#!/bin/bash -e opt_api=1 opt_docs=1 while getopts ":adn" opt; do case $opt in n) opt_dryrun="1" ;; d) opt_api= ;; a) opt_docs= ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) # Set $version to Druid version (tag will be "druid-$version") if [ -z "$1" ]; then version="latest" else version=$1 fi # Set $origin to name of origin remote if [ -z "$2" ]; then origin="origin" else origin=$2 fi # Use s3cmd if available, otherwise try awscli if command -v s3cmd >/dev/null 2>&1 then s3sync="s3cmd sync --delete-removed" else s3sync="aws s3 sync --delete" fi # Location of git repository containing this script druid=$(git -C "$(dirname "$0")" rev-parse --show-toplevel) if [ -n "$(git -C "$druid" status --porcelain --untracked-files=no)" ]; then echo "Working directory is not clean, aborting" exit 1 fi branch=druid-$version if [ "$version" == "latest" ]; then branch=master fi if [ -z "$(git tag -l "$branch")" ] && [ "$branch" != "master" ]; then echo "Version tag does not exist: druid-$version" exit 1; fi tmp=$(mktemp -d -t druid-docs-deploy) target=$tmp/docs src=$tmp/druid echo "Using Version [$version]" echo "Working directory [$tmp]" git clone -q --depth 1 git@github.com:apache/incubator-druid-io.github.io.git "$target" remote=$(git -C "$druid" config --local --get "remote.$origin.url") git clone -q --depth 1 --branch $branch $remote "$src" if [ -n "$opt_docs" ] ; then # Copy docs mkdir -p $target/docs/$version rsync -a --delete "$src/docs/content/" $target/docs/$version # Replace #{DRUIDVERSION} with current Druid version # Escaping of $version is weak here, but it should be fine for typical version strings find "$target/docs/$version" -name "*.md" -print0 | xargs -0 perl -pi -e's/\#\{DRUIDVERSION\}/'"$version"'/g' # Create redirects "$src/docs/_bin/make-redirects.py" "$target/docs/$version" "$src/docs/_redirects.json" fi # generate javadocs for releases (not for master) if [ "$version" != "latest" ] && [ -n "$opt_api" ] ; then (cd $src && mvn javadoc:aggregate) mkdir -p $target/api/$version if [ -z "$opt_dryrun" ]; then $s3sync "$src/target/site/apidocs/" "s3://static.druid.io/api/$version/" fi fi updatebranch=update-docs-$version git -C $target checkout -b $updatebranch git -C $target add -A . git -C $target commit -m "Update $version docs" if [ -z "$opt_dryrun" ]; then git -C $target push origin $updatebranch if [ -n "$GIT_TOKEN" ]; then curl -u "$GIT_TOKEN:x-oauth-basic" -XPOST -d@- \ https://api.github.com/repos/apache/incubator-druid-io.github.io/pulls <