4.0.0 druid-processing druid-processing A module that is everything required to understands Druid Segments io.druid druid 0.9.3-SNAPSHOT io.druid druid-common ${project.parent.version} com.metamx bytebuffer-collections com.metamx emitter com.metamx server-metrics com.ning compress-lzf org.skife.config config-magic com.google.protobuf protobuf-java commons-io commons-io com.ibm.icu icu4j org.mozilla rhino net.jpountz.lz4 lz4 org.mapdb mapdb commons-lang commons-lang junit junit test com.carrotsearch junit-benchmarks test org.easymock easymock test com.google.caliper caliper test pl.pragmatists JUnitParams test org.apache.maven.plugins maven-jar-plugin test-jar