# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. name: conjunctive normal form conversion code, a variance aggregator algorithm, and Bloom filter adapted from Apache Hive version: license_category: source module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 source_paths: - processing/src/main/java/org/apache/druid/segment/filter/Filters.java - extensions-core/stats/src/main/java/io/druid/query/aggregation/variance/VarianceAggregatorCollector.java - extensions-core/druid-bloom-filter/src/main/java/org/apache/druid/query/filter/BloomKFilter.java --- name: variable length long deserialization code adapted from Apache Lucene license_category: source module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 source_paths: - processing/src/main/java/org/apache/druid/segment/data/VSizeLongSerde.java --- name: SQL query planning code adapted from Apache Calcite license_category: source module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 source_paths: - sql/src/main/java/org/apache/druid/sql/calcite/ --- name: Kerberos authentication code adapted from Apache Hadoop license_category: source module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 source_paths: - extensions-core/druid-kerberos/src/main/java/org/apache/druid/security/kerberos/ --- name: a modified version of the java-alphanum library license_category: source module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 copyright: Andrew Duffy (https://github.com/amjjd/java-alphanum) source_paths: - processing/src/main/java/org/apache/druid/query/ordering/StringComparators.java --- name: a modified version of the Metamarkets java-util library license_category: source module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 copyright: Metamarkets Group Inc. (https://github.com/metamx/java-util) source_paths: - java-util/ --- name: a modified version of the Metamarkets bytebuffer-collections library license_category: source module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 copyright: Metamarkets Group Inc. (https://github.com/metamx/bytebuffer-collections) source_paths: - processing/src/main/java/org/apache/druid/collections/ --- name: a modified version of the Metamarkets extendedset library license_category: source module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 copyright: Metamarkets Group Inc. (https://github.com/metamx/extendedset) source_paths: - extendedset/ --- name: a modified version of the CONCISE (COmpressed 'N' Composable Integer SEt) library license_category: source module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 copyright: Alessandro Colantonio (https://sourceforge.net/projects/concise/) source_paths: - extendedset/src/main/java/org/apache/druid/extendedset/intset/ --- name: modified portions of the Guava library license_category: source license_name: Apache License version 2.0 module: java-core copyright: The Guava Authors (https://github.com/google/guava) source_paths: - Closer class: core/src/main/java/org/apache/druid/java/util/common/io/Closer.java - Splitter.splitToList() method: core/src/main/java/org/apache/druid/java/util/common/parsers/DelimitedParser.java - DirectExecutorService class: core/src/main/java/org/apache/druid/java/util/common/concurrent/DirectExecutorService.java --- name: modified versions of the Dockerfile and related configuration files license_category: source module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 copyright: SequenceIQ's Hadoop Docker image, copyright SequenceIQ, Inc. (https://github.com/sequenceiq/hadoop-docker/) source_paths: - examples/quickstart/tutorial/hadoop/docker/ --- name: fixed bins histogram percentile computation code adapted from Netflix Spectator license_category: source module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 copyright: Netflix, Inc. (https://github.com/Netflix/spectator) source_paths: - extensions-core/histogram/src/main/java/org/apache/druid/query/aggregation/histogram/FixedBucketsHistogram.java --- name: AWS SDK for Java license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.11.199 libraries: - com.amazonaws: aws-java-sdk-core - com.amazonaws: aws-java-sdk-ec2 - com.amazonaws: aws-java-sdk-kms - com.amazonaws: aws-java-sdk-s3 - com.amazonaws: jmespath-java --- name: Esri Geometry API for Java license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.0.0 libraries: - com.esri.geometry: esri-geometry-api --- name: ClassMate license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.0.0 libraries: - com.fasterxml: classmate --- name: Jackson license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.6.7 libraries: - com.fasterxml.jackson.core: jackson-annotations - com.fasterxml.jackson.core: jackson-core - com.fasterxml.jackson.core: jackson-databind - com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat: jackson-dataformat-cbor - com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat: jackson-dataformat-smile - com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype: jackson-datatype-guava - com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype: jackson-datatype-joda - com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs: jackson-jaxrs-base - com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs: jackson-jaxrs-json-provider - com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs: jackson-jaxrs-smile-provider - com.fasterxml.jackson.module: jackson-module-jaxb-annotations --- name: Caffeine license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.5.5 libraries: - com.github.ben-manes.caffeine: caffeine --- name: Error Prone Annotations license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.3.2 libraries: - com.google.errorprone: error_prone_annotations --- name: Guava license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 16.0.1 libraries: - com.google.guava: guava --- name: Guice license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 4.1.0 libraries: - com.google.inject: guice - com.google.inject.extensions: guice-multibindings - com.google.inject.extensions: guice-servlet --- name: JsonPath license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.3.0 libraries: - com.jayway.jsonpath: json-path --- name: LMAX Disruptor license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 3.3.6 libraries: - com.lmax: disruptor --- name: LZF Compressor license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.0.4 libraries: - com.ning: compress-lzf --- name: OpenCSV license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 4.2 libraries: - com.opencsv: opencsv --- name: OkHttp license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.0.2 libraries: - com.squareup.okhttp: okhttp --- name: Netty Reactive Streams license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.0.0 libraries: - com.typesafe.netty: netty-reactive-streams --- name: Apache Commons BeanUtils license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.9.3 libraries: - commons-beanutils: commons-beanutils --- name: Apache Commons CLI license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.3.1 libraries: - commons-cli: commons-cli --- name: Apache Commons Codec license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.12 libraries: - commons-codec: commons-codec --- name: Apache Commons Collections license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 3.2.2 libraries: - commons-collections: commons-collections --- name: Apache Commons IO license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.5 libraries: - commons-io: commons-io --- name: Apache Commons Lang license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.6 libraries: - commons-lang: commons-lang --- name: Apache Commons Logging license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.1.1 libraries: - commons-logging: commons-logging --- name: Apache Commons Net license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 3.6 libraries: - commons-net: commons-net --- name: Apache Commons Pool license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.6 libraries: - commons-pool: commons-pool --- name: Apache Commons Collections license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 4.1 libraries: - org.apache.commons: commons-collections4 --- name: Apache Commons Compress license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.18 libraries: - org.apache.commons: commons-compress --- name: Apache Commons DBCP license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.0.1 libraries: - org.apache.commons: commons-dbcp2 --- name: Apache Commons Lang license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 3.7 libraries: - org.apache.commons: commons-lang3 --- name: Apache Commons Math license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 3.6.1 libraries: - org.apache.commons: commons-math3 --- name: Apache Commons Pool license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.2 libraries: - org.apache.commons: commons-pool2 --- name: Apache Commons Text license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.3 libraries: - org.apache.commons: commons-text --- name: Airline license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 0.7 libraries: - io.airlift: airline --- name: DropWizard Metrics Core license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 4.0.0 libraries: - io.dropwizard.metrics: metrics-core --- name: Netty license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 3.10.6.Final libraries: - io.netty: netty --- name: Netty license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 4.1.30.Final libraries: - io.netty: netty-all --- name: Netty license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 4.1.29.Final libraries: - io.netty: netty-buffer - io.netty: netty-codec - io.netty: netty-codec-dns - io.netty: netty-codec-http - io.netty: netty-codec-socks - io.netty: netty-common - io.netty: netty-handler - io.netty: netty-handler-proxy - io.netty: netty-resolver - io.netty: netty-resolver-dns - io.netty: netty-transport - io.netty: netty-transport-native-epoll - io.netty: netty-transport-native-unix-common --- name: fastutil license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 8.1.0 libraries: - it.unimi.dsi: fastutil --- name: Javax Inject license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1 libraries: - javax.inject: javax.inject --- name: Bean Validation API license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.1.0.Final libraries: - javax.validation: validation-api --- name: Joda-Time license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.10.2 libraries: - joda-time: joda-time --- name: Aggregate Designer Algorithm license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 6.0 libraries: - net.hydromatic: aggdesigner-algorithm --- name: Java Native Access (JNA) license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 4.5.1 libraries: - net.java.dev.jna: jna --- name: ASM Based Accessors Helper Used By JSON Smart license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.2 libraries: - net.minidev: accessors-smart --- name: JSON Small and Fast Parser license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.3 libraries: - net.minidev: json-smart --- name: Spymemcached license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.12.3 libraries: - net.spy: spymemcached --- name: jackson-jq license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 0.0.7 libraries: - net.thisptr: jackson-jq --- name: Apache Calcite license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.17.0 libraries: - org.apache.calcite: calcite-core - org.apache.calcite: calcite-linq4j --- name: Apache Calcite Avatica license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.12.0 libraries: - org.apache.calcite.avatica: avatica-core - org.apache.calcite.avatica: avatica-metrics - org.apache.calcite.avatica: avatica-server --- name: Apache Curator license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 4.1.0 libraries: - org.apache.curator: curator-client - org.apache.curator: curator-framework - org.apache.curator: curator-recipes - org.apache.curator: curator-x-discovery --- name: Apache Derby license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: libraries: - org.apache.derby: derby - org.apache.derby: derbyclient - org.apache.derby: derbynet --- name: Apache HttpClient license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 4.5.3 libraries: - org.apache.httpcomponents: httpclient --- name: Apache HttpCore license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 4.4.4 libraries: - org.apache.httpcomponents: httpcore --- name: Apache Log4j license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.5 libraries: - org.apache.logging.log4j: log4j-1.2-api - org.apache.logging.log4j: log4j-api - org.apache.logging.log4j: log4j-core - org.apache.logging.log4j: log4j-jul - org.apache.logging.log4j: log4j-slf4j-impl --- name: Apache Maven license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 3.1.1 libraries: - org.apache.maven: maven-aether-provider - org.apache.maven: maven-model - org.apache.maven: maven-model-builder - org.apache.maven: maven-repository-metadata - org.apache.maven: maven-settings - org.apache.maven: maven-settings-builder --- name: Apache Maven Artifact license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 3.6.0 libraries: - org.apache.maven: maven-artifact --- name: Apache Maven Wagon API license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.4 libraries: - org.apache.maven.wagon: wagon-provider-api --- name: Apache Yetus Audience Annotations Component license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 0.5.0 libraries: - org.apache.yetus: audience-annotations --- name: Apache Zookeeper license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 3.4.11 libraries: - org.apache.zookeeper: zookeeper --- name: AsyncHttpClient asynchttpclient license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.5.3 libraries: - org.asynchttpclient: async-http-client - org.asynchttpclient: async-http-client-netty-utils --- name: components from Jackson license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.9.13 libraries: - org.codehaus.jackson: jackson-core-asl - org.codehaus.jackson: jackson-mapper-asl --- name: Plexus Interpolation API license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.19 libraries: - org.codehaus.plexus: plexus-interpolation --- name: Plexus Common Utilities license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 3.0.15 libraries: - org.codehaus.plexus: plexus-utils --- name: Jetty license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 9.4.10.v20180503 libraries: - org.eclipse.jetty: jetty-client - org.eclipse.jetty: jetty-continuation - org.eclipse.jetty: jetty-http - org.eclipse.jetty: jetty-io - org.eclipse.jetty: jetty-proxy - org.eclipse.jetty: jetty-security - org.eclipse.jetty: jetty-server - org.eclipse.jetty: jetty-servlet - org.eclipse.jetty: jetty-servlets - org.eclipse.jetty: jetty-util --- name: JVM Attach API license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.5 libraries: - org.gridkit.lab: jvm-attach-api --- name: Hibernate Validator Engine license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 5.1.3.Final libraries: - org.hibernate: hibernate-validator --- name: SIGAR license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: libraries: - org.hyperic: sigar --- name: JBoss Logging 3 license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 3.1.3.GA libraries: - org.jboss.logging: jboss-logging --- name: JDBI license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.63.1 libraries: - org.jdbi: jdbi --- name: LZ4 Java license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.6.0 libraries: - org.lz4: lz4-java --- name: MapDB license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.0.8 libraries: - org.mapdb: mapdb --- name: Objenesis license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.6 libraries: - org.objenesis: objenesis --- name: RoaringBitmap license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 0.8.6 libraries: - org.roaringbitmap: RoaringBitmap - org.roaringbitmap: shims --- name: Config Magic license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 0.9 libraries: - org.skife.config: config-magic --- name: Ion Java license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.0.2 libraries: - software.amazon.ion: ion-java --- name: Apache Hadoop license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.8.3 libraries: - org.apache.hadoop: hadoop-annotations - org.apache.hadoop: hadoop-auth - org.apache.hadoop: hadoop-client - org.apache.hadoop: hadoop-common - org.apache.hadoop: hadoop-hdfs-client - org.apache.hadoop: hadoop-mapreduce-client-app - org.apache.hadoop: hadoop-mapreduce-client-common - org.apache.hadoop: hadoop-mapreduce-client-core - org.apache.hadoop: hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient - org.apache.hadoop: hadoop-mapreduce-client-shuffle - org.apache.hadoop: hadoop-yarn-api - org.apache.hadoop: hadoop-yarn-client - org.apache.hadoop: hadoop-yarn-common - org.apache.hadoop: hadoop-yarn-server-common --- name: Gson license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.2.4 libraries: - com.google.code.gson: gson --- name: Guava license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 11.0.2 libraries: - com.google.guava: guava --- name: Nimbus JOSE+JWT license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 3.9 libraries: - com.nimbusds: nimbus-jose-jwt --- name: OkHttp license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.4.0 libraries: - com.squareup.okhttp: okhttp --- name: Okio license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.4.0 libraries: - com.squareup.okio: okio --- name: Apache Commons BeanUtils license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.7.0 libraries: - commons-beanutils: commons-beanutils --- name: Apache Commons BeanUtils license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.8.0 libraries: - commons-beanutils: commons-beanutils-core --- name: Apache Commons Codec license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.4 libraries: - commons-codec: commons-codec --- name: Apache Commons Configuration license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.6 libraries: - commons-configuration: commons-configuration --- name: Apache Commons Digester license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.8 libraries: - commons-digester: commons-digester --- name: Apache Commons IO license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.4 libraries: - commons-io: commons-io --- name: Apache Commons Logging license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.1.3 libraries: - commons-logging: commons-logging --- name: Apache Commons Net license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 3.1 libraries: - commons-net: commons-net --- name: Apache Commons Compress license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.4.1 libraries: - org.apache.commons: commons-compress --- name: Apache Commons Math license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 3.1.1 libraries: - org.apache.commons: commons-math3 --- name: Netty license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 3.6.2.Final libraries: - io.netty: netty --- name: Apache Log4j license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.2.17 libraries: - log4j: log4j --- name: JSON Small and Fast Parser license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.1.1 libraries: - net.minidev: json-smart --- name: Apache Avro license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.7.4 libraries: - org.apache.avro: avro --- name: Apache Directory license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.0.0-M20 libraries: - org.apache.directory.api: api-asn1-api - org.apache.directory.api: api-util --- name: Apache Directory Server license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.0.0-M15 libraries: - org.apache.directory.server: apacheds-i18n - org.apache.directory.server: apacheds-kerberos-codec --- name: Apache HTrace license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 4.0.1-incubating libraries: - org.apache.htrace: htrace-core4 --- name: Apache HttpClient license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 4.5.2 libraries: - org.apache.httpcomponents: httpclient --- name: Apache Zookeeper license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 3.4.6 libraries: - org.apache.zookeeper: zookeeper --- name: components from Jackson license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.9.13 libraries: - org.codehaus.jackson: jackson-jaxrs - org.codehaus.jackson: jackson-xc --- name: Jetty license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 6.1.26 libraries: - org.mortbay.jetty: jetty-sslengine - org.mortbay.jetty: jetty-util --- name: snappy-java license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: libraries: - org.xerial.snappy: snappy-java --- name: Kafka Schema Registry Client version: 3.0.1 license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-avro-extensions license_name: Apache License version 2.0 libraries: - io.confluent: kafka-schema-registry-client --- name: Apache Velocity Engine version: 2.0 license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-avro-extensions license_name: Apache License version 2.0 libraries: - org.apache.velocity: velocity-engine-core --- name: Apache Avro license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-avro-extensions license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.9.0 libraries: - org.apache.avro: avro - org.apache.avro: avro-mapred - org.apache.avro: avro-ipc - org.apache.avro: avro-ipc-jetty --- name: Javax Annotation API license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-avro-extensions license_name: CDDL 1.1 version: 1.3.2 copyright: Oracle and/or its affiliates license_file_path: licenses/bin/javax.annotation-api.CDDL11 libraries: - javax.annotation: javax.annotation-api --- name: Schema Repository license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-avro-extensions license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 0.1.3 libraries: - org.schemarepo: schema-repo-api - org.schemarepo: schema-repo-avro - org.schemarepo: schema-repo-client - org.schemarepo: schema-repo-common --- name: Gson license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-avro-extensions license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.3.1 libraries: - com.google.code.gson: gson --- name: Apache Velocity license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-avro-extensions license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.7 libraries: - org.apache.velocity: velocity --- name: Jetty license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-avro-extensions license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 6.1.26 libraries: - org.mortbay.jetty: jetty --- name: Jetty license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-avro-extensions license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.5-20081211 libraries: - org.mortbay.jetty: servlet-api --- name: Objenesis license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-avro-extensions license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.4 libraries: - org.objenesis: objenesis --- name: snappy-java license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-avro-extensions license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: libraries: - org.xerial.snappy: snappy-java --- name: Apache Hive license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-bloom-filter license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.7.0 libraries: - org.apache.hive: hive-storage-api --- name: DataSketches license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-datasketches license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 0.13.4 libraries: - com.yahoo.datasketches: sketches-core --- name: DataSketches license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-datasketches license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 0.12.2 libraries: - com.yahoo.datasketches: memory --- name: Apache Kafka version: 2.1.0 license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-kafka-indexing-service license_name: Apache License version 2.0 libraries: - org.apache.kafka: kafka-clients --- name: snappy-java license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-kafka-indexing-service license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: libraries: - org.xerial.snappy: snappy-java --- name: XML Builder license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-kerberos license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 0.4 libraries: - com.jamesmurty.utils: java-xmlbuilder --- name: Jettison license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-kerberos license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.1 libraries: - org.codehaus.jettison: jettison --- name: Jets3t license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-kerberos license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 0.9.0 libraries: - net.java.dev.jets3t: jets3t --- name: Jackson license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-kerberos license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.9.2 libraries: - org.codehaus.jackson: jackson-jaxrs - org.codehaus.jackson: jackson-xc --- name: Objenesis license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-kerberos license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 3.0.1 libraries: - org.objenesis: objenesis --- name: xmlenc license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-kerberos license_name: BSD-3-Clause License version: 0.52 copyright: Ernst de Haan license_file_path: licenses/bin/xmlenc.BSD3 libraries: - xmlenc: xmlenc --- name: Jersey JSON license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-kerberos license_name: CDDL 1.1 version: 1.19.3 copyright: Oracle and/or its affiliates. license_file_path: licenses/bin/jersey-json.CDDL11 libraries: - com.sun.jersey: jersey-json --- name: Old JAXB Runtime license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-kerberos license_name: CDDL 1.1 version: 2.2.3-1 copyright: Oracle and/or its affiliates. license_file_path: licenses/bin/old-jaxb.CDDL11 libraries: - com.sun.xml.bind: jaxb-impl --- name: AWS SDK for Java license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-kinesis-indexing-service license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.11.199 libraries: - com.amazonaws: aws-java-sdk-kinesis - com.amazonaws: aws-java-sdk-sts --- name: Apache Parquet license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-parquet-extensions license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.10.1 libraries: - org.apache.parquet: parquet-avro - org.apache.parquet: parquet-column - org.apache.parquet: parquet-common - org.apache.parquet: parquet-encoding - org.apache.parquet: parquet-hadoop - org.apache.parquet: parquet-jackson --- name: Apache Parquet Format license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-parquet-extensions license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.4.0 libraries: - org.apache.parquet: parquet-format --- name: snappy-java license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-parquet-extensions license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: libraries: - org.xerial.snappy: snappy-java --- name: Protocol Buffers Dynamic Schema license_category: binary module: extensions/protobuf-extensions license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 0.9.3 libraries: - com.github.os72: protobuf-dynamic --- name: Gson license_category: binary module: extensions/protobuf-extensions license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.7 libraries: - com.google.code.gson: gson --- name: Checker Qual license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: MIT License version: 2.5.7 copyright: the Checker Framework developers license_file_path: licenses/bin/checker-qual.MIT libraries: - org.checkerframework: checker-qual --- name: JCodings license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: MIT License version: 1.0.13 copyright: JRuby Team license_file_path: licenses/bin/jcodings.MIT libraries: - org.jruby.jcodings: jcodings --- name: Joni license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: MIT License version: 2.1.11 copyright: JRuby Team license_file_path: licenses/bin/joni.MIT libraries: - org.jruby.joni: joni --- name: JCL 1.2 Implemented Over SLF4J license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: MIT License version: 1.7.12 copyright: QOS.ch license_file_path: licenses/bin/jcl-over-slf4j.MIT libraries: - org.slf4j: jcl-over-slf4j --- name: SLF4J API license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: MIT License version: 1.7.25 copyright: QOS.ch license_file_path: licenses/bin/slf4j.MIT libraries: - org.slf4j: slf4j-api --- name: SLF4J API version: 1.7.10 license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: MIT License copyright: QOS.ch license_file_path: licenses/bin/slf4j.MIT libraries: - org.slf4j: slf4j-api - org.slf4j: slf4j-log4j12 --- name: JNI binding for Zstd license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: BSD-2-Clause License version: 1.3.3-1 copyright: Luben Karavelov license_file_path: licenses/bin/zstd-jni.BSD2 libraries: - com.github.luben: zstd-jni --- name: Zstandard license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: BSD-3-Clause License version: 1.3.3 copyright: Facebook, Inc. license_file_path: licenses/bin/zstandard.BSD3 --- name: FindBugs JSR305 license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: BSD-3-Clause License version: 2.0.1 copyright: FindBugs license_file_path: licenses/bin/jsr305.BSD3 libraries: - com.google.code.findbugs: jsr305 skip_dependency_report_check: true --- name: Protocol Buffers license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: BSD-3-Clause License version: 3.1.0 copyright: Google, Inc. license_file_path: - licenses/bin/protobuf-java.BSD3 - licenses/bin/protobuf-java-redhat.BSD3 - licenses/bin/protobuf-java-bloomberg.BSD3 libraries: - com.google.protobuf: protobuf-java additional_license_statement: except src/google/protobuf/stubs/atomicops_internals_generic_gcc.h and src/google/protobuf/stubs/atomicops_internals_power.h files which are copyrighted by Red Hat Inc and Bloomberg Finance LP, respectively, and available under a BSD-3-Clause --- name: JLine license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: BSD-3-Clause License version: 0.9.94 copyright: Marc Prud'hommeaux license_file_path: licenses/bin/jline.BSD3 libraries: - jline: jline --- name: ANTLR 4 Runtime license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: BSD-3-Clause License version: 4.5.1 copyright: The ANTLR Project license_file_path: licenses/bin/antlr4-runtime.BSD3 libraries: - org.antlr: antlr4-runtime --- name: Janino and Commons Compiler license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: BSD-3-Clause License version: 2.7.6 copyright: Arno Unkrig and TIBCO Software Inc. license_file_path: licenses/bin/janino.BSD3 libraries: - org.codehaus.janino: janino - org.codehaus.janino: commons-compiler --- name: ASM license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: BSD-3-Clause License version: 7.1 copyright: INRIA, France Telecom license_file_path: licenses/bin/asm.BSD3 libraries: - org.ow2.asm: asm - org.ow2.asm: asm-commons - org.ow2.asm: asm-tree - org.ow2.asm: asm-analysis --- name: FindBugs JSR305 license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: BSD-3-Clause License version: 3.0.0 copyright: FindBugs license_file_path: licenses/bin/jsr305.BSD3 libraries: - com.google.code.findbugs: jsr305 skip_dependency_report_check: true --- name: Protocol Buffers license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: BSD-3-Clause License version: 2.5.0 copyright: Google, Inc. license_file_path: licenses/bin/protobuf-java.BSD3 libraries: - com.google.protobuf: protobuf-java --- name: Paranamer license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: BSD-3-Clause License version: 2.3 copyright: Paul Hammant & ThoughtWorks Inc license_file_path: licenses/bin/paranamer.BSD3 libraries: - com.thoughtworks.paranamer: paranamer --- name: LevelDB JNI license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: BSD-3-Clause License version: 1.8 copyright: FuseSource Corp. license_file_path: licenses/bin/leveldb-jni.BSD3 libraries: - org.fusesource.leveldbjni: leveldbjni-all --- name: Paranamer license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-avro-extensions license_name: BSD-3-Clause License version: 2.7 copyright: Paul Hammant & ThoughtWorks Inc license_file_path: licenses/bin/paranamer.BSD3 libraries: - com.thoughtworks.paranamer: paranamer --- name: JSch - Java Secure Channel license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-kerberos license_name: BSD-3-Clause License version: 0.1.54 copyright: Atsuhiko Yamanaka, JCraft,Inc. license_file_path: licenses/bin/jsch.BSD3 libraries: - com.jcraft: jsch --- name: StringTemplate license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-lookups-cached-single license_name: BSD-3-Clause License version: 3.2 copyright: Terrence Parr license_file_path: licenses/bin/antlr-stringtemplate.BSD3 libraries: - org.antlr: stringtemplate --- name: ANTLR license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-lookups-cached-single license_name: BSD-3-Clause License version: 2.7.7 copyright: The ANTLR Project license_file_path: licenses/bin/antlr.BSD3 libraries: - antlr: antlr --- name: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver license_category: binary module: extensions/postgresql-metadata-storage license_name: BSD-3-Clause License version: 9.4.1208.jre7 copyright: PostgreSQL Global Development Group license_file_path: licenses/bin/postgresql.BSD3 libraries: - org.postgresql: postgresql --- name: Protocol Buffers license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-protobuf-extensions license_name: BSD-3-Clause License version: 3.2.0 copyright: Google, Inc. license_file_path: licenses/bin/protobuf-java.BSD3 libraries: - com.google.protobuf: protobuf-java - com.google.protobuf: protobuf-java-util --- name: ICU4J license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: ICU License version: 54.1.1 copyright: International Business Machines Corporation and others license_file_path: licenses/bin/icu4j.ICU libraries: - com.ibm.icu: icu4j --- name: JavaBeans Activation Framework license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: CDDL 1.1 version: 1.2.0 copyright: Oracle and/or its affiliates. license_file_path: licenses/bin/javax.activation.CDDL11 libraries: - com.sun.activation: javax.activation --- name: Jersey license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: CDDL 1.1 version: 1.19.3 copyright: Oracle and/or its affiliates. license_file_path: licenses/bin/jersey.CDDL11 libraries: - com.sun.jersey: jersey-core - com.sun.jersey: jersey-server - com.sun.jersey: jersey-servlet - com.sun.jersey: contribs - com.sun.jersey.contribs: jersey-guice --- name: Expression Language 3.0 API license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: CDDL 1.1 version: 3.0.0 copyright: Oracle and/or its affiliates. license_file_path: licenses/bin/javax.CDDL11 libraries: - javax.el: javax.el-api --- name: Java Servlet API license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: CDDL 1.1 version: 3.1.0 copyright: Oracle and/or its affiliates. license_file_path: licenses/bin/javax.CDDL11 libraries: - javax.servlet: javax.servlet-api --- name: JSR311 API license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: CDDL 1.1 version: 1.1.1 copyright: Oracle and/or its affiliates. license_file_path: licenses/bin/jsr311-api.CDDL11 libraries: - javax.ws.rs: jsr311-api --- name: Expression Language 3.0 license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: CDDL 1.1 version: 3.0.0 copyright: Oracle and/or its affiliates. license_file_path: licenses/bin/javax.CDDL11 libraries: - org.glassfish: javax.el --- name: Jersey license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: CDDL 1.1 version: 1.9 copyright: Oracle and/or its affiliates. license_file_path: licenses/bin/jersey.CDDL11 libraries: - com.sun.jersey: jersey-client - com.sun.jersey: jersey-core --- name: JavaBeans Activation Framework license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: CDDL 1.1 version: 1.1 copyright: Oracle and/or its affiliates. license_file_path: licenses/bin/javaxCDDL11 libraries: - javax.activation: activation --- name: Java Servlet API license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: CDDL 1.1 version: 2.5 copyright: Oracle and/or its affiliates. license_file_path: licenses/bin/javax.CDDL11 libraries: - javax.servlet: javax.servlet-api --- name: JAXB license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: CDDL 1.1 version: 2.2.2 copyright: Oracle and/or its affiliates. license_file_path: licenses/bin/javax.CDDL11 libraries: - javax.xml.bind: jaxb-api --- name: JAXB license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: CDDL 1.1 version: 2.3.1 copyright: Oracle and/or its affiliates. license_file_path: licenses/bin/javax.CDDL11 libraries: - javax.xml.bind: jaxb-api --- name: stax-api license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: CDDL 1.1 version: 1.0-2 copyright: Oracle and/or its affiliates. license_file_path: licenses/bin/javax.CDDL11 libraries: - javax.xml.stream: stax-api --- name: jsp-api license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: CDDL 1.1 version: 2.1 copyright: Oracle and/or its affiliates. license_file_path: licenses/bin/javax.CDDL11 libraries: - javax.servlet.jsp: jsp-api --- name: Jersey license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-avro-extensions license_name: CDDL 1.1 version: 1.15 copyright: Oracle and/or its affiliates. license_file_path: licenses/bin/jersey.CDDL11 libraries: - com.sun.jersey: jersey-client --- name: OkHttp Aether Connector license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Eclipse Public License 1.0 version: 0.0.9 copyright: to original author or authors license_file_path: licenses/bin/aether-connector-okhttp.EPL1 libraries: - io.tesla.aether: aether-connector-okhttp --- name: Tesla Aether license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Eclipse Public License 1.0 version: 0.0.5 copyright: to original author or authors license_file_path: licenses/bin/tesla-aether.EPL1 libraries: - io.tesla.aether: tesla-aether --- name: Eclipse Aether libraries license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Eclipse Public License 1.0 version: 0.9.0.M2 copyright: Sonatype, Inc. license_file_path: licenses/bin/aether-core.EPL1 libraries: - org.eclipse.aether: aether-api - org.eclipse.aether: aether-connector-file - org.eclipse.aether: aether-impl - org.eclipse.aether: aether-spi - org.eclipse.aether: aether-util --- name: Rhino license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 version: 1.7R5 copyright: Mozilla and individual contributors. license_file_path: licenses/bin/rhino.MPL2 libraries: - org.mozilla: rhino --- name: \"Java Concurrency In Practice\" Book Annotations license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 version: 1.0 copyright: Brian Goetz and Tim Peierls license_file_path: licenses/bin/creative-commons-2.5.LICENSE libraries: - net.jcip: jcip-annotations --- name: Reactive Streams license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Creative Commons CC0 version: 1.0.2 license_file_path: licenses/bin/reactive-streams.CC0 libraries: - org.reactivestreams: reactive-streams --- name: a smear function adapted from MurmurHash3 license_category: source module: java-core license_name: Public Domain copyright: Austin Appleby who has placed MurmurHash3 in the public domain (https://github.com/aappleby/smhasher/blob/master/src/MurmurHash3.cpp) source_paths: - processing/src/main/java/org/apache/druid/query/groupby/epinephelinae/Groupers.java --- name: AOP Alliance license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Public Domain version: 1.0 libraries: - aopalliance: aopalliance --- name: XZ license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Public Domain version: 1.8 libraries: - org.tukaani: xz --- name: XZ license_category: binary module: hadoop-client license_name: Public Domain version: 1.0 libraries: - org.tukaani: xz --- name: Apache ORC libraries license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-orc-extensions license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.5.5 libraries: - org.apache.orc: orc-mapreduce - org.apache.orc: orc-core - org.apache.orc: orc-shims --- name: aircompressor license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-orc-extensions license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: "0.10" libraries: - io.airlift: aircompressor --- name: Hive storage API license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-orc-extensions license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.6.0 libraries: - org.apache.hive: hive-storage-api --- name: Google Cloud Storage JSON API license_category: binary module: extensions/druid-google-extensions license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: v1-rev79-1.22.0 libraries: - com.google.apis: google-api-services-storage --- name: "Jackson Module: Guice" license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.6.7 libraries: - com.fasterxml.jackson.module: jackson-module-guice --- name: Google APIs Client Library For Java license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.22.0 libraries: - com.google.api-client: google-api-client --- name: Google HTTP Client Library For Java license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.22.0 libraries: - com.google.http-client: google-http-client - com.google.http-client: google-http-client-jackson2 --- name: Google OAuth Client Library For Java license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 1.22.0 libraries: - com.google.oauth-client: google-oauth-client --- name: JavaBeans Activation Framework API license_category: binary module: java-core license_name: CDDL 1.1 version: 1.2.0 copyright: Oracle and/or its affiliates license_file_path: licenses/bin/javax.activation-api.CDDL11 libraries: - javax.activation: javax.activation-api --- name: Apache Kafka license_category: binary module: extensions/kafka-extraction-namespace license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: libraries: - org.apache.kafka: kafka_2.10 - org.apache.kafka: kafka-clients --- name: ZooKeeper Client license_category: binary module: extensions/kafka-extraction-namespace license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 0.3 libraries: - com.101tec: zkclient --- name: Metrics Core Library license_category: binary module: extensions/kafka-extraction-namespace license_name: Apache License version 2.0 version: 2.2.0 libraries: - com.yammer.metrics: metrics-core --- name: JOpt Simple license_category: binary module: extensions/kafka-extraction-namespace license_name: MIT License copyright: Paul R. Holser, Jr. version: 3.2 license_file_path: licenses/bin/jopt-simple.MIT libraries: - net.sf.jopt-simple: jopt-simple --- name: Scala Library license_category: binary module: extensions/kafka-extraction-namespace license_name: BSD-3-Clause License copyright: EPFL, Lightbend Inc. version: 2.10.4 license_file_path: licenses/bin/scala-lang.BSD3 libraries: - org.scala-lang: scala-library --- # Web console modules start name: "@babel/polyfill" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Sebastian McKenzie version: 7.4.4 license_file_path: licenses/bin/@babel-polyfill.MIT --- name: "@babel/runtime" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Sebastian McKenzie version: 7.5.4 license_file_path: licenses/bin/@babel-runtime.MIT --- name: "@blueprintjs/core" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: Apache License version 2.0 copyright: Palantir Technologies version: 3.18.0 --- name: "@blueprintjs/icons" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: Apache License version 2.0 copyright: Palantir Technologies version: 3.10.0 --- name: "@types/dom4" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Microsoft Corporation. version: 2.0.1 license_file_path: licenses/bin/@types-dom4.MIT --- name: "asap" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Contributors version: 2.0.6 license_file_path: licenses/bin/asap.MIT --- name: "axios" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Matt Zabriskie version: 0.19.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/axios.MIT --- name: "brace" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Thorsten Lorenz version: 0.11.1 license_file_path: licenses/bin/brace.MIT --- name: "classnames" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Jed Watson version: 2.2.6 license_file_path: licenses/bin/classnames.MIT --- name: "copy-to-clipboard" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: sudodoki version: 3.2.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/copy-to-clipboard.MIT --- name: "core-js" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Denis Pushkarev version: 1.2.7 license_file_path: licenses/bin/core-js.MIT --- name: "core-js" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Denis Pushkarev version: 2.6.9 license_file_path: licenses/bin/core-js.MIT --- name: "core-js" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Denis Pushkarev version: 3.1.4 license_file_path: licenses/bin/core-js.MIT --- name: "create-react-context" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: James Kyle version: 0.2.2 license_file_path: licenses/bin/create-react-context.MIT --- name: "d3-array" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: BSD-3-Clause License copyright: Mike Bostock version: 2.2.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/d3-array.BSD3 --- name: "debug" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: TJ Holowaychuk version: 3.1.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/debug.MIT --- name: "diff-match-patch" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: Apache License version 2.0 copyright: Google version: 1.0.4 --- name: "dom-helpers" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Jason Quense version: 3.4.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/dom-helpers.MIT --- name: "dom4" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Andrea Giammarchi version: 2.1.5 license_file_path: licenses/bin/dom4.MIT --- name: "druid-console" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: Apache License version 2.0 copyright: Tarek Rached version: 0.0.2 --- name: "encoding" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Andris Reinman version: 0.1.12 license_file_path: licenses/bin/encoding.MIT --- name: "fbjs" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Facebook, Inc. version: 0.8.17 license_file_path: licenses/bin/fbjs.MIT --- name: "file-saver" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Eli Grey version: 2.0.2 license_file_path: licenses/bin/file-saver.MIT --- name: "follow-redirects" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Ruben Verborgh version: 1.5.10 license_file_path: licenses/bin/follow-redirects.MIT --- name: "gud" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Jamie Kyle version: 1.0.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/gud.MIT --- name: "has-own-prop" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Sindre Sorhus version: 2.0.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/has-own-prop.MIT --- name: "history" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Michael Jackson version: 4.9.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/history.MIT --- name: "hjson" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Christian Zangl version: 3.1.2 license_file_path: licenses/bin/hjson.MIT --- name: "hoist-non-react-statics" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: BSD-3-Clause License copyright: Michael Ridgway version: 3.3.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/hoist-non-react-statics.BSD3 --- name: "iconv-lite" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Alexander Shtuchkin version: 0.4.24 license_file_path: licenses/bin/iconv-lite.MIT --- name: "is-buffer" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Feross Aboukhadijeh version: 2.0.3 license_file_path: licenses/bin/is-buffer.MIT --- name: "is-stream" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Sindre Sorhus version: 1.1.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/is-stream.MIT --- name: "isarray" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Julian Gruber version: 0.0.1 license_file_path: licenses/bin/isarray.MIT --- name: "isomorphic-fetch" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Matt Andrews version: 2.2.1 license_file_path: licenses/bin/isomorphic-fetch.MIT --- name: "js-tokens" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Simon Lydell version: 4.0.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/js-tokens.MIT --- name: "lodash.debounce" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: John-David Dalton version: 4.0.8 license_file_path: licenses/bin/lodash.debounce.MIT --- name: "lodash.escape" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: John-David Dalton version: 4.0.1 license_file_path: licenses/bin/lodash.escape.MIT --- name: "lodash.get" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: John-David Dalton version: 4.4.2 license_file_path: licenses/bin/lodash.get.MIT --- name: "lodash.isequal" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: John-David Dalton version: 4.5.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/lodash.isequal.MIT --- name: "loose-envify" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Andres Suarez version: 1.4.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/loose-envify.MIT --- name: "memoize-one" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Alex Reardon version: 5.0.5 license_file_path: licenses/bin/memoize-one.MIT --- name: "mini-create-react-context" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: StringEpsilon version: 0.3.2 license_file_path: licenses/bin/mini-create-react-context.MIT --- name: "ms" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Zeit, Inc. version: 2.0.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/ms.MIT --- name: "node-fetch" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: David Frank version: 1.7.3 license_file_path: licenses/bin/node-fetch.MIT --- name: "normalize.css" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal version: 8.0.1 license_file_path: licenses/bin/normalize.css.MIT --- name: "numeral" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Adam Draper version: 2.0.6 license_file_path: licenses/bin/numeral.MIT --- name: "object-assign" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Sindre Sorhus version: 4.1.1 license_file_path: licenses/bin/object-assign.MIT --- name: "path-to-regexp" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Blake Embrey (hello@blakeembrey.com) version: 1.7.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/path-to-regexp.MIT --- name: "popper.js" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Federico Zivolo version: 1.15.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/popper.js.MIT --- name: "promise" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: ForbesLindesay version: 7.3.1 license_file_path: licenses/bin/promise.MIT --- name: "prop-types" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Facebook, Inc. version: 15.7.2 license_file_path: licenses/bin/prop-types.MIT --- name: "react-ace" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: James Hrisho version: 7.0.2 license_file_path: licenses/bin/react-ace.MIT --- name: "react-dom" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. version: 16.8.6 license_file_path: licenses/bin/react-dom.MIT --- name: "react-is" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. version: 16.8.6 license_file_path: licenses/bin/react-is.MIT --- name: "react-lifecycles-compat" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Facebook, Inc. version: 3.0.4 license_file_path: licenses/bin/react-lifecycles-compat.MIT --- name: "react-popper" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Travis Arnold version: 1.3.3 license_file_path: licenses/bin/react-popper.MIT --- name: "react-router-dom" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: React Training version: 5.0.1 license_file_path: licenses/bin/react-router-dom.MIT --- name: "react-router" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: React Training version: 5.0.1 license_file_path: licenses/bin/react-router.MIT --- name: "react-splitter-layout" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Yang Liu version: 4.0.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/react-splitter-layout.MIT --- name: "react-table" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Tanner Linsley version: 6.10.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/react-table.MIT --- name: "react-transition-group" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: BSD-3-Clause License copyright: React Community version: 2.9.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/react-transition-group.BSD3 --- name: "react" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. version: 16.8.6 license_file_path: licenses/bin/react.MIT --- name: "regenerator-runtime" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Ben Newman version: 0.13.3 license_file_path: licenses/bin/regenerator-runtime.MIT --- name: "resize-observer-polyfill" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Denis Rul version: 1.5.1 license_file_path: licenses/bin/resize-observer-polyfill.MIT --- name: "resolve-pathname" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Michael Jackson version: 2.2.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/resolve-pathname.MIT --- name: "safer-buffer" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Nikita Skovoroda version: 2.1.2 license_file_path: licenses/bin/safer-buffer.MIT --- name: "scheduler" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. version: 0.13.6 license_file_path: licenses/bin/scheduler.MIT --- name: "setimmediate" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: YuzuJS version: 1.0.5 license_file_path: licenses/bin/setimmediate.MIT --- name: "tiny-invariant" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Alex Reardon version: 1.0.5 license_file_path: licenses/bin/tiny-invariant.MIT --- name: "tiny-warning" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Alex Reardon version: 1.0.3 license_file_path: licenses/bin/tiny-warning.MIT --- name: "toggle-selection" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: sudodoki version: 1.0.6 license_file_path: licenses/bin/toggle-selection.MIT --- name: "tslib" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: Apache License version 2.0 copyright: Microsoft Corp. version: 1.10.0 --- name: "tslib" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: Apache License version 2.0 copyright: Microsoft Corp. version: 1.9.3 --- name: "typed-styles" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: lttb version: 0.0.7 license_file_path: licenses/bin/typed-styles.MIT --- name: "ua-parser-js" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Faisal Salman version: 0.7.20 license_file_path: licenses/bin/ua-parser-js.MIT --- name: "value-equal" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Michael Jackson version: 0.4.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/value-equal.MIT --- name: "warning" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: Berkeley Martinez version: 4.0.3 license_file_path: licenses/bin/warning.MIT --- name: "whatwg-fetch" license_category: binary module: web-console license_name: MIT License copyright: GitHub, Inc. version: 3.0.0 license_file_path: licenses/bin/whatwg-fetch.MIT # Web console modules end --- # Legacy console modules start name: jQuery license_category: source module: web-console license_name: MIT License version: 1.11.0 copyright: jQuery Foundation, Inc. license_file_path: licenses/src/jquery.MIT --- name: jQuery UI license_category: source module: web-console license_name: MIT License version: 1.9.2 copyright: jQuery Foundation and other contributors license_file_path: licenses/src/jquery-ui.MIT --- name: demo_table.css and jquery.dataTables.js from DataTables license_category: source module: web-console license_name: BSD-3-Clause License version: 1.8.2 copyright: Allan Jardine. license_file_path: licenses/src/datatables.BSD3 --- name: sizzle.js by way of jQuery license_category: source module: web-console license_name: MIT License version: 1.11.0 copyright: jQuery Foundation and other contributors license_file_path: licenses/src/sizzle.MIT --- name: underscore license_category: source module: web-console license_name: MIT License version: 1.2.2 copyright: Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud license_file_path: licenses/src/underscore.MIT # Legacy console modules end