between implementations, so be sure to [check the documentation](https://mariadb.com/kb/en/about-mariadb-connector-j/#connection-strings) for details. ## Setting up MySQL To avoid issues with upgrades that require schema changes to a large metadata table, consider a MySQL version that supports instant ADD COLUMN semantics. For example, MySQL 8. 1. Install MySQL Use your favorite package manager to install mysql, e.g.: - on Ubuntu/Debian using apt `apt-get install mysql-server` - on OS X, using [Homebrew](http://brew.sh/) `brew install mysql` Alternatively, download and follow installation instructions for MySQL Community Server here: [http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/](http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/). This extension also supports using MariaDB server, https://mariadb.org/download/, substituting for MariaDB in the following instructions where appropriate. 2. Create a druid database and user Connect to MySQL from the machine where it is installed. ```bash mysql -u root ``` Paste the following snippet into the mysql prompt: ```sql -- create a druid database, make sure to use utf8mb4 as encoding CREATE DATABASE druid DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4; -- create a druid user CREATE USER 'druid'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'diurd'; -- grant the user all the permissions on the database we just created GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON druid.* TO 'druid'@'localhost'; ``` 3. Configure your Druid metadata storage extension: Add the following parameters to your Druid configuration, replacing `` with the location (host name and port) of the database. ```properties druid.extensions.loadList=["mysql-metadata-storage"] druid.metadata.storage.type=mysql druid.metadata.storage.connector.connectURI=jdbc:mysql:///druid druid.metadata.storage.connector.user=druid druid.metadata.storage.connector.password=diurd ``` If using the MariaDB connector library, set `druid.metadata.mysql.driver.driverClassName=org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver`. ## Encrypting MySQL connections This extension provides support for encrypting MySQL connections. To get more information about encrypting MySQL connections using TLS/SSL in general, please refer to this [guide](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/using-encrypted-connections.html). ## Configuration |Property|Description|Default|Required| |--------|-----------|-------|--------| |`druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.useSSL`|Enable SSL|`false`|no| |`druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.clientCertificateKeyStoreUrl`|The file path URL to the client certificate key store.|none|no| |`druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.clientCertificateKeyStoreType`|The type of the key store where the client certificate is stored.|none|no| |`druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.clientCertificateKeyStorePassword`|The [Password Provider](../../operations/password-provider.md) or String password for the client key store.|none|no| |`druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.verifyServerCertificate`|Enables server certificate verification.|false|no| |`druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.trustCertificateKeyStoreUrl`|The file path to the trusted root certificate key store.|Default trust store provided by MySQL|yes if `verifyServerCertificate` is set to true and a custom trust store is used| |`druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.trustCertificateKeyStoreType`|The type of the key store where trusted root certificates are stored.|JKS|yes if `verifyServerCertificate` is set to true and keystore type is not JKS| |`druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.trustCertificateKeyStorePassword`|The [Password Provider](../../operations/password-provider.md) or String password for the trust store.|none|yes if `verifyServerCertificate` is set to true and password is not null| |`druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.enabledSSLCipherSuites`|Overrides the existing cipher suites with these cipher suites.|none|no| |`druid.metadata.mysql.ssl.enabledTLSProtocols`|Overrides the TLS protocols with these protocols.|none|no| ### MySQL InputSource ```json { "type": "index_parallel", "spec": { "dataSchema": { "dataSource": "some_datasource", "dimensionsSpec": { "dimensionExclusions": [], "dimensions": [ "dim1", "dim2", "dim3" ] }, "timestampSpec": { "format": "auto", "column": "ts" }, "metricsSpec": [], "granularitySpec": { "type": "uniform", "segmentGranularity": "DAY", "queryGranularity": { "type": "none" }, "rollup": false, "intervals": null }, "transformSpec": { "filter": null, "transforms": [] } }, "ioConfig": { "type": "index_parallel", "inputSource": { "type": "sql", "database": { "type": "mysql", "connectorConfig": { "connectURI": "jdbc:mysql://some-rds-host.us-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com:3306/druid", "user": "admin", "password": "secret" } }, "sqls": [ "SELECT * FROM some_table" ] }, "inputFormat": { "type": "json" } }, "tuningConfig": { "type": "index_parallel" } } } ```