#!/bin/bash # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -e unset _JAVA_OPTIONS # Set MAVEN_OPTS for Surefire launcher. MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx2500m' ${MVN} test -pl ${MAVEN_PROJECTS} \ ${MAVEN_SKIP} -Ddruid.generic.useDefaultValueForNull=${DRUID_USE_DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_NULL} sh -c "dmesg | egrep -i '(oom|out of memory|kill process|killed).*' -C 1 || exit 0" free -m ${MVN} -pl ${MAVEN_PROJECTS} jacoco:report || { echo "coverage_failure=false" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" && false; } # Determine the modified files that match the maven projects being tested. We use maven project lists that # either exclude (starts with "!") or include (does not start with "!"), so both cases need to be handled. # If the build is triggered by a tag, an error will be printed, but `all_files` will be correctly set to empty # so that the coverage check is skipped. all_files="$(git diff --name-only origin/${GITHUB_BASE_REF}...HEAD | grep "\.java$" || [[ $? == 1 ]])" echo "Changed files:" for f in ${all_files} do echo $f # for debugging done if [[ "${MAVEN_PROJECTS}" = \!* ]] then regex="${MAVEN_PROJECTS:1}" regex="^${regex//,\!/\\|^}" project_files="$(echo "${all_files}" | grep -v "${regex}" || [[ $? == 1 ]])" else regex="^${MAVEN_PROJECTS//,/\\|^}" project_files="$(echo "${all_files}" | grep "${regex}" || [[ $? == 1 ]])" fi echo "Changed files in current project:" for f in ${project_files} do echo $f # for debugging done # Check diff code coverage for the maven projects being tested (retry install in case of network error). # Currently, the function coverage check is not reliable, so it is disabled. if [ -n "${project_files}" ] then git diff origin/${GITHUB_BASE_REF}...HEAD -- ${project_files} | node_modules/.bin/diff-test-coverage \ --coverage "**/target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml" \ --type jacoco \ --line-coverage 50 \ --branch-coverage 50 \ --function-coverage 0 \ --log-template "coverage-lines-complete" \ --log-template "coverage-files-complete" \ --log-template "totals-complete" \ --log-template "errors" \ -- || { printf "\n\n****FAILED****\nDiff code coverage check failed. To view coverage report, run 'mvn clean test jacoco:report' and open 'target/site/jacoco/index.html'\nFor more details on how to run code coverage locally, follow instructions here - https://github.com/apache/druid/blob/master/dev/code-review/code-coverage.md#running-code-coverage-locally\n\n" && echo "coverage_failure=true" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" && false; } fi { for i in 1 2 3; do curl -o codecov.sh -s https://codecov.io/bash && break || sleep 15; done } { for i in 1 2 3; do bash codecov.sh -X gcov && break || sleep 15; done }